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lords sugaring
02-22-2018, 10:45 PM
I am wondering if a stack cover is really a necessity in short term. Got my stack up but haven't picked up a cover yet. I'm pretty sure the rain/snow that falls inside will evaporate from my next boil. I will get a cover here soon just wondering if I should pull the stack off after every boil or just leave it up. Thanks

02-22-2018, 11:45 PM
I have been putting a bucket on my stack in the off season, but this year I bought the cap for it. This is a cap for a Selkirk insulated Class A chimney. If it gives me any trouble, I'll take it off in season. But it sure looks better than a joint compound bucket.

02-23-2018, 03:33 AM
I am wondering if a stack cover is really a necessity in short term. Got my stack up but haven't picked up a cover yet. I'm pretty sure the rain/snow that falls inside will evaporate from my next boil. I will get a cover here soon just wondering if I should pull the stack off after every boil or just leave it up. Thanks

We have a cover on our stack but it stays open pretty much all sugaring season. At the end of the year I'll close it.

Haynes Forest Products
02-23-2018, 07:15 AM
Yea I went 15 years without a cover on my oil rig without a problem...................But it can be a problem in real cold weather when you don't run the rig and the cold air comes down the Chimney like old Saint Nick and freezes the pans and the snow melts into the ash and speeds up rusting of the arch.............Have a nice day :cool:

lords sugaring
02-23-2018, 07:44 AM
Good point Haynes ! I'll be getting one here soon bascoms is backed up on shipping right now due to the season. I will be draining my pans come a hard freeze but the weather is looking pretty good for now.