View Full Version : SAp flow meter install

02-28-2018, 07:48 AM
I installed a flow meter to my intake pipe, and seems to be working well, hope it hold up to the sap for the season. Does anyone have any experience with using these? It is in LPM, but easy converted to GPM, it also keeps a running tally which is helpful.


02-28-2018, 08:13 AM
We use flow meters for many applications, mostly cold sap. These type of sensors work best with a steady flow. They are somewhat less accurate with start/stop type flows. The paddle-wheel or propeller has some initial resistance to flow starting up, and also is prone to continue to spin a bit when the sap stops, so using them in a float-regulated application may result in some amount of error, however it probably isn't enough of a big deal for what you're doing. One thing I would suggest however is to lengthen the straight pipe sections both before and after the meter. Typically you want a straight section (no bends or restrictions) for at least 10X the diameter of the pipe on the incoming and outgoing sections in order to get nice laminar flow. Eddies created by bends or other obstructions will cause systematic errors in the measurement. These types of sensors also typically assume a full-pipe of liquid, which you may or may not have in your setup (hard to say without looking at your float -- put some clear PVC inline before and after the meter to tell).

Only other comment is that you should flush it out occasionally with water (and don't let it freeze). The sugar in the sap could cause the impeller to become sticky and even stop, which could reduce your sap flow going into the pans (not a good thing). Put a tee and valves before (but at least 10X the distance in both cases) so you can isolate the meter and run water through it, or better yet, put union fittings on both sides (again, respecting the 10X distance rule) and take it out and run water through it (gently, don't overspin the impeller).

02-28-2018, 08:22 AM
Thanks DrTimPerkins, good information and will be addresses for the next season, but so far so good, i am going to compare it to what is actually coming out of the head tank once my start of the season nerves have settled.

03-01-2018, 07:15 PM
I've been using two flow-meters this season like yours. one to track cumulative sap into the head tank, and another to get a handle on GPH evaporation rate. both of them required extensive calibration but now are fairly accurate. We send data to log-files on a server and then they're viewable via tablet in the sugarhouse in real time. I do like your display, i'm going to have to look it up.

as far as LPM... i'm about ready to ditch gallons and go to the metric system, it's just so much easier for everything. we also monitor tank level in the woods and it would be 10x easier to just use Liters instead of gallons since my totes are 1000L tanks, and the monitor reports in % full. so if it's 27% full, it's got 270 liters in it.


03-02-2018, 06:47 AM
BDS, what are you using for flow meters?

03-02-2018, 11:16 AM
BDS, what are you using for flow meters?we use Digiten 3/4" and 1/2". next time i'll probably go up to 1" for the head tank-in meter. 3/4" works but slows transfer into the head tank. usually never a problem but would be nice to really dump it in quick to move on to other tasks sometimes.

03-02-2018, 01:11 PM
Are they connected to an Arduino?

03-02-2018, 01:31 PM
yea, they're on a sparkfun board.