View Full Version : New vs used ro

03-11-2018, 08:09 AM
Hey all,

A ro is on my mind for next season as I can continue to expand taps but cant dedicate a lot more time to boiling. My max taps would be in the realm of 300. I would like to keep this in a budget of 2-3k. So basically that leaves my options somewhat limited to used or 100gph new like nextgen maple or similar brand. Not looking to build a unit.

In terms of used ro what should I look for. What should I stay away from?

03-11-2018, 08:46 AM
honestly i bought a used waterguy RO in your price range that was in good shape and seemed like a good starter unit. for the same kind of reason, i wanted more taps but didn`t want to boil more or get a bigger evap, but i could take the time to tend the machine while doing other things. reading thru MT about RO`s made me think it was super hard to take care of... i was wrong, i learned the basics qiuckly and all i could think is why didn`t i do this from the start. once you take the leap, you will be amazed at the amount of sap you can process i a shorter amount of time.

cedar syrups
03-11-2018, 09:09 AM
I also bought a used water guy ro last year and used it for the 2017 season and loved it after you are comfortable with it you will be amazed by what it can save you in boiling time /wood etc. Mine is rated for 300 gals/hr and it did that all of last season. so this year I,m going from 400 to 500 taps as I think this will about max it and me out. Also all but 50 taps will be on shurflo pumps and 3/16 tubing. just started tapping yesterday lots of snow in norther wis

maple flats
03-11-2018, 10:14 AM
I have nothing against used, as long as it is in good condition, but I bought new when I couldn't seem to find a good used one.
Before you get an RO, they seem to sound difficult, but once you use it for a few boils you will learn quickly what to do and when to do it. Then you will never again ever want to boil without an R.O.
After you have used the R.O. for 2 weeks it will all be second nature.
When I got mine, I went from 650 taps and had to sell sap the year before because we were boiling 21 hrs a day and couldn't catch up, then with the RO, I doubled my taps and still processed sap for others on shares. All that and burned less wood.

03-11-2018, 04:06 PM
I was also a little intimidated by the clean-up of the RO before I got one, but it is very much a non-issue.

03-11-2018, 05:33 PM
A brand new Deer Run 125 is right in that range and he's only a day's drive away from you. I also searched for used, but that market is really unpredictable. You're looking for a very desirable size at a very specific time. So, I went with Ray's unit. Not a second of regret. Maple Flats has been using his Deer Run for even longer and he can vouch for his as well. Save a little by buying over the summer. Pick up in person and he'll show you how to run it before you go. Actually, he prefers to show people how to use it because it saves him time on the phone later.

03-11-2018, 05:46 PM
Can you guys with the Deer Run unit post some pictures? I am slightly intimidated by an RO, but I need one for next year. The local CDL dealer is having their open house end up April and it will be the best time/price to order their Hobby unit. But the talk of these Deer Run & the Next Gen Maple units are sounding like great options and much more affordable for us then the CDL unit.

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03-11-2018, 07:42 PM
When looking at ro units, make sure you know the output of concentrate. With these small units, 2 machines rated @ 100g/hr may have different sugar output %. Lot of difference going from 2% to 4 % at 100g/hr input. Vs going from 2% to 6%or 8% at the same flow rate.

03-11-2018, 08:08 PM
In general how long will a membrane last if it is well taken care of?

03-12-2018, 06:02 AM
I definitely would recommend a Deer Run RO. We have had our unit for four seasons and the membranes work as good as when new. Biggest thing is to follow daily cleaning instructions and you will not have any problem. Ray used to have a colored brochure that he would send customers. Might give him a call and leave a message with your address so he can send you one. This time of year he is busy with syrup so you need to leave a message.