View Full Version : I think I have been tapping too hard!

02-25-2018, 09:17 PM
I need some help here. I think I may have been to heavy handed with tapping on my spiels. I have 5/16 health spiels for buckets and I noticed today that most are leaking. I used a regular hammer and didn't see the posts about how lightly I should be tapping them in. They are all definitely bottomed out as I thought they needed to be seated in deep. What can I do here? I have some larger plastic and metal spiels available. Should I re-drill and use those? I did 117 taps last week and am not getting much sap. Last year did the same number and barely made 3 gallons of syrup compared to 19 gallons on 63 taps in 2016. Maybe it is just the weather ( I am south of Ottawa, ON) but I am worried I am just losing all my sap down the side of the tree. Oh I drilled my holes 2" deep.


Haynes Forest Products
02-25-2018, 09:59 PM
The depth isn't the problem. Do you see sap running down the below the tap. The sap has to go somewhere so its out the tap or down the trunk.

02-26-2018, 06:00 AM
I need some help here. I think I may have been to heavy handed with tapping on my spiels. I have 5/16 health spiels for buckets and I noticed today that most are leaking. I used a regular hammer and didn't see the posts about how lightly I should be tapping them in. They are all definitely bottomed out as I thought they needed to be seated in deep. What can I do here? I have some larger plastic and metal spiels available. Should I re-drill and use those? I did 117 taps last week and am not getting much sap. Last year did the same number and barely made 3 gallons of syrup compared to 19 gallons on 63 taps in 2016. Maybe it is just the weather ( I am south of Ottawa, ON) but I am worried I am just losing all my sap down the side of the tree. Oh I drilled my holes 2" deep.


Don't worry about it. As long as they are snug they will "seal up" after a few days. As long as you haven't split he tree it will be fine. The health spikes have less taper so they are more prone to leakage.

02-26-2018, 06:36 AM
They are leaking below the speil. I will keep an eye on them. I don’t think I have split the tree. How would I know exactly? Hard to tell with all the bark.

maple flats
02-26-2018, 08:37 AM
Get a lighter hammer, I actually use the flat side on the jaw of a pair of 7" lineman's pliers. Then I just tap lightly and listen, when the sound changes you will hear it, that is now seated properly. Another point to realize is that as you drill you want to prevent any wobble, if the drill has any wobble, the hole is not going to be perfectly round and that can lead to leaks too..
For this year, just let it be and get whatever you can. For next year try the lighter hammer and listen as you "lightly" tap in the spiel.
Do not pull that tap to drill a better hole, and when the taps is pulled at the end of the season, do not plug it, the tree will close the hole without your help, from the inside out.

Haynes Forest Products
02-26-2018, 08:46 AM
Motoman I know it has crossed your mind and have stayed up late at night watching TV so please don't be offended by this statement...............Do not buy the MIGHTY PUTTY :o

You did mention Bark is there a chance your tapping real big, old trees and you have only gone in 1" into the sap wood and are relying on the crusty old bark for your seal?

02-26-2018, 08:39 PM
Most of my trees are quite old. Some are close to 4' across. They seemed to be leaking less today when I was collecting this evening. Got just over 100 gals and most were dripping nicely so maybe I didn't completely botch them. I will switch to a little tool for tapping. Thanks for all the replies!

Bucket Head
02-27-2018, 11:42 AM
The sound you hear that Dave mentioned will also be different, or not at all, when your trying to seat the tap into the thick and crusty bark Chuck mentions. I tap a lot of very mature trees too and every once in a while you have to get the flaky, ready to fall off type of bark off. Then everything is fine.