View Full Version : Wood used in 2x4 evaporator

Andrew Franklin
01-17-2018, 10:50 PM
I'm a small scale hobby guy, and didn't get any wood cut last year so I'm buying fuel this season. A local place sells seasoned wood for $65 a rick and kiln dried for $110 a rick. Pricier than guys that sell from their yard, but the seasoned is better quality due to past experience. My question...is kiln dried worth the extra cost because of the lower moisture content and higher burn temps? Thanks in advance!

minehart gap
01-18-2018, 04:57 AM
Andrew, I think that a lot depends on how the wood is stored after drying. I know that with lumber, if it is stacked outside with a cover over top and on stickers, kiln dried wood will take in moisture over time and you end up with the same moisture content as air dried lumber. If not a lot of time has passed since drying or it has been stored indoors, kiln dried is probably a lot dryer.

01-18-2018, 05:08 AM
What’s a rick? How much wood is it?

01-18-2018, 05:40 AM
What’s a rick? How much wood is it?

4'x8'x2' wide stack. Sold lots of them in the boy scouts.


01-18-2018, 05:42 AM
Most of us just burn "seasoned" wood anyway. Has the seasoned wood been under cover of some kind? Probably wouldn't be good if you have to dig it out of a snow pile. Either way you will likely have to split it down finer to make the evaporator happy.

01-18-2018, 05:58 AM
4'x8'x2' wide stack. Sold lots of them in the boy scouts.

Ok so it’s a 1/2 cord. Only legal way of selling wood in New Hampshire and states around is by a 4’x4’x8’ cord. As far as which wood to buy, if you buy the seasoned wood and split it into wrist size pieces, it should burn good.