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02-20-2018, 06:26 PM
I am using a 275 gallon oil tank to make an evaporator. It will be upright and was wondering about the size of the firebox. I was thinking of 24 or so inches in size and then block off the back of the drum to maximize heat from the wood. Also, was thinking of making grate system on top of the evap. out of angle iron and simply placing my pans-restaurant chafing style pans, in the holders. The heat will directly be on the bottom of the pans so will heat faster. Any thoughts? Thanks, Kevin

02-21-2018, 09:05 PM
Here is my build. Hope it helps. My firebox is about 20”wide x 26” deep after the ceramic blanket and 1” firebrick. I’m burning at about 12 gph

02-25-2018, 07:29 PM
Here is my build. Hope it helps. My firebox is about 20”wide x 26” deep after the ceramic blanket and 1” firebrick. I’m burning at about 12 gph

Thanks. Do you think it will be an issue if i recess the pans into the top of the evap? Mine is similar to yours but i have a grid on top and the pans simply sit into those? Also what kind of paint did you use? it looks great.

02-25-2018, 08:30 PM
The thing I learned over the last 2 years is everybody has their own way of doing things! Can you do what you want to do, yes. Will it be the best, probably not. There are so many variables. I learned real quick last year that my setup on a 55 gallon drum with a 2’x2’ pan took forever to boil all my sap. So I cut another 55 gallon drum and used 2 sterno pans as my prewarmer because every time I put fresh sap in my 2x2 I’d kill the boil (it was around this time I realized I need to go bigger for this year and I started thinking about my current setup). Even my current setup since I’ve gone to lines, is probably inefficient even though I insulated, firebricked and refractory cemented the brick and use insulation under the edges of my pan. Im currently boiling at about 10 maybe 12 gph if I have a little wind for a good draft. But now I’m averaging close to 200 gallons a week in sap vs. my 25 gallons a week last year. The best part though is it’s fun and so rewarding when everything is bottled... painstaking and time consuming but still fun and enjoyable.

I would do what you plan for this year and plan ahead for next years upgrades. If you needed to, you’ll already have the oil tank, so all you’ll need to do is cut out the frame that holds your sternos and add a flat pan or divider pan. But for this year I’d say go for it. Good luck

02-25-2018, 08:35 PM
Sorry. I used a high temp black spray paint I think from Home Depot or ACE Hardware.

I’d get some rail gasket for under your pan edges to increase your burning efficiency a bit. It keeps all heat on the bottom of your pans where you want it instead of losing it around the edges.

02-26-2018, 08:47 PM
Sorry. I used a high temp black spray paint I think from Home Depot or ACE Hardware.

I’d get some rail gasket for under your pan edges to increase your burning efficiency a bit. It keeps all heat on the bottom of your pans where you want it instead of losing it around the edges.

Thanks for the advice. I will keep you updated, Kevin