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07-12-2007, 06:21 PM
Any way of straightening a warped pan?

I burned a cross flow syrup pan this season and it's warped. Is there any way of straightening it or fixing it? Any tips or help would be good.

07-12-2007, 08:04 PM
i would flip the pan over and set a good bit of wieght on it and heat the pan with a torch and let it set for a day and then haet it agian repeat that till it is setting flat on the table you r using. i had to do it with an old pan of my moms just had to do so i would get yelled at for it . worked out great the pan is as straight as bourd

07-13-2007, 03:42 AM
It all depends on how bad it is. The pans I have are warped some. I haven't messed with them cause they are not bad enough to cause major problems I have just learned to boil with them and I haven't had a problem. If they are really bad or the warp will hold up the syrup flow you might have to check into getting them repaired.