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eagle lake sugar
03-12-2018, 05:13 AM
I just spent the one day off I had this week digging out my mainlines again after receiving 18" of snow on top of the 2.5-3 ft. of snowpack we already had. My lines that cross my trails are 6' high and I can no longer snowmobile under them. Now we're supposed to get another 8" to 12" Tuesday and Wednesday. Grrrr!!!!! Sometimes I wish I was in a less challenging area for sugaring.

03-12-2018, 05:46 AM
You have definitely been hit with winter weather this season. Are you above average for snowfall this season? We are two feet below normal here in Gaylord, Michigan this year. Good luck with your syrup this year.

03-12-2018, 07:50 AM
Not much snow here.
Got plenty of mud though.
Don’t know which is worse.

Had to winch the Gator out yesterday.
First time for that.

Truth be known, I went back there just for the fun of it.
My bad :lol:

blissville maples
03-12-2018, 08:20 AM
Not much snow here.
Got plenty of mud though.
Don’t know which is worse.

Had to winch the Gator out yesterday.
First time for that.

Truth be known, I went back there just for the fun of it.
My bad :lol:

When you're stuck in the mud sapsa flowing- that's a fact

We've been looking at snow for almost 5 months now unbelievable and now we have another three to six on the way...... If this keeps up the frost is going to drive back into the ground!!!

maple flats
03-12-2018, 09:10 AM
If the ground thawed before the snow hit, deep snow will net let the frost get into the ground, however if only an inch or 2 thawed with lots of frost deeper down, the snow will let the cold equalize which will freeze those 2 ", maybe even 3'".

eagle lake sugar
03-13-2018, 04:55 PM
You have definitely been hit with winter weather this season. Are you above average for snowfall this season? We are two feet below normal here in Gaylord, Michigan this year. Good luck with your syrup this year.

We're a little above average, around 130 inches, but it seems to be wearing on me this year more than most.

03-13-2018, 05:07 PM
As you get older it wears on you more!!

03-13-2018, 05:33 PM
No doubt about the older you get the less snow you like, for me anyway. This weather is getting old real quick for me. However we didn't have a real frost set in the ground this year. Maybe a few inches in January but after the initial thaw I have been able bury a shovel over a foot in and no frost. guess that's good and bad depending on your perspective. Heck before this last snow hit I rototilled my garden, even started to "dry" out a bit. At least the apples shouldn't bloom too early this year.

03-13-2018, 06:21 PM
I dont know what is worse that much snow or warmth. 2-3 weeks ago it was 70s for a few days here which almost ended our season, and now havent had a run in 2 weeks because its been too cold with 2 feet of snow, very frustrating but thats mother nature for sure. I think all areas have their challenges for sugaring its more annoying than anything.

maple flats
03-13-2018, 07:28 PM
Here at least, I'm pretty sure the weather we have had lately has reset the trees. When it worms again, it might well be like starting all over again. this should help us get a bumper crop (locally at least).

West Sumner Sugar
03-14-2018, 06:38 AM
I agree...40 inches of snow in the past 7 days...with talk of another one coming! We were so close to spring, sap gathering was easy, beautiful sunny days. Now its looking cold and snowy for the next week.

03-14-2018, 07:49 AM
Yup crazy weather for sure! Plus side we have snow to keep our storage tanks cool when the sap does run! My youngest has 2 baseball games scheduled 3/31, not seeing that happening!

West Sumner Sugar
03-14-2018, 08:37 PM
Looks like a big extended freeze coming this weekend into next week. Could be yet another season reset.

03-18-2018, 11:36 AM
The cold here in our part of New Mont will reset the trees. Snow varies a lot in every direction from 6' to 12". We are frost hard again but only have 12-18" of snow. The snow will make the season longer and supply the trees with needed water.
Ground is powdery 2' down saws the cable burial crew in the area for the new spectrum cable in the area.

Old fashioned winter like when I was a kid!

Funny how any big storm like we had in the 60's thru the 80's is now "THE STORM OF THE CENTURY" . funny HOW I'm only 52 and I have now lived thru 20 100 year storms in the last 5-7 years.

blissville maples
03-18-2018, 12:38 PM
The cold here in our part of New Mont will reset the trees. Snow varies a lot in every direction from 6' to 12". We are frost hard again but only have 12-18" of snow. The snow will make the season longer and supply the trees with needed water.
Ground is powdery 2' down saws the cable burial crew in the area for the new spectrum cable in the area.

Old fashioned winter like when I was a kid!

Funny how any big storm like we had in the 60's thru the 80's is now "THE STORM OF THE CENTURY" . funny HOW I'm only 52 and I have now lived thru 20 100 year storms in the last 5-7 years.

Yea right, anything to hype people up..... everyone is used to that easy button these days that 10 degrees and a foot of snow is a reason to go dormant and whine about how hard it is to deal with. Of course they(the gov't) are always looking to encourage the next wave of super shopping so to spike some revenue to support all their laundering and liberal politics.

Road's End
03-18-2018, 02:54 PM
I'm looking forward to hooking up at least a couple more lines tomorrow, looks like a warm up is coming mid-week. Just have to break trail all over again...not looking forward to that part.

03-25-2018, 08:03 AM
Yesterday was the first time I boiled in 2 1/2 weeks. I had about 150 gallons of sap from the last run in plastic drums: frozen solid. At least the sap was well preserved. Finally thawing out and sap is running again, but is I look at the tops of my trees, I can detect the slightest blush of color, so I think I've only got a few more days of good sap.

All-in-all it was a better season than I expected.