Wanalansett Farm
02-22-2018, 03:16 PM
I'm relatively new to Sugaring, This is my third year. This is my first post, so please excuse any rookie protocol mistakes.
We have a new evaporator on a barrel arch. Still figuring it out. Today I boiled, and by the time I got it up to temp it was dark as night. Finished it in a large pot on the propane cooker. Filtered it with several paper filters and a fabric filter. It tastes ok, but man is it dark (like mid April Sap). I wonder if it just cooked too long and caramelized some of the sugar. Any thoughts?
Wannalanset Farms New Hampshire
2X2 Evaporator
50 tapes, with buckets
We have a new evaporator on a barrel arch. Still figuring it out. Today I boiled, and by the time I got it up to temp it was dark as night. Finished it in a large pot on the propane cooker. Filtered it with several paper filters and a fabric filter. It tastes ok, but man is it dark (like mid April Sap). I wonder if it just cooked too long and caramelized some of the sugar. Any thoughts?
Wannalanset Farms New Hampshire
2X2 Evaporator
50 tapes, with buckets