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lords sugaring
02-23-2018, 06:15 PM
Hello everyone,

I am wondering how you all ask your townmates/neighbors to tap their trees. Do you offer them money or syrup to tap ? Do you not offer anything to them ? I've tried both with no success so far kinda on a string of bad luck I suppose. I'm curious on the way you do guys things and your success rates in doing so. Currently I'm 1 for 5 and I don't really count the one since it's my parents lol. Hopefully I'll be able to land the one I'm really after

02-23-2018, 07:13 PM
I pay with syrup. Therefore I make just enough off of the places I tap to give them some. Its a hobby......

02-23-2018, 08:19 PM
I stop and ask the tree owners if they would like to rent their trees for payment in syrup. We pay 1 gallon of syrup for every 100 taps.

lords sugaring
02-23-2018, 09:05 PM
That's a pretty good rate right there sugarmaker. Would like to land something similar. I have 2 other properties I can tap the only problem is ones out of town and the other is a long hike into the woods where it wouldn't really be worth it. No wheeler/equipment allowed on that property to haul it out of the woods. Kind of looking for something right up the street with some nice road side maples to make my impact less on their property and convenient to collect.

Drew Pond Maple
02-23-2018, 10:13 PM
Maybe offer them a sample of your syrup, like a 1/2 pint or nip bottle when you ask them. If they’ve never had it, they might be in for a surprise.
Or tell them about the health benefits of maple products. That’s what I use

02-24-2018, 06:49 PM
I just picked up another roadside sugarbush today. Have been looking at these 5 big maples on my route. I knew i was loosing another group next year (owner doesn't want me to tap them again, also he is the only one of 20 who doesn't take syrup, he wants $20 cash). So I stopped at the new place and ask them about rent their trees for making syrup. Yep good to go next year. They had never been asked before. Keep trying!

03-12-2018, 02:42 PM
I only ask friends and relatives. Always give them syrup. People are fascinated by maple. I think they'd rather have a bottle or two than a larger amount of money. The maple was made with *their* trees. Places come and go. People move and things happen. Lost 12 taps two years ago. Stopped one place b/c it was too far to drive. Gained 20 this year. I've had good luck mostly bc it's fun and people like it.

03-12-2018, 04:27 PM
I stop and ask the tree owners if they would like to rent their trees for payment in syrup. We pay 1 gallon of syrup for every 100 taps.

I stopped tapping my neighbor's woods this year. It was too bad because she has very nice trees and it's right downhill from my sugar bush. The arrangement for the last 5 years was "you know where I store the syrup, take as much as you want". Well, she said that wasn't enough. Said she needed 6 gallons of syrup bottled up in quarts. She only had about 90 taps. Nope. I'll leave the sap on the trees.

03-21-2018, 06:02 PM
I’ve had good luck so far with several of my next door Neighbors, 5 for 5 now. I think it helps that we’re all close neighbors. It has actually brought us a little closer as friends. I’ve promised syrup only and the amount is related to their number of taps, the sapntheyre producing, and also any effort they put in. A neighbor last year collected all their buckets, brought them to my place along with some wood to burn. I gave them about 3 quarts out of my total 7 gallons, for around 6 taps. Others I gave only a pint. One neighbor this year seemed reluctant and I was ready to give up when they told me to go ahead. I plan to have a little neighborhood party at the end of season.