View Full Version : Feb 14, 2018

germantown maple
02-16-2018, 06:10 PM
Wednesday Feb 14, Valentine's Day was the "Big Tapping" day --my son and I, knocked out 400 taps here in Germantown, NY --that's about 2/3 of our total. Just about finished up now -- but a few bkts around the sugar house. Not happy going so early -- rather it be my "traditional" last week of Feb here in Hudson Valley -- but a lot of thaw heading our way in the forecast, so "going with the flow" so to speak. As of 6pm this evening (Fri 2/16) we have about 400 gal sap in the tanks -- but we're still initial leak checking and cold shutdown tonight. Sugar house is a mess -- and stack and pre-heater need to be set up -- no boiling yet --maybe Sunday.