View Full Version : I get to live this season through all of you.

02-16-2018, 09:42 AM
Well its official.
My third season after getting hooked, falling in love with it all and expanding each year is in the bin before it got started.

Back in October I was putting up a tree stand on our property with my son in law. I pulled myself up into the tree. (reached up overhead to pull myself up is all) I felt a twinge. Like a strained muscle. Well as it turns out I tore lose the lower tendon holding the bicep to the shoulder where it anchors. So with that I face surgery in March. As you all know the work it takes is not something easily done with one hand.

So I am able to tap trees, I could even carry sap one handed just take me twice as long.
However I can not
Cut wood, Split wood, Build my arch out of masonry block, load the pans (each holds 5 gallons) or empty the pans.
Sure my wife could help with some. The kids all said, since December. We will help dad. Notice none of them has showed up to begin with wood or the arch yet.

So instead this season I get to spend engaging with all of you. Helping others newer than myself and who knows perhaps find me a young person yet to be addicted to maple. lol

So while the taps are beginning to be put in, in Michigan in our area and south and people are pulling buckets of sap and boiling soon. I will look at the two gallons left on the shelf from last season and await the loving sound of my adult children coming in the door with the grand-kids saying, "Dad can we get some more syrup we are out."

Which will get the response of
"Sorry its a limited supply the grand-kids can come here to have pancakes, and french toast or waffles. They can use grandpas syrup but you guys get store bought only." perhaps then they will realize and remember. You only get rewarded with things if your willing to put in the work to earn them. :lol:

Keep it safe everyone and post lots of pics and videos for me.

Run Forest Run!
02-16-2018, 02:08 PM
Sorry to hear that you are injured and have to miss the season. All the best for a speedy, or should I say, a Snappy recovery.

maple flats
02-16-2018, 03:31 PM
That could be my fate as well, I'll know after my biopsy results are known after next Wed. It's a bummer, but just remember, next season is only a year away. That gives you time to make some improvements that could help.

Haynes Forest Products
02-16-2018, 04:29 PM
Well snappy I suggest with your good hand you drive yourself out into the vast maple woods and fine someone else that is cooking and start your rehab early with some 12oz curls.
Its a bitch to get old and at 67 the MRI says I have both biceps and rotators torn but that will just have to wait.

buckeye gold
02-16-2018, 04:52 PM
I missed part of a syrup season with bilateral hernia surgery in 2015. I had a stretch a few years ago where i spent the better part of two years broken. I was shot in a hunting accident and about bout the farm, then when I was just about recovered from that I fell and shattered my elbow and tore my right tricep tendon off the bone, then I had another surgery to remove a cyst. Life sucked big time, but the good news is God is good and we can heal. Actually I put up tubing for the first time this year because I was diagnosed with heart disease in August 2017......heck I'm sounding like more of a disaster than Haynes and I didn't think that was possible.

Just ask Haynes about his many accidents, you'll feel blessed it's just a torn muscle. Maybe we should call him timex:lol:

Russell Lampron
02-16-2018, 07:00 PM
Good luck with your surgery Snappy. All of you guys with your injuries and illnesses are not alone. I start radiation treatments on March 27th because they missed something when I had prostate surgery last July. I won't miss any of my sugaring season though and I feel bad for those of you that will.

02-16-2018, 08:40 PM
Try to get out and do as much as you can. I hear you on the no worky no syrupy! Most of my kids help a few times during the year but now are ready to take up the tapping bit and take over. Maybe someday? You may give your kids a wake up call? Mentoring someone can be very rewarding too!

02-17-2018, 05:21 AM
Sorry to hear the bad news. As Dave K said, this gives you a chance to make even more plans for next year. If we have any extra syrup after filling our orders, we'll let you know in case you need some to get you through until next year. Good luck with the surgery and recovery.

02-17-2018, 07:52 PM
Thanks everyone.

Someone mentioned this may be a chance for me to visit some of you all not to far away from me.
So if anyone is within an hour or so of Midland MI. Who wouldn't mind some company for a day during boiling give me a shout.
Not able to do a lot of traveling around but say an hour or so wouldn't be too bad.

May you all have a great season. Looks like next several days here are going to be opening the spigots on the trees.

02-18-2018, 07:25 AM
Sorry to hear about the impending surgery, Snappy. If I were in Michigan I'd be glad to help out. It would be good if you could find someone to mentor, that way they get to learn and you get to pass on your knowledge.

Amazing how many times I hear people saying 'yeah my kids are supposed to come and help out but no sign of them yet'....and they don't turn up til all the hard work's done with their hands out. Well you know what the answer is? Give your grandkids Granpa's real stuff. And give your kids Aunt Jemima or similiar fake syrup. That should help learn em up.

02-18-2018, 03:52 PM
I've been following the trader for about a year but just actually registered. It took a while for me to get approved and what not. Last year was my first year tapping. I only tapped a couple trees 5 taps total and boiled on a propane turkey fryer but made close to a gallon of syrup and was hooked. I'm in Bay City and would love to learn some tips and tricks. I wish that I had the time to come help you out with your operation this year. Between working full time and working on the house before my fiancee and I move in May I'm going to be pretty busy these next few months.

Haynes Forest Products
02-18-2018, 10:30 PM
Snappysweets Ill do my best to not burn your pans. Good luck and get back in the fight next year. A shout out to any new sugar makers if you postpone your maple season because of your pending Doom..................OOOOPs I mean wedding or birth of a child is setting a standard you don't want to start. Next you will be going to wedding showers and Lamaze classes.

02-22-2018, 10:09 AM

Well I couldn't get tapping but I cooked up a gallon from last year. To make myself our fifteen year old and the grand kids something we can nibble on at least.

02-23-2018, 05:21 PM
Ha thanks everyone.

Evidently the daughters boyfriend decided the Maple Sugar above was too good to miss out on.

We now have a new Maple Addict who I am sure will find the forums sooner or later. He helped me build my arch, helped me cut some wood and assemble my taps. Today we just got done putting in 45 taps. Wont do anymore this year with my arm. But it will be enough to get him hooked and will make me happy as I am now in the game at least. :)

Run Forest Run!
02-23-2018, 06:30 PM
Snappy, this is awesome news. Score one for the boyfriend, he sure knows how to keep in the good books with you! Nicely played. lol

02-24-2018, 03:51 PM
Sounds like Henny Penny. Feel for you. I had to miss a season due to shoulder season. Had time to evaluate my operation and make some major changes.

02-27-2018, 01:48 AM
I feel for ya I had almost the same thing happen but I had to get arm nerve surgery on 2012. Only tapped my 15 tube line and schedules surgery for mid april...sucked not doing it full force but a little was better then none...

Good luck and a speedy recovery to you!

03-18-2018, 01:52 PM
Good luck to all of you still in the game this year and a thanks to all for the wishes again.

I have just pulled all the taps and began the final boil and wash up. For a guy who didn't think we would be in the game this year I am pleased. We did 225 gallons of sap off 45 of my still the same old 3/16 homemade taps. So far I have four gallons finished should end with another two or two and a half gallons when done.

Thanks to all those who have helped me over the years directly or indirectly with learning this addiction. Its brought me great pleasure participating in the hobby and the forums both. Look forward to many more years of it. Next step I am debating is a bee hive.

Run Forest Run!
03-18-2018, 02:08 PM
Congrats on a great season Snappy. Be careful about those bees. I hear that beekeeping is just as addictive as sugaring - just ask my friend who started off with one hive a couple of years ago and has now built 31 of them.:lol: