View Full Version : Hopefully a simple RO Fix/Question

02-24-2018, 09:02 AM
I just (finally) put together all a new homemade RO system thanks to some plans on this forum (thank you!). It's up and running - trying to dial it in and figure out what I did wrong.

I am having trouble with the pressure relief/reducing valve: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KXE4PA4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I have it cranked all the way to max pressure and I can't build enough back pressure past 60 psi. I switched to a needle valve and it's much better (90-120 psi).

Any advice?

Here's a photo of the set up (hopefully this works):

maple flats
02-24-2018, 05:21 PM
Made for Spray systems it's highly unlikely that regulator is lead free For lead free you might need to use a SS needle valve. What pressure are your components rated at? Don't exceed the weakest link!

02-24-2018, 06:37 PM
You are good to go. With cold sap you will get your pressure. Check out what Maple Flats said about that fitting. Other than that you should be fine, you may have to tone it down when running, but you are there.
