View Full Version : Is anyone Burning Coal?

03-11-2018, 08:07 PM
Just tried burning coal with my wood last boil. Kind of impressed seem to work well and was like $7 for 30 pounds TSC. Thinking of running it every time. Just wanted to know if anyone else has tried this and what they thought?

03-12-2018, 08:23 AM
We burnt a piece as big as a softball couple of years ago. Boiled like crazy just above it, stunk like hell!

Road's End
03-14-2018, 08:47 AM
Probably going to try it out sometime, if only to entertain my father. He's been saying we should try it. Figured we'd throw a scoop in here and there to supplement the fire.

Michael Greer
03-14-2018, 12:14 PM
Hmmm. I can't think of a better way to impart an unwanted flavor unless someone suggested burning tires.