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View Full Version : how to repair a tin pan

06-01-2007, 04:25 PM
im getting this tin pan from bascoms and i was wandering how to fix holes in it it has four holes in it your imput would be greatly apreciated

06-02-2007, 08:21 PM
What tin pan are you getting? Since you are in Ohio I would recommend that you not buy a pan unless it is lead free. I know you are small but from what I'm hearing Ohio is pushing the lead issue and requiring that syrup be checked. You may want to check with your association or other producers to see where the issue stands. In previous months the issue was discussed and Ohio was really pushing it. Lead free pans and solder began in the late 80's and early 90's depending on the manufactuer. Most of them started labeling the pans as lead free when the built them.
Personally I wouldn't buy a pan that was tin and had lead in it.
It wouldn't be fun if you worked hard to make some syrup and then couldn't sell it.
Do your homework before you buy it.
The pan can be soldered though. It is best to use a iron instead of a torch. The iron is less likely to cause further problems.
If you do decide to buy it why don't you have Bascom's repair it. I know you might have to pay more but at least you know it doesn't leak. I have seen pans before that where old and thin and they are very hard to solder especially if you try a torch.
Good luck

Fred Henderson
06-02-2007, 08:57 PM
As an old tin knocker like myself would tell you that getting a previouly solder joint that you can not see, clean enough so that solder will stick is almost impossible. If you start with problems that is all that you will have down the road a bit.

06-03-2007, 05:24 AM
When I was at Bascomes open house I saw they had sevral stainless/ lead free pans (syrup pans) for sale,,one I particularly remember was a 4X4 syrup pan that had been scorched-was a littel wavey,,,but no leakes (that I could see) and was $125,,,do you have a particular size that you need and that is why you are going with tin??
I have tried repair old tin pans and it has just lead to miserey,,,fix one leak-find 10 more,,,,,,
If you let me know what size your looking for I can keep my eyes open,,I see quite a bit of stuff over the summer-fall