View Full Version : Plumbing in float box

lords sugaring
01-30-2018, 11:24 AM
I'm looking to plumb my 275 gallon ibc tote into the float box to use as a head tank or a 55 gallon drum. First year with float boxes and head tank. What are some things you've done to plumb in your setup. Not using a preheater yet, how will this effect my boil in the rear pan ? Maybe someone can offer up some advice on a preheating system too. Running out of time to get this setup for the fast approaching season.

Haynes Forest Products
01-30-2018, 03:04 PM
Put the tank up out of the way, Have a shut off valve between float box and tank. Even though you can see the liquid level thru the tank I would put a section of clear ploy in the line so you can at a quick glance if your running out of sap. Once the rig is up and running you will get into a habit of looking for the bubbles of sap flowing down the tube.

I would also plum in a bypass line to the outside so you can wash the tank after the day is done. set the tank with a slight tilt to the drain so all say drains. Leaving even a 1/4" of say in a warn evap room for the day can leave an off flavor.

maple flats
01-30-2018, 03:19 PM
Also, run at least a 3/4" line, 1" even better. Keep an OH Sh#t bucket close to the front pan to dump in on an emergency.

01-30-2018, 03:25 PM
Attach to float box with a quick disconnect, and run line so it pitches to the box, always drain at night. ( I have forgotten and it froze a bear to thraw.)

Drew Pond Maple
02-01-2018, 08:07 PM
I would also plum in a bypass line to the outside so you can wash the tank after the day is done.
Here is a pic of my bypass setup. I just close one valve and open the other, insert a 5’ piece of 1” pvc that runs outside my sugar house door and spray with garden hose. It works great!17387