View Full Version : Up/downgrade or new pans?

03-04-2018, 05:56 PM
So I’m running a 40”x12’ d&g/leader frankenrig with a 40”x8’ parallel flow preheater on top. There’s a big ole forced draft on the arch, with double doors. My 40”x8’ drop flue pan has one flue that has a crack along about 12” of the bottom of the flue. I’ve limped it before, but now it’s getting to the point that I have to figure out what’s a better option. And by that I mean I’m sending sap to another sugarhouse nearby. The pans have those old brass on brass fittings to attached to each other, which are a pain when you’re used to triclamps from the wine industry.

Anyways, I’m wondering your opinion on the following. I’ve tried to get the pan welded on the bottom of the flue and it’s basically impossible to reach. I’ve debated closing the flue off from the top via welding and operating without one flue. I debate getting a new set of pans for the entire rig. I have two 40x4’ syrup pans. I don’t know if it’s something leader or someone can repair the flue pan and/or just slap some triclamps on the syrup pans and make it so I only need a new flue pan.


Get an RO through grants/NRCS and sell the big rig (which uses a lot of my 12x24 sugarhouse) to get a smaller unit. Problem is, I don’t know where I’m going to get rid of the monstrosity with a flue pan that’s leaking (maybe if it gets capped off from the top and closes the flue off).

Thoughts? I know one of my local buddies will troll my post here, so josh if you’re reading this I already know your opinion!

03-04-2018, 06:19 PM
I made a lot of syrup with a 2x6 with an ro

03-04-2018, 07:02 PM
How many taps are planning on doing?

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03-04-2018, 08:43 PM
I have about 650 now. Will be aiming for 1000 in the next year or two

Russell Lampron
03-05-2018, 05:38 AM
A small evaporator and a big RO are your friends.

Haynes Forest Products
03-05-2018, 07:09 AM
Its your money but Ill help you spend it. Get your self a smaller high efficiency rig in the 2x8 and a nice easy to run all the bells and whistles RO. It will be the last evap. you will ever need. You start throwing 18% into that and you will need more taps.........................and ain't that what we strive for. :mrgreen:

maple flats
03-05-2018, 07:36 AM
To that end, if processing got lots easier would be apt to grow significantly past 1000 taps? If yes, look into what Haynes suggests, if not get a 2x6, an RO, even a lower end 250 or 500-600 (they seem to top out at about 12-14% concentration by double or triple passes. Then if you need more capacity, sell that RO and get a better one.
With a good 2x6 and bells & improvements like AOF/AUF, a hood and preheater you can boil 60-75 GPH on a 2x6. Then with 14% concentrate you can draw off over 10 gal of finished syrup/hr. That makes it so that little 2x6 can make 10+ GPH of syrup while you go thru a lot of sap. If you need even more, either go for the better RO or add a steamaway, or both.
Just remember, the bulk price is low, how much do you retail, and how can you increase that amount? Will the bulk remain low, likely in the short run, but just as likely not forever.
Just think of how you could be out of the sugarhouse in half the time and process 2x as much with a little 2x6. Whatever would you do with all that extra space in the sugarhouse?

03-05-2018, 12:35 PM
Anyone familiar with the price tags on a 2x6 vs 2x8 are? None of the super fancy vortex ones. Drives me nuts that the prices aren’t easily available. I’d also need stacks as my pipe is 18” diameter. Ugh

03-05-2018, 01:07 PM
You should be able to buy a nice 2x8 with an air tight front for under 10k, I would get a 3 foot syrup pan, or 3 - 18" cross flow pans, one as a spare.

There is a Brand New 2.5x8 for sale in the classifieds for 8k in Massachusetts. Not sure of how it's setup.