View Full Version : Thanks are way long over due!

02-15-2018, 01:42 PM
I just want to say thanks to all the seasoned veterans out there. No matter if you have 200 taps or up to 3000, I see you guys helping out the newcomers even if they only have 5 taps and are cooking on a 3 gallon pan. You guys rock by toning down your operation to their level. You guys rock! After all, these newbies are our legacy.

Thanks again, Trapper



02-15-2018, 01:52 PM
I have to second this sentiment. The wealth of information here and the people willing to help is priceless. Thank you all.

02-15-2018, 01:53 PM
I know I have learned from this sight what would have taken me years by my self in just a few seasons. I have a different problem every other day and I just search on this sight and somebody has already taken the time to answer the questions.


Haynes Forest Products
02-15-2018, 02:58 PM
We all started in the same place looking up at that oak tree getting ready to drill that hole and second guessing our decision looking around and seeing what looks like a tree on the cover of that book your buddy has. You plunge that drill in and out comes some liquid and your hooked. Well OK maybe somebody did that BUT not me. If it wasn't for this site I would be screwed and so would all the people that came in contact with my syrup. Dilly Dilly

Robert K
02-15-2018, 05:38 PM
Come on Hanes , I only tapped the oak tree once, however my brother tapped it 3 years in a row. I wonder if he ever figured that one out. Sure funny watching him look inside the bucket though.
A BIG shout-out to everyone who contributes big or small, hell I might never have tried tubing if it wasn’t for this site and 1 like it.
Thank you everyone :D

red dorakeen
02-16-2018, 04:12 AM
I add my thanks to all that contribute their knowledge here.

maple flats
02-16-2018, 07:17 AM
I'll echo that thanks too, but the production range of those helping and answering questions is far wider than 200-3000. It's more like 5 taps -20,000 and even bigger.
That's one thing I find very refreshing about the maple industry, the sharing of ideas. In most businesses they do all they can to keep the "competition" from getting their secrets, in maple we all share and teach others for the betterment of the industry.

02-16-2018, 09:29 AM
Yes a HUGE thanks to everyone here.

Oh and that oak tree annoyed the hell out of me that first year. I could not figure out for the life of me why in the hell that tree never gave me a single drop of sap.
Well until season ended and I rechecked all my marked trees. I still can not figure out how I painted the mark on an oak tree in fall. I blame the kid I had with me. I bet my daughter did it instead. :P

02-16-2018, 09:12 PM
Yes, lots of very good information from this forum over the years! Thanks!

02-19-2018, 08:02 AM
Correct you are Dave!

I'll echo that thanks too, but the production range of those helping and answering questions is far wider than 200-3000. It's more like 5 taps -20,000 and even bigger.
That's one thing I find very refreshing about the maple industry, the sharing of ideas. In most businesses they do all they can to keep the "competition" from getting their secrets, in maple we all share and teach others for the betterment of the industry.

03-26-2019, 09:18 AM
Just bringing this thread back to life a year later. Lets see some of your original equipment, My, the heat I lost and the wood I used during the first years.

01-15-2020, 06:50 AM
Thanks again for all the input this past year, I'm continually learning. After roughly 50 years of cooking without a shelter, I finally have a 14 X 18 to cook inside. I also will be doing my first year with a RO.
I did 17 gallons last year and I hope to double that this year. I am now retired so I'm not planning on anymore 72 hour boils as we had in the past. No more boiling on the weekends only as my sugar woods is 80 miles from home. Thanks Trapper
20521 20522

maple flats
01-15-2020, 07:49 AM
Trapper, that's quite a drive to enjoy making syrup. I hope you don't sell syrup with the label identifying it as "scary syrup"

01-15-2020, 05:12 PM
Trapper, that's quite a drive to enjoy making syrup. I hope you don't sell syrup with the label identifying it as "scary syrup"

Thus the reason for me having trail cameras on my bags and tanks letting me know when its time to go. Actually the Maple woods is at my hunting Cabin so it isn't so bad especially now that I'm retired.

Sell mostly to Family and Friends and they think humorous that I joined mine and Scotts name together to make it Scary. I only sell 60- 80 pints or so to strangers. I sell out of 15-20 gallons each year.