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View Full Version : Tips for dealing with shavings in 3/16 line?

02-02-2018, 06:42 PM
Was out in the sugarbush and noticed several Tees with wood shavings in them. While the sap is not running I'm inclined to change the whole drop. Is this what everyone else does? Little hesitant to cut the line off the tee for the fear of air leaks. Thoughts? Suggestions?

02-02-2018, 07:40 PM
Was out in the sugarbush and noticed several Tees with wood shavings in them. While the sap is not running I'm inclined to change the whole drop. Is this what everyone else does? Little hesitant to cut the line off the tee for the fear of air leaks. Thoughts? Suggestions?last year was my first year on 3/16 and i got two shaving's clogs. one i was able to flush from the drop while the line was running, the other one i had to replace the drop. i don't cut the lines off the T's for the reason you mentioned.

02-02-2018, 10:41 PM
Was out in the sugarbush and noticed several Tees with wood shavings in them. While the sap is not running I'm inclined to change the whole drop. Is this what everyone else does? Little hesitant to cut the line off the tee for the fear of air leaks. Thoughts? Suggestions?

Should probably be aiming for getting the holes cleaner before tapping in. It'd be much faster to clean the holes rather than cut new fittings in and then still have to clean the holes. I'm not aming to be a smart alek in saying this either, but once the trees really start running and the trees were all tapped the same way, you may have alot more than several plugged up.

02-02-2018, 11:33 PM
Should probably be aiming for getting the holes cleaner before tapping in. It'd be much faster to clean the holes rather than cut new fittings in and then still have to clean the holes. I'm not aming to be a smart alek in saying this either, but once the trees really start running and the trees were all tapped the same way, you may have alot more than several plugged up.

Any tips on cleaning the holes?

02-03-2018, 12:15 AM
Alot of it is related to the bit that is use. If used just a hardware store bit, then there will be more shavings than with a specially designed tapping bit. You could probably use a sterilized piece of electric fence wire to help get the shavings out. Don't blow in the hole.

02-03-2018, 03:04 AM
Should probably be aiming for getting the holes cleaner before tapping in. It'd be much faster to clean the holes rather than cut new fittings in and then still have to clean the holes. I'm not aming to be a smart alek in saying this either, but once the trees really start running and the trees were all tapped the same way, you may have alot more than several plugged up.

The lines ran last year so I'm not sure it made a huge difference. We try to be as careful as possible when tapping, drill spinning constantly while tapping in and out.

02-03-2018, 04:43 AM
Alot of it is related to the bit that is use. If used just a hardware store bit, then there will be more shavings than with a specially designed tapping bit. You could probably use a sterilized piece of electric fence wire to help get the shavings out. Don't blow in the hole.

We use the correct bit. I got it right from Ace hardware. Lol, no it's a proper tapping bit. Too much invested to use the wrong equipment.

02-03-2018, 06:55 AM
We use the correct bit. I got it right from Ace hardware. Lol, no it's a proper tapping bit. Too much invested to use the wrong equipment.

Vtnewguy- you got me for a second when I read Ace hardware. Nicely played!

buckeye gold
02-03-2018, 07:51 AM
I break off a twig from a nearby bush and clean the hole. Throw it down and break off a new one at the next tap, it takes very little time.

Mark B
02-03-2018, 08:18 AM
So I had another thought on this. as I will be considering switching my lateral lines to 3/16 from 5/16 over the next couple of years. Could you buy a can of compressed air like you use to blow out the computer and carry that with you to blow out your drilled tap hole?

02-03-2018, 08:32 AM
If you tap when there is sap flowing let a bit drip out and push any shaving out then set the tap in the tree.

maple flats
02-03-2018, 09:01 AM
Unless you have so many taps that you must put them in before the sap runs, waiting for a day that flushes the taphole as soon as it is drilled works best. If you must drill when not running, I also use the twig method, but only use on one hole and toss, get a fresh one on the next.
The issue with using a piece of sterilized fence wire, is that it would only be clean on the first hole.

02-03-2018, 09:58 AM
Could you buy a can of compressed air like you use to blow out the computer and carry that with you to blow out your drilled tap hole? I wait until they're running, but at this point my time is so short on other projects i may have to tap when it's not running and was planning on going the compressed air can method. unless there is a good reason not to?

02-03-2018, 05:32 PM
I wait until they're running, but at this point my time is so short on other projects i may have to tap when it's not running and was planning on going the compressed air can method. unless there is a good reason not to?

How do any of us know that this would not be introducing bacteria into the hole?? Sounds like a question for the Dr.!