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02-04-2018, 01:26 PM
I'm in the process of restoring a 1950 shack that is on property we bought a couple years ago. Lots of mature sugar maples and acreage slopes down to shack. Hopefully produce on a small scale for family. Lots of work to do, but it is usable at this time.
The arch has 19"x32" opening. I have no pan, I do have a raised 60gal sap tank w/valve and a SS preheater w/valve. Being a novice at this, I've read hundreds of postings and internet research but still not sure about the pan. I 'm not quite sure about getting a divided pan vs. flat pan. Thanks for any comments /suggestions.

Haynes Forest Products
02-04-2018, 02:19 PM
First lets talk about all the different pans Flat pans, flat divided pan. flue pan, flue pan with dividers, drop flue with dividers' flat pan with float box with draw off valve, continuous flow pans. The list goes on and on so lets talk.

When you have a simple plain flat pan without a float box or draw off valve you will be batch cooking. That means you will cook sap until its finished syrup and will need to keep pouring in sap to maintain an safe level until done

Take the same pan and add a float box and draw off valve and you now have the ability to draw off near syrup as you add automatically ad sap while you cook.

Add channels to the same pan and you now have the ability to control your draw offs and continually draw off finished syrup. once again the options are endless.

I would look for a flat pan with channels and has a float box and draw off valve. This will give you the ability to safely make fine syrup without having help every step of the way.

maple flats
02-04-2018, 02:51 PM
Try contacting Bascom Maple and see if by chance they have a 20" x 33" or slightly larger pan in their used inventory. If they do, get it and use some pan gasket to lay on the top of that arch, then set the pan on it. If things are not very level, use multiple gaskets to level the pan.

02-04-2018, 04:08 PM
I think if your considering using that arch I would start with a flat pan with a drain in one corner. Get a smoke stack in place and tap some trees and gather some wood. couple days you will be in the sugarin business!:)

02-04-2018, 04:31 PM
Some land with a shack and some maples. Sounds like a dream to me. Are you looking to tap and boil this season? That arch size is odd and looks to have seen better days. If you hold off for a year and upgrade some of the equipment you will be in much better shape. Any idea of how many taps are on the property?

02-04-2018, 05:14 PM
Thanks for the ideas and comments; do believe a divided flat pan with draw off is the way to go at least for our initial season.
The land is 80 acres with about 30acres of rock maple, very few soft maple. Maybe 10 acres of white, grey birch, cherry, ash, and oak. Rest other than field is hemlock, pine, and cedar.
Not familiar enough to determine taps, but maples are mature, meaning 16" to 24", with 50 that are 3' to 6' diameter. I'm on a south facing slope.
I've got dry wood cut, ready to split. Enough stack pipe to put up. Have to fabricate the base for the smoke stack, the existing one is rusted out. Do some work on the flap doors on cupola, etc.
Going to have fun and learn new things while rebuilding. I'll post my progression.
Thanks again

minehart gap
02-04-2018, 07:02 PM
Cool old sugar shack. Best of luck with the restoration.

If you can't find a pan already made, lots of companies to make one. W. F. Mason is in Porter Maine and has an excellent reputation for quality products. Perhaps he could fabricate one for you. I typically use an Amish shop that does good work and is 10 miles from my woods. Possibly you have someone near you that could do the same.

Do lots of research, you will not regret it. Everyone that I have talked to on this forum is friendly and willing to do there best to help. Its always cheaper and usually easier to learn from others peoples mistakes but you will make your own. Sugarmakers are an unusual group of people. Extremely friendly and willing to help you even though you may be competing with them for sales.

minehart gap
02-11-2018, 04:54 AM
Ed, love the photo. I didn’t see the deer at first, the cat caught my eye then I was checking out the sugar shack.

With the acreage that you have, you might want to consider removing that arch and putting a new (or new to you) arch and pans in place. You can usually get a used evaporator at a reasonable price after season and the pans will be included in most cases.

Again, love the shack. Lot of work to do to get it back to original glory but it should be worth it.

02-11-2018, 05:22 AM
Ed, love the photo. I didn’t see the deer at first, the cat caught my eye then I was checking out the sugar shack.

With the acreage that you have, you might want to consider removing that arch and putting a new (or new to you) arch and pans in place. You can usually get a used evaporator at a reasonable price after season and the pans will be included in most cases.

Again, love the shack. Lot of work to do to get it back to original glory but it should be worth it.

Thanks for the suggestions, yep the deer are always hanging around the edge around the shack, had 22 the other day. I did get a 2x3 flat SS pan made by Thoothacher fabrication up near Bangor and he also made a new stack box for me. Since we're getting close to tapping I'll used this original arch and keep my ears open to find a possible replacement. Looking forward to the work and learning.

02-11-2018, 12:20 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, yep the deer are always hanging around the edge around the shack, had 22 the other day. I did get a 2x3 flat SS pan made by Thoothacher fabrication up near Bangor and he also made a new stack box for me. Since we're getting close to tapping I'll used this original arch and keep my ears open to find a possible replacement. Looking forward to the work and learning.

That will get you through the season with some syrup and then you can evaluate in the off season how big you want to ultimately become and plan appropriately.

02-12-2018, 07:02 AM
Great old Shack Winslow! Time to start making memories! Have fun!

02-27-2018, 04:22 PM
1st, thanks for suggestions and comments. We are underway.
Started tapping 2-21 put out 40 taps buckets and pails and already overwhelmed with sap, getting close to 1.5 gals per tap. Boiling from 8am till dark, man this is work! But having a great time and learning as I go.
Going to have to cut back or get some help.

maple flats
02-27-2018, 05:44 PM
You are now addicted, there is no escape. Have fun!

02-28-2018, 07:50 AM
1st, thanks for suggestions and comments. We are underway.
Started tapping 2-21 put out 40 taps buckets and pails and already overwhelmed with sap, getting close to 1.5 gals per tap. Boiling from 8am till dark, man this is work! But having a great time and learning as I go.
Going to have to cut back or get some help.

It is a ton of rewarding work! Awesome job! Have fun!