View Full Version : ro seals. not what i was expecting

02-23-2018, 09:37 AM
Finally felt well enough to pull the top off and take a look at the seals to see why i was passing sugar. From all the different discussions on seals here in ro land it seams mine is different. Keep in mind it was a purchased homemade unit i got with all the other fixings for my shack. Couldn't find any info on housing as to brand or anything.
Appears it is nothing but a double o-ring system. 2 small red ones on inside that go on plastic post insert and 2 large ones on outside of larger plug that goes into stainless steel housing. I am no mechanic but is an o-ring an o-ring? Or are there different grades to em.
Heres a pic or 2

02-23-2018, 11:18 AM
I think people are refering to the u shaped seal on the membrane itself.you have to pull it out by the fins not the centerpost to see them

Russell Lampron
02-23-2018, 11:38 AM
There should be a cup that fits over one end of the membrane. Slide that cup off of the membrane and that is where the U shaped seal is.

02-23-2018, 12:00 PM
Think i found it now. Makes more sense. Its not even there. How did i even get it to work 2x with it that way? 17790

Urban Sugarmaker
02-23-2018, 12:33 PM
Is it on the other end of the membrane? The other end has the same groove for the seal and you only need the u-cup seal on one end.

maple flats
02-23-2018, 12:42 PM
Yes, check the other end. If one is there, I suggest you put it on the top end, only because it is easier there to see as you slide the membrane in to be sure the seal does not get damaged. Again, the open edge faces the membrane and then the pressure forces it to seal. If it is totally missing or damaged, you should be able to find one at a local water treatment vendor. If not, check online.

02-23-2018, 01:20 PM
Interesting. I would have assumed you wanted one at both ends. It does have one at the bottom side. Does it matter if i just flip the membrane?
Another question. When i took it out there was thick mucus like slime covering it. What causes this and could have that been some of the reason for passing sugar? I dont know why but this little machine has me in a tizzy trying to figure all its details. Wish i built it myself. Hate learning backwards.

Urban Sugarmaker
02-23-2018, 01:38 PM
If you flip it over you have to remove the u-cup ring seal, flip it over and re-install. The "cup end" of the seal has to face the oncoming pump flow. If you flip it over without changing it over, it will be backwards.

The "mucous" might just be whatever lube the installer used. I use Dow 111 (Molykote). If it's not that, it could be bacterial slime.

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-25-2018, 08:40 AM
You have to! use food grade grease on all those O'Rings you see when putting it together, it is not all about the U groove O'ring around the Pressure side of the membrane.
Do not gobb the grease in but need to coat all those O'rings. The two small orange ones inside cap needs a coating of grease. If you don't use grease on nipples of membrane there is a possibility that the nipple being dry will roll those O'Rings right out of the cap and you will have no seal there (been there done it)

Haynes Forest Products
02-25-2018, 08:54 AM
As to your question about are there different types of O rings YES all make models and styles. Some O rigs are set in groves and smashed and they don't need grease. Others like your picture like Flat Lander said need a small film of grease. You never want to slide it in dry it will hurt:o it

02-25-2018, 01:50 PM
So. Just tried ro again. Passing .1% at min psi. And .2% at 200 psi. Looks like we got another long boil.
Russ you mentioned a boot over the end of your membrane?
Also when i put in the oring. The open side is down. That seemed natural but the description sounded like it should be in against the membrane. Seems like i will have to get it to roll 90 degrees to get it that way.
Still down with bronchitis so i may make a trip somewhere to just get them ALL replaced. For a time saver it sure has eaten a lot of time this year.

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-25-2018, 02:23 PM

here hope this helps
The pressure that would be exerting on the top of the membranes as you look at my pictures will force that little groove portion of the O'ring to force out to the wall of the vessel and make a seal.
Lube it up with Food Grade Grease

02-25-2018, 05:01 PM
The way you have it in the picture would be how its slid in vessle. Correct. I have my u shape down. Thinking preassure is coming from below to charge vessle and would catch it allowing it to swell. Looks like i need to flip it.

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-25-2018, 08:05 PM
Yes picture it sitting in the vessel that way and your high pressure pump is feed the top (what we are looking at).

the biggest thing I ever did was install a re circulation valve. Now I have 4 towers a 720gph 80 psi feed pump pushing sap to my 601gph 260 psi pump. with help from Bowhunter he had me do the re circ valve.
I set my main concentrate valve around 1-1.3 gpm, run down the VFD to about 42.4 HZ and then use the re circ valve to take pressure up to 250 psi. First pass I do 2 to 6% on my re circulation loop and when it come out into my head tank I have around 8%.
If you have any technical questions PM Bowhunter, he is super smart about RO's. He has his own computer program he inputs what you have and spits out pretty close to what your unit should do.

02-26-2018, 05:54 AM
My hp pump feeds from the bottom and everything discharges from top. That being said your seal would be backwards i am assuming. Goodnight. There are more ro setups than maple trees i think. Thanks for your help guys.

Russell Lampron
02-26-2018, 06:58 AM
My membrane housing is different from yours. The membrane doesn't seal against the housing, instead it has a stainless cup that seals against the bottom of the housing. The cup seal seals against the bottom end of the membrane like yours does to the housing.

Jim Brown
02-26-2018, 08:32 AM
Russ as you know your RO was the same as mine and the best way to get the cup over the O ring is to grease with food grade grease and put a 4 inch hose clamp on the o ring and slide the cup on while pushing the clamp off with a little luck you will get it the first time the cup will slide over the o ring
