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02-24-2018, 03:14 PM
Waited all year and the sap is running like crazy. Made 3 quarts this morning. About to break out some shipyard ale. Anyone else tapping in the area?


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02-24-2018, 06:02 PM
Looks great! I just put in 50 taps this afternoon and it was running out of every hole. I hope to get another 25 in tomorrow.

02-25-2018, 12:04 AM
Here in Farmington, I tapped 125 yesterday and all holes were running well right up to dark. Will be interesting to see what will be running today, if any. Everything is piped on combination of 3 and 5 16ths tubing on fairly steep hill side. Thirty taps are hooked to shur flow pump.

02-25-2018, 08:04 AM
Here in Farmington, I tapped 125 yesterday and all holes were running well right up to dark. Will be interesting to see what will be running today, if any. Everything is piped on combination of 3 and 5 16ths tubing on fairly steep hill side. Thirty taps are hooked to shur flow pump.

Have you had any luck with the shurflow? I have been wanting to try something like that.

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02-25-2018, 11:12 AM
I have been using the 120vac shurflow for three years now. For $69 on line, and a few fittings, it is a real bargin and makes a substantial difference. I have 35 taps on it now.

02-25-2018, 07:03 PM
Nice to see backyard operations alive and well!

Saturday was the maiden voyage of my new concrete block arch / steam pan evaporator. In combination with my old stove /pan unit as a warming tray, things went real well. I boiled down 25 gallons in less than 5 hours to 2.75 QTS of syrup. The old stove was limited to 16ish gallons in 8 hours so a good time/efficiency improvement. Plus it was cheap! This coming week looks great so hopefully I can go into the next boil with 35 gallons for a gallon of syrup for output.


McKenney Maples
02-25-2018, 07:50 PM
Have you had any luck with the shurflow? I have been wanting to try something like that.

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I'm running about 65 taps on a 12v shurflo for the 2nd time this year. Pretty cheap and makes a noticeable difference in sap production. I went from about .1 gal syrup per tap to .2 after using the shurflo. These trees are on a north facing hill side and heavily shaded, so in general not the most productive.

West Sumner Sugar
02-26-2018, 06:22 PM
Where abouts in Lewiston? We have almost 100 taps in Lewiston. Some road side in the South Ave area and others on lines in South Lewiston. The rest are at the sugar house in Sumner. Sap ran really good today.

03-01-2018, 02:07 PM
I'm running about 65 taps on a 12v shurflo for the 2nd time this year. Pretty cheap and makes a noticeable difference in sap production. I went from about .1 gal syrup per tap to .2 after using the shurflo. These trees are on a north facing hill side and heavily shaded, so in general not the most productive.

Our trees are also on a north facing hill. Thats what made me curios. So far its been so warm and sunny we haven't had any issues.

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03-01-2018, 02:19 PM
Where abouts in Lewiston? We have almost 100 taps in Lewiston. Some road side in the South Ave area and others on lines in South Lewiston. The rest are at the sugar house in Sumner. Sap ran really good today.

We have about 150 taps off Stetson road. This will be our fifth year. Did I read somewhere here you switched over to 3/16?

03-02-2018, 04:16 PM
Yesterday my 120 vac shurflow motor died. Pulled it apart to find one of the brushes gave up the ghost. Not replaceable, but the pump may have ben next to give out. New one only$69 plus shipping.

West Sumner Sugar
03-03-2018, 06:52 AM
We have about 150 taps off Stetson road. This will be our fifth year. Did I read somewhere here you switched over to 3/16?

Nice, I heard about someone out there. Yes we have been converting to 3/16 up in Sumner the past 2 seasons and its has doubled our sap. On good days the 3/16" is pulling 24+ inches of vac. We really didn't believe it till we installed it. Just picked up another 4000' of 3/16 last night. If you have the pitch, run it, you wont be disappointed!