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View Full Version : Tubing question

WI Sugarpop
02-18-2018, 02:16 PM
I presently have a 300 gal tote in the woods that collects sap from my 3/16 system. I have 200 feet of 5/8 tubing running down to a tote in my truck. Everything has garden hose fittings but it takes too long to drain so we want to upgrade to 1 inch tubing. So what should we use for fittings that we can take on an off ?

maple flats
02-18-2018, 02:34 PM
Many use cam lock fittings. The SS ones are food grade, the black plastic ones are not. You can find SS cam locks at many places, I like Brewer's Hardware. There are other places with decent prices too, and a lot with high prices. Another I've used a lot is ProFlow Dynamics. Likely their aluminum cam locks are food grade too.

02-18-2018, 03:33 PM
The white Banjo fittings are FDA approved. In the past, I've gotten them from US Plastic.
