View Full Version : Munson’s Maple 2018

02-25-2018, 07:51 AM
Well I’ve never started my own thread but why not. So far I’ve made 7 gallons this year which is crazy for me. All amber except for last nights batch was dark. My new sugarhouse is great, and the lunch box vac system is awesome! But I’m getting way more sap than my little 2x3 can keep up with. Lucky I’ve had access to my friends RO which has help me out a lot, but I think that might be my next purchase. Not sure what I would get for my 100+ taps. Otherwise everything has gone great! (Even with a few late nights!)

red maples
02-25-2018, 02:14 PM
there are many home made kits you can build your self you can find plans on line or even see if you can find some stuff on here from those who have done it. its not gonna get you to the 15% mark but it might remove 1/2 the water or more. which is a big improvement from raw sap!!!

02-25-2018, 07:52 PM
Half the water would be great! I’m definitely going to figure something out weather to buy or build, but I’ll wait till the off season, I don’t really want to figure it out in the heat of the season. Next Gen Maple makes some small ro’s that I was looking at but I haven’t talked to anyone that has one.

02-26-2018, 09:21 AM
No freeze last night here, woke up to 45ish gal. Still coming in now but kinda slow. We will see what the day brings. Boiling this afternoon and looks like tomorrow too.

03-19-2018, 08:11 AM
Made 3 gallons this weekend, first time boiling in the last 3 weeks because I’ve been on storm working. Luckily my neighbor was able to pick up and use my sap while I was working. I only have enough wood to get me thu this coming weekend and I’m out. Might call it a season after that unless i cut some dead standing trees. I’m up to 12gal for the year.

03-20-2018, 07:12 AM
I'm about at the same rate as you, 8 gal syrup YTD. Have 31 taps in which was too much for my little 55gal drum, 2-buffet pan evaporator. Just built the hodorskib homebuilt RO(http://mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?28349-hodorskib-s-Small-Scale-RO-Build)..... and has made all the difference in the world. Last weekend I RO'd 167 gal. sap down to 27 gal concentrate. At 4 gal/hr evap. rate, boiling it down was a snap. Finished off with 3.4 gal dark but very tasty syrup. Would highly recommend the RO route.

03-21-2018, 06:32 AM
I’ll look into that, thanks! I’m definitely doing something for an RO next year.

03-21-2018, 07:09 PM
I'm about at the same rate as you, 8 gal syrup YTD. Have 31 taps in which was too much for my little 55gal drum, 2-buffet pan evaporator. Just built the hodorskib homebuilt RO(http://mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?28349-hodorskib-s-Small-Scale-RO-Build)..... and has made all the difference in the world. Last weekend I RO'd 167 gal. sap down to 27 gal concentrate. At 4 gal/hr evap. rate, boiling it down was a snap. Finished off with 3.4 gal dark but very tasty syrup. Would highly recommend the RO route.

I agree! I built his RO and it brought my 2% sap up to 8-10%. Cut my boil time by 3X. I must be doing something wrong on the collection end, though. I have ~100 taps on gravity and getting nowhere near the amount you get on 31. Maybe vacuum next year.
How are you going to clean and store the membranes at the end of the season?
Tnx and good luck.

03-22-2018, 07:42 AM
Just going to follow hodor's recommendations on his site. He hasn't steered me wrong yet !!

03-23-2018, 06:55 AM
Sap ran great yesterday, and my sugar measured 2.5%!!! Insane. Very excited to boil that for maple weekend. Anyone else’s sugar that high? Guy down the road from me was 2.4.

amaranth farm
03-23-2018, 12:02 PM
Radio Silence.

03-25-2018, 06:32 PM
Hope everyone had a good maple weekend. We had a handful of ppl come over, sold a little syrup, gave out nuts, donuts, and samples, and explained the process. Made almost 4 gallons also. That puts me at 16gal made for the year. Might be it for me. I do have enough wood for one more boil but I don’t know if I have it in me lol.