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View Full Version : How many taps/run 3/16

Alex Davies
02-11-2018, 04:16 PM
How many taps are folks putting on 3/16 runs?

I must have a few runs with 30 plus taps... They seem to flow okay. Though, honestly, I haven't spent the time to actually do much proper investigation (checking vac at the top of the lines) etc.

What are your thoughts? Perhaps I should split some of them overloaded runs in two?


02-11-2018, 04:23 PM
I think the Proctor Univ study reported max was 37 taps. But I think most stay around 30 max. For my setup I currently have around 25 taps per line but will be reducing those lines next year with all my squirrel issues. It only takes one leak to stop a 3/16 line production and the less taps per line then the less risk if you lose a lot of production if it develops a leak. Something to think about.

Alex Davies
02-11-2018, 04:56 PM
Thanks. Maybe I'll split some of those longer runs in half.