View Full Version : PH Meter...which one?

Justin Turco
03-16-2018, 05:45 PM
I need a a ph meter to check my wash water. Any recommendations?

Here is one place that sells them. They sell sugar content test meters too.

http://www.testequipmentdepot.com/milwaukee/ph-meters/index.htm?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjJTUifTx2QIVClmGCh2Qqw cXEAAYASABEgJFFfD_BwE

03-16-2018, 06:38 PM
I use ph test strips. They are cheap and they work.
I borrowed a brand new ph meter from my brother last year to try out. I was getting all different measurements all over the place. Never consistent. So I took out the manual for it and it needed 2 or 3 different calibration solutions to calibrate it.
Sold seperatly of course. So I gave it back to him.
There might be different ones out there that don't need to be calibrated as often or if not ever. But all the ones I've seen or looked up need some kind of calibrating frequently. I figured with all the second guessing I do on every other instrument I own. Having one I didn't have to second guess would be an bonus. So ph strips it is. I get the ph 1-14 strips off amazon. They work good.

03-16-2018, 06:47 PM
This is the one I use. https://m.ebay.com/itm/Digital-Ph-Meter-TDS-Tester-Aquarium-Pool-Hydroponic-Water-Monitor-0-9999-PPM-/111775764964?txnId=1782049501001

And it’s cheap enough so it does not break the bank when I drop it in. And it comes with calibration solution.

Russell Lampron
03-16-2018, 07:32 PM
I've got the ph meter that Bascom's sells and the reading is all over the place like bricklayer says. The ph test strips work for me too.