View Full Version : Shurflo trouble shooting

01-21-2018, 07:34 PM
I'm using a shurflo 4008. 3/4 mainline straight to the shurflo. I'm getting a lot of slugging and turbulence just before the pump. Is this normal or do I have a leak somewhere? I do not have any gauges on the system yet. Any info is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

01-21-2018, 09:25 PM
If lines are tight everything should be stopped on the pump inlet and outlet lines, no turbulence, so it sounds like there is a leak. You might check if there is air coming out the pump outlet line, that would confirm if there is a leak.


01-22-2018, 06:37 PM
Thanks Dave,
Cut In valves to each main so that I could divert all vacuum to check for the leaks. Let's just say there are many. Got 4 or 5 fixed and the sap ladders started to perform. Have a few more to work on tomorrow. But I think its going to out perform last year's totals.