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View Full Version : New drop installing

02-14-2018, 08:13 PM
I read an old post that you cut out old “t cup” and install new drop with “new tee cup”.
I don’t have 2 handed tool to cut out and install new cup.
I have only 20 to replace on 2 gravity 5/16 lines. I have max flow flex to use for drops.

I take down my lines each year since 2013.
I borrowed a home made 2 handed tool, it was not easy to use. The alignment was not perfect.
I got it done with thermoses of hot water.
I bought a ONE-Handed tubing fitting assembly tool a few years ago for new spouts.

What about using a connector in new drop to stub off old drop?
Or cut out old cup and ONE -Handed tool the 3 connections?

Any suggestions?

02-14-2018, 09:29 PM
I just cut the drop line an inch above the T , then slice the small piece left on the barb with a Razor and just grab it with pliers and pull. Just don't cut too deep and damage the barbed fitting on the T. Not sure if you are trying to replace the whole T ?

02-15-2018, 05:40 AM
If your looking to replace the drop with the T. A cheap way I have done in the past is a 4' length of paracord. Tie it about a foot past the T on both sides. Cinch it enough to give some working slack and change the fitting. "Poor mans 2 handed tool" Now if your just changing the drop and not the T, I would use a good sharp pair of mechanics dikes. Snip the old drop by grabbing the tubing parallel with the fitting. "Pinching the tubing" You have a better chance to not damage the fitting.