View Full Version : Skid steer gathering
02-09-2018, 04:49 AM
Anyone use a tracked skid steer to gather sap. Right now I use our tractor and loader with a cage tank. Not bad until it get muddy. Than it’s tough going. I’m thinking of selling the tractor and getting a skid steer with tracks thought might do better. I have many other uses for a skid steer that be done
02-09-2018, 09:12 AM
if your plan on using an ASV track machine or a older cat with ASV track system i would say yes, any others skidsteers with tracks id say no.... just because of the mud factor. the tractor depending on it size would be easier to get unstuck than a fixed roller rubber track machine in mud . take a look at ASV vs other track machines on youtube to see what i mean
maple flats
02-09-2018, 11:17 AM
A rubber track on a conventional rubber tired skid steer is super high maintainence. The ASV would be great but sit down before you look at the price. However on them, the tracks are large enough that they only put 3.5 lbs/sq ft on the ground, that's less than when you walk. My brother has one and has never gotten stuck with it. He logs his firewood, driving thru swamps and all, it will make ruts eventually because it is a 5 ton machine, but just a little sod or moss growing on the surface help support it. Just don't turn in the wet areas, drive thru the wet area then turn on higher ground.
02-09-2018, 11:33 AM
Skid steers are very handy for a lot of things but they are not mud runners. They don't have a lot of clearance.
02-09-2018, 11:35 AM
yeah the price is high but they are worth every penny, and its not only ASVs low ground pressure of the tracks but also high ground clearance and the moving boogie wheels with plenty of travel to keep the tracks against the ground when in mud and snow unlike other fixed roller machines .
02-09-2018, 11:08 PM
I did not see where anybody has mentioned snow or ice...I know with my 13k excavator (metal tracks) once the snow is slippery (packed) or it is icy then I am in trouble. I had the same issue with my 10k excavator with rubber tracks. Maybe the ASV units with smaller treads would help, but that would be my concern in the woods. Also I know tracked machines often are not as friendly to higher mileage when compared to tires. I would like the capacity of a tracked SS, but the snow/icy would be a no go for me.
We run tracks on our RZR and ATV and these do rut the area up after several (many) passes. As mentioned try to plan your turns and you will definitely minimize the impact.
02-10-2018, 05:02 AM
We have a ASV 50 on our farm. Just plowed the trails in 2 woods yesterday,we got 12". I gather with a ATV and trailer with a pump and 250 gal tank. If the Quad ever broke down I would rig the pump and tank on a skid and use the ASV to gather. Getting in and out of the cab would be the only draw back. Best piece of equipment I have ever bought!
maple flats
02-10-2018, 07:53 AM
My brother's ASV at 10,000 lbs is an ASV 85, I don't know what the 50 weighs, I was not aware they had a 50. It has no problem going in snow, but lots of ice on much of a slope would likely be an issue. My brother's land is as flat as around my sugarhouse (thus my name, maple flats). He never had an issue, but any slopes he has are likely 3-4% or less and those are few. His place is only about 1000' from my westerly boundary line.
If you have steep ground, you would want studs on the tracks for ice.
02-10-2018, 08:00 AM
[QUOTE=VT_K9;342569]I did not see where anybody has mentioned snow or ice... snow isn`t to bad, ice can be a challange for any machine with plain rubber or steel tracks on a side slope or up and down a steep grade. its also the operator skill level that comes into play, im not saying im the best on every machine.... but i do get the ` i got my 17 ton bulldozer or excavator stuck in some mud, can you help me get it out` alot and when i show up with just a chainsaw and 4 chains i get the `wheres your machine to get mine out comment` i laugh and say watch this, 30 mins later i get the machine out under its on power most of the time, i was always told that its called on the job training LOL . plus with ASV tracks you can buy steel track cleats to go on the rubber track that make it almost unstoppable even in glare ice conditions.
03-04-2018, 07:00 PM
Buddy up the road just bought a 65hp Bobcat Tracked Skid Steer. we put a tote on it and you can literally drive from tree to tree to tree without cutting ruts. $70,000.00
I'll stick with my old stand by. Bombardier SW48
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