View Full Version : Thermometer placement

Mark K
02-27-2018, 02:21 PM
How close to the bottom of the pan should a thermometer prob be placed on a flat pan? The 9" probe I have now is 1 1/2" from the bottom. I think it should be closer because you only want to have about 1" of sap in the pan. I called the place where I bought the rig, and they said that the 9" stem was the one I should use. Upon my rough measurement, the 12" stem would bring me pretty close to the bottom, but there would still be about 1/4" to 1/2" from the bottom of the pan. They said if I would like it closer to the bottom, bend the stem to get it closer to the bottom of the pan.

Please way in on this if you have any thoughts or ideas as to which is right.



Haynes Forest Products
02-27-2018, 09:46 PM
Don't bend the stem. 1/4" best. You want the prob in clear liquid NOT the foam/bubbles. If you want a better angle put a small pipe that will thread into the port and tweak the port till you have a nice angle.

Mark K
02-28-2018, 06:49 AM
Don't bend the stem. 1/4" best. You want the prob in clear liquid NOT the foam/bubbles. If you want a better angle put a small pipe that will thread into the port and tweak the port till you have a nice angle.

I didn't think of that, thanks. The other thing that came to mind was, use the 12" probe, and the if it's to close to the bottom, add washers or a longer adapter to where it screws into the pan. Thanks.

Haynes Forest Products
02-28-2018, 07:30 AM
All the newer pans I have seen have 1/4 threaded ports and them from there you add a compression fitting that your probe will slide down into. You use that to adjust your height. I have plastic ones I use because I can tighten by hand and slide the probe up and don. I have in the past used the brass ones and tightened to the point that the collet did crimp to the probe and then your adjustment is set at that point only.I don't suggest that.

Mark K
02-28-2018, 09:39 AM
That sounds just like the ticket. I haven't seen any of those, but that will work just as you suggested. Any idea of what there called and where I can order them from. I've been dealing with CDL and they have not suggested any thing like that, so I know they don't have them.

