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View Full Version : Back with another question, shurflo 4008 on flat sugarbush

Mark B
01-26-2018, 06:20 AM
I have another question? So I am back with revised numbers on the flat sugar bush. It looks like my 3/4" mainline will be 425-450'. The lines are split / tee'd in to 2 runs, one about 215' and the other about 225'. I was able to get about a 2% grade on the shorter one and 3% on the longer incoming line. Still thinking 110-120 taps. This will all be on a 12 volt shurflo 4008. My holding tank will be about 75-80' away and up hill about 8-10' ft (including tank height) run with 1/2" line. With the vacuum on this, will the shurflo still be able to move the sap up to the holding tank? I'm going to get my pump elevated as close as possible to the height of my incoming mainlines. This will probably keep the lift to the holding tanks more on the 8' end. Will the 4008 be able to move the sap to my holding tanks as described Thoughts? And yes I am still planning a recirculation line.

01-26-2018, 06:39 AM
On my new setup I have I am able to use the 4048 shurflo to push my sap up a 25ft rise to getnto the head tank. It was moving about 3 gal per min to give you an idea.

01-26-2018, 07:22 AM
On my new setup I have I am able to use the 4048 shurflo to push my sap up a 25ft rise to getnto the head tank. It was moving about 3 gal per min to give you an idea.

What size/type of line are you using for your output?

01-26-2018, 10:06 AM
if you are trying to produce vacuum and lift sap at the same time with the same pump, you will probably lose vacuum on the inlet side. Less vacuum equals less sap. The recirculation line could affect it too.

I have a similar situation, tank is 550' away and 15' drop down from my sugarhouse. Last year I had manual ball valves valves to allow the 4008 vacuum pump to suck sap from barrell (while keeping vacuum on the sap line) and pump to the sugarhouse. When it did that my vacuum dropped to about 10" and pump rate to the sugarhouse was an agonizing 1gpm. For this coming season I am going to be using a separate transfer pump this season, a 5.5gpm Seaflo tied into an auxiliary output of my vacuum pump controller. It will pump the sap from the barrell to the sugarhouse tank automatically every 3 hours for about 10 minutes and drain the line when it is done. It will not affect vacuum level. Keith in WV and I will have reports on it soon.


Mark B
01-26-2018, 12:50 PM
The recirculation line will be on a needle valve and will be only enough to keep the diaphragm wet. I can always experiment with it closed, but I was advised to have a recirculation line. I think the thing I was most concerned about was that it would work and it sounds like it should. The 1/2 inch line should only be holding/moving about 1.5 gallons to the holding tanks at any given time.

01-26-2018, 07:57 PM
What size/type of line are you using for your output?

I use 3/4 inch mainline tubing.

01-28-2018, 10:59 PM
I use 3/4 inch mainline tubing.\

Wow that's pretty good for a DP- I moved my mainline this year to pick up another 75 trees, so now instead of sap at the shed, it's 100 yds away, and 20'-25' of elevation lower. I was thinkin of pumping with a shurflo and 5/16 up elevation- then letting it drain in 3/4 mainline to the RO feed tank. I am goin to try it this week to see what happens, I bought a Wayne pump to use with the generator, but i'd rather swap batteries every two days than haul the generator and pump back and forth twice a day. Thanks!