View Full Version : July Journal
Russell Lampron
07-01-2007, 05:13 AM
July is here already. Time flies doesn't it. The Nascar crowd has been in town all week and the Nextel cup race is today. I'll be glad when it is over and they are gone.
07-01-2007, 06:32 AM
Russ- We get a lot of through traffic for folks heading over to the Loudon race...I went to the race a few years ago mostly to see what the fuss was about, but by the time you added up tickets, food, parking, etc. it was worse than going to a Sox game at Fenway...much rather spend the $$ on sugaring.
Just finished our 10 X 12 woodshed addition and have about 2.5 cords of hardwood split and stacked. Parker is bringing over 3 more cords (2 pine, one hardwood) next week so hopefully we'll be set for next winter. Crazy list of things to get done before heading out West, but most of the major sugaring details are getting done...
best of luck to folks....
3% Solution
07-01-2007, 07:40 AM
Good morning,
Well first off "Happy 4th to all!!!"
I have gone to a few races in my time (many years ago) and I find no excitement watching sooped up cars go around in circles!
I'd rather watch sooped up tractors at the fair.
Nothing happens, these guys as well versed driving out there as I am driving on Unity Rd.
Russ you need to add one thing to your thoughts ........ to the race folks I say "Hi, welcome, spend your money, now go home, THANK YOU"
Just got my arch boarded and bricked, clean up time today.
Set the pans tomorrow, move the bikes into the sugar house (they're in the woodshed) and fill it with wood.
Then the steamaway in the fall!!!
Stay safe and enjoy the weather!
Russell Lampron
07-01-2007, 09:02 AM
I used to go to the races when they first had the Winston Cup races here. It didn't long take for the newness to wear off. The traffic, crowds and having to wait in line for everything was a pain. The shuttle bus system is a joke and having to wait in the parking lot for 3 hours to get out onto Rt 106 wasn't much fun either. All of this after roasting in the sun on the cramped hot metal seats all afternoon.
As I am typing this I can hear another idiot that thought that my dead end road was a short cut to the track burning out at the end of my driveway and racing back out to Rt 129. I am glad that my grandchildren aren't home. The bikers that come in June are much nicer people and they spend most of their time in Laconia.
07-01-2007, 04:26 PM
Nearly all of the wood is in the shed for next year and should have about 8 cords when all said and done. All hardwoods and aprox 70% locust with the rest being red oak and white oak. Still need to cut up a load or 2 at my uncles property of locust to clean up his field for him, but it is a few miles away and he will have to haul it for me. I recently had the one road that goes up to 1 of my bushes that has about 230 taps widened and upgraded from where it was cut last fall. Sow it in grass seed and 44 bales of hay on top of it as it is aprox 400 yards long and a lot of work. Also, had a lot of dirt hauled to my sugarhouse from some close by excavatedand house building last fall and I have all of that excavated by the man who built my road and it is all sowed with hay and grass seed. Both are growing fairly well and I have a nice sloping lawn around the sugarhouse. Unfortunately, they pasture the area where the road is, so I am trying to get grass on it before the cows are turned back in. I sowed it aprox a month ago, so I am hoping they stay out at least 2 or 3 more weeks to give it as much head start as possible.
I am hoping to start putting soffit on my building soon. I am going to use the 8" rough cut side boards for soffit and put a small vent every few feet. I bought a new blower for Nellie a few months ago and it will push nearly 3 times the CFM of the old blower, but I am still waiting on the guy to make me a new duct before installing it. Need to do some minor line upgrades and eliminate some of the 1/2" mainlines and make them 5/16" later lines to create some more natural vacccum.
Bow season is just around the corner as I usually start around the last week of October and I have off the second week of November for bow and the week of Thanksgiving which is the first week of gun season. Got 1 of my 3 bucks back from the taxidermist this past week and hope to have the other 2 by the end of this month.
07-01-2007, 05:41 PM
I sure hope that is one big corner that bow season is around. Seems like some warm weather just got here. I hate to see it go so soon.
Met up with Dave Y and his brother Rob today in VT. He brought me up another vacuum pump that I had purchased and I helped him load up some tanks he had in VT. Nice to meet you in person Dave and I hope you had a safe trip home. Should be getting close by now, but I bet he still has a couple hours.
Left the house and was on the road at 4am, I beat the race crowd but I chickened out coming home and went around loudon. Russ I was going to get you out of bed but figured you needed the beauty sleep. Did you get my call last night?
I've just been working and did take a few days off to go "stickin" tuna but only had a bunch of close shots one day when it flattened out and other days were just boat rides.
Happy 4th to everyone, play safe and have fun.
Breezy Lane Sugarworks
07-01-2007, 08:53 PM
I agree w/ you about the racing!
The farm stock, mod.(enhanced) farm stock, and super stocks are my favorite to watch. I've always wanted to put together a pulling tractor, but never had the time or money.
Russell Lampron
07-02-2007, 05:10 AM
Matt I wish you had stopped by. That would have put you here at about 5:45 which is the time that I got up anyways. I was watching the Red Sox game and my phone never rang. Didn't get the voice mail until yesterday afternoon.
I have my fathers tractor and bucket over here and did some clean up and landscaping with it yesterday. Going to VT would have been more fun.
Brandon it is too early to be talking about October being just around the corner. The first day of summer was less than 2 weeks ago.
Happy 4th of July to everyone
07-02-2007, 05:42 PM
I almost just swung in Russ, I figured you'd be up. and I was there just about that exact time.
Went into the sugar house the other day and moved some crap around to make room for the new vacuum pump and I heard the strangest sound coming from willie, it was faint but I could make it out.
RamOna, RamOna come out come out where ever you are. poor guy. Lonely as heck in there I'm sure this time of year.
Dave Y
07-02-2007, 06:32 PM
Got home at 8:30.
It was nice meeting you also. That was my first trip to Vt. Had been in every other NE state though.
Cut a cord of wood today after we unloaded the tanks and got my dump truck inspected. Hope to cut a couple more tomorrow. Them tanks are sure gonna look pretty setting infront of my sugarhouse
07-02-2007, 07:27 PM
I know summer just started, but we are already to the fourth and October will be here before ya know it!
November is the most wonderful of the yeeeaaaarrr........................
07-03-2007, 07:03 PM
You guys can't be hard on all racing fans. I have been to Loudon, and also down to Pocono's for the races. I enjoy racing adn going to the races. yes it cost Money. So does every fricken thing WE do. Yes ther are a few idiots. There are a few in sugaring also. I enjoy watching tactors and all the other things to and its sad that the few out there give us folks a bad name. Its all life and we all do what we can to enjoy it. Some sugar, some don't. I wish everyone would treat each other with respect. I hate having to go to the races and sit around a bunch of idiots but I also enjoy the race and won't let any one get me down. With that said EVERYONE HAVE A HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY AND GOD BLESS ALL THE MEN AND WOMEN IN THE ARMED SERVICES!!!!
07-04-2007, 03:43 AM
Happy 4th !!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-05-2007, 09:50 AM
Got a log load of wood delivered about 3 weeks ago. Now I just have to find the energy to attack it. I usually try to round up the crew for one long day, line up 3 splitters and go at it. We can usually put up 5 cord in about 5 hours.
Sure beats one guy whittling away at it a couple hours at a time. I don't think I would sugar if I couldn't get the help doing wood. Maybe I get no fun out of wood because it is during the busy time of year. Maybe I'm just getting too old and lazy.
07-10-2007, 06:45 AM
Finished up the sugarwood pile Sunday Morning. A pile 54' long x 8' high x 30" long wood. All under the overhand so the sun can get to it, but the rain can't. 95% hardwood this year - split fine. Should burn good.
Still - I've run out before, so we'll do up another pile almost as big under tin sheets off to the side. Never can have TOO much!
Fred Henderson
07-10-2007, 06:18 PM
Good work Ibby. Its got to hot work cutting wood in the humidity.
07-11-2007, 05:56 AM
It's not too bad. We cut in the morning before it gets too hot, and split in the afternoon. There's usually a pretty good breeze behind the shed.
07-12-2007, 03:53 AM
Things are at a stand still here. Come to find out there is another person involved in the land that I am leasing. He pass away awhile ago and now his kids want money from his share of the land. Its a long story and we are not sure how its going to end, so everything is on hold, till its figured out. I am not going to loose anything as far as money. Just not sure if I am going to be able to continue sugaring with the previous argreement. Have to wait and see. Guess I'll have to push my plans of my own sugarhouse ahead a few years.
07-12-2007, 10:53 AM
well all my firewood is ready and the sugarhouse is built( if only i had an evaporator to put in it) cleaned the buckets and put them in clean trash bags to keep them clean till next mud season. hope every one is doing well
07-14-2007, 09:03 PM
If you don't get an evaporator this year, it will be something to look forward to in another future year. A sugarhouse is a big thing in a year and definitely exciting.
super sappy
07-15-2007, 05:33 AM
Got the computer fixed after being down for a couple of months.Now I dont have to fight the kids at the library for time on the one computer there. They want to play video games as much as I like to go on the trader. The sugar wood is cut and hauled back for the 2009 season. not stacked yet. The Vermont special is out of the sugarhouse. And the arch has been repainted .I wish someone would buy that thing so I dont have to put it in storage. Looks like this coming week is shot, My father fell off a ladder last nite and went into his homemade fish pond / water park / Aqua wonderland/ giant wreakage in ma's backyard. He basically destroyed his knee and lower leg. He is in Bennington now,But they will be shiping him to Dartmouth for surgery Today or Monday.Its a pretty drive up to Dartmouth. Oh well -Just when work was getting cought up from me breaking my leg. Maybe I ll take the kids and try to find a place to go camping.And without a dout a detour to Bascoms.-Super sappy
3% Solution
07-15-2007, 07:30 AM
Good morning SS,
Sorry to hear about your dad, now it's your turn to help him out.
You know how to get to Dartmouth - Hitchcock?
If your looking for a campground there's a nice one right around the corner, "Crow's Nest Campground" it's on Route 10 South.
It's about an hour from here to Bascomb's, you just can't get there from here.
Hell if your that close stop by and say "Hello", I'll be here all but Tuesday and Thursday.
Let me know, take care of dad!!
super sappy
07-18-2007, 04:57 AM
I have made the Dartmouth run about 100 times. Its been a few years but im sure that I can find it still. PM me your info. It is looking like he is going to be there for a couple of weeks.??? It would be nice to break up the trip with some sugar talk. -Thanks Super sappy
NH Maplemaker
07-18-2007, 12:14 PM
Super Sappy, I'm also just 30 minute south of Dartmouth, between Hanover and Bascombs ! Would love to talk maple and show you our operation, and help break up your time while you and family are here visiting your Dad. Hope all goes well for him! Jim L.
super sappy
07-18-2007, 07:24 PM
Yesterday they told us to prepare for 2 weeks stay. i just got home and the message machine says to pick him up tomorrow at 4 hes coming home. surgery complete. (JUDAS PRIESTS) these doctors think that we work on their schedules.I will track you guys down sometime -I dont think this is my final trip. Too bad I wasnt a maple trader 2/ 3 years ago Ma had cancer and I was up there 2 times a week for a year or so. That is a great hospital even though they seem to change their minds like the hands on a clock.It rained here all day today. We had inside work to do at home but I wanted to blow off a little. We took a trip over to Jamica VT and looked at the old Nearing Homestead. How could you not live the good life on that property??Man Id give my eye teeth for -oh never mind -SS
3% Solution
07-18-2007, 08:10 PM
Hey SS,
Don't try to figure them out ..... they get paid more than we do!!!!
Maybe dad is doing better than they thought he would or maybe "DAD" would rather be home than there. Either way he's coming home.
Yup DH is a great place to go when you got something going on.
11 years ago they saved my grandson from Meninjitus, man am I glad, couldn't have lived without him and not only that, but we wouldn't be sugaring together now.
Well we've lived here for 30 years next month and I guess we'll be here another 30, so stop on by!!!!
Just drop a line first, your welcome anytime !!
Stay safe and take er easy!!!!
NH Maplemaker
07-19-2007, 10:35 AM
SS, as 3% said you are well come any time ! Just give a shout, I also have been here all my life so far and not planning on going any were.
Dave, that goes for you as well! If you get over here to Cornish, stop in! We are right on Rte 120, one mile north of claremont line. Our places sets on the right side of road, with sign sugar house! Jim L.
3% Solution
07-19-2007, 09:56 PM
Yup M&M right back at cha!
I'm about 20 minutes from ya.
Sometime along I'll make the trip.
Got to get over to Mark-NH also.
hard maple
07-19-2007, 11:44 PM
super sappy
My wife and I went up to the nearings old homestead last year on the harley. One can only image what that was like, back in the day, during sugar season...
My neighbor ( I have about 125 taps on his property) met the Nearings in the late seventies while they were visiting a commune here in franklin county.
It was kind of neat, to continue learning more about the nearings, after reading their books multiple times.
Anyhow, I did get a few photos of the homestead,sugarhouse,woodshed, mostly foliage!!! I'll have to go back in the winter!
Did you take any pics??
super sappy
07-21-2007, 07:01 AM
Picked up poppa at the hospital around 8 on thursday night.I am not sure that he was really ready to come home yet but he is. We have a list of dates to take him back and forth. HARD MaPLE- Didnt take any pics or anything just looked it was raining pretty hard when we were there. I wanted to see a moose up at the Kelly Stand but no such luck. My son has never seen one.-Off to work SS
07-22-2007, 06:30 AM
Well- no one has expressed any interest in buying Mighty Marvin,,and I have not found another more efficiant rig to replace the Massive One with,,,,,and looking at that empty woodshed is killing me,,,,,,,,so,,yesterday I brought home 6 cords of 4 foot wood,,I have around another 20? cords of sugarwood to to work up handy,,,and around 12 all split and ready to go in the woodshed,,,I am going to try to have all my wood split by mid agust and the shed full by the end of august,,,,,,,,,,time will tell,,,,,,
07-24-2007, 06:48 AM
Just got back from europe yesterday. Spent a week in Holland with family and a couple days in Paris. Went up the Eiffel tower, very nice, and saw the Mona Lisa up close at the Louvre. Visisted a couple WWII cemetarys and battle sites too. All in all had an enjoyable time.
Jim Brown
07-24-2007, 07:16 AM
mountianvan; i learned a few weeks ago that the mona lisa is not a large painting at all ,rather small by normal standards do you agree?
07-25-2007, 03:19 PM
Yes Jim the Mona Lisa is a small painting compared to most. It could hang in my house. Some of the paintings are as big as my house. By no means am I a cultured person, but I was amazed by the collection of art and really old stuff. Oldest I saw was 5000 yrs old from Egypt. Had major jetlag yesterday, migraine today. Luckily I planned ahead and bottled lots of syrup before I left.
07-27-2007, 08:20 AM
Good to see you back in action and thinking next year instead of trying to sell off equipment. What are you planning to change/improve for next year?
07-28-2007, 05:26 AM
Unfourtunatly,I am not sure how things will turn out,,BUT, I think it is better to hope for the best while planing for the worst,,the shed will have some wood in it,,,,,
07-28-2007, 08:01 PM
Great attitude and we are all pulling for you and praying that things work out for the best!
08-01-2007, 07:33 PM
Made a trip to Bascoms today, 400 miles round trip. Sold everthing I made but a little xtra dr. Nice to meet the ladies I've talked to on the phone for years. Sales have been strong all year so far for me. Hopefully everyone else is in the same situation.
08-02-2007, 05:36 AM
What were the current prices?
08-02-2007, 08:07 PM
bascoms.....light-2.40 med.-2.35 drk-2.35 b- 2.30
adk maple... 2.55 med 2.50 drk
bottled 1.5 barrels today. took a 2 hour break to swim in the creek. More to bottle tomorrow, plus make cream and sugar. I'm glad I don't have to get a real job.
08-02-2007, 10:10 PM
If it's that high now, just think what the prices will be before Christmas or next season starts??
08-03-2007, 06:07 AM
Van thanks, Just like the jeffersons...Movin on up.
Gov, must be rolling some barrels down the hill now.
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