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02-03-2018, 05:38 PM
I have a smoky lake guardian auto draw system. I am using the barometric pressure+elevation calculation for auto draw off temp, adding 1.5 degrees F and still drawing at 64-65 degrees brix. I hate finishing out of the evaporator.... i would rather go over and thin.... how high would be to high for auto draw?

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02-03-2018, 05:43 PM
Set your temp for whatever it takes to get 67 brix. Trust your hydrometer and don’t worry about what the temperature is.

02-03-2018, 07:54 PM
Couple things. Are you trying to finish on the evaporator or not? Or do you have a seperate pan where you bring syrup up to temp to finish?
I would recommend if you want it heavy and will thin to correct density later I would go to 219F on the auto draw. It will be heavy because your not at sea level and my guess is your normal temp for finished syrup would be around 217F. I made syrup at 216.5 on the autodraw (Marcland) the other night and was just a tad heavy.

02-03-2018, 09:07 PM
Couple things. Are you trying to finish on the evaporator or not? Or do you have a seperate pan where you bring syrup up to temp to finish?
I would recommend if you want it heavy and will thin to correct density later I would go to 219F on the auto draw. It will be heavy because your not at sea level and my guess is your normal temp for finished syrup would be around 217F. I made syrup at 216.5 on the autodraw (Marcland) the other night and was just a tad heavy.

I am aiming to finish on the evap. I think we have been calculating to around 217. We are 911 above sea level. (Easy to remember number). I will try 219 and see how that does. Of course now we will be frozen for a bit and i have to wait to test this out!

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02-04-2018, 05:45 AM
Keep in mind the temp will chance each boil and maybe even during. I would bump up a degree from your last boil and test first batch adjust up or down from there.

02-04-2018, 06:14 AM
I have a D&G modulating Belimo auto draw off. Over the past 2 season, I recorded the barometric pressure and the draw off temperature setting each day after the draw off was dialed in to 66.9% syrup. First I check the barometric pressure just before firing the oil burner. Then I check the pressure against what is on my list, set the draw off .5 degrees higher than the setting on the list. After 2 or 3 draws worth of adjusting the draw temperature, the draws will be right on 66.9% (as long as the barometric pressure is steady). I draw off into 7 gallon SS containers, put the container on a turkey cooker, bring the temp up to 211 and check each 5-6 gallon batch to be sure of the density. I rarely have to adjust the density. I have had some boils where I made 90-120 gallons of 66.9% syrup without adjusting the draw temp after the first few draws.


02-04-2018, 07:51 AM
Try this website. Gives you a good idea on the temp based on weather stations in your area. It worked good for me at the tail end of last year to get it close on the evaporator with my auto draw. If app said 219.5. I set my autodraw to 219.7. And all was good. I checked with hydrometer also but only every couple hours.


02-04-2018, 08:31 AM
Chris, I'm not far from you and a little higher in elevation. I always draw at 219-220 on the 1/2 pint. I wouldn't set the auto draw much higher than 220. I draw syrup manually using the syrup temperature right near the draw off. I over shoot a little and add back permeate when I filter each batch. I always use the hydrometer to determine when I have the finished brix right before filtering. I've been doing this for three years and it works great.

maple flats
02-04-2018, 11:23 AM
I'm at 470' above sea level and my temperature needs to be in the 220-222 range depending on the barometer. Just catch one full draw in a pot , mix it and test, then adjust accordingly. Some differences will be just the equipment used, others are the draw itself. Remember, an auto draw opens when it hits the set temp. and then shuts off as it falls enough to trigger the close. The average of what was drawn is what you want at your desired density. I go to 66.9%, some go to 67% others go to 66.5%. That depends on your state regs and how much of a safety margin you chose.