View Full Version : North east ohio 2018

01-17-2018, 12:57 PM
With reports from lots of other areas, I thought I'd get a thread started for the NE Ohio group.
With the warm-up coming I plan to tap what lines I have set out Saturday and place some more out on Sunday.
Any one else getting ready, or already boiling?

01-17-2018, 01:43 PM
John I am going to have to sit this thaw out. Too much going on for me with coaching and still I'm waiting on 2 Goulds pumps that are being rebuilt. I plan to get the evaporator and sugarhouse ready this Sunday, then tap the following Sunday. Good luck on your season.

01-17-2018, 07:58 PM
I’ll let this warm up pass and get things in order this weekend. Watching the forecasts closely at this point.

01-18-2018, 06:15 AM
I'm going to wait on tapping just a little longer too. Plan on fixing tubing and cleaning up the sugarhouse. Its getting closer

01-19-2018, 07:03 AM
Whether you're tapping or cleaning up, it's going to feel good being outside in double digit temps!

Bainbrook Boiler
01-19-2018, 02:17 PM
John - Thanks for getting a 2018 thread going for NEO. I boil with three friends and we're in a debate on whether to tap yet or not. The forecast seems like we should see some sap flowing so I'm interested in what everyone else is thinking as well. This thread will be helpful - Thanks!

01-19-2018, 04:03 PM
Every year we have itchy trigger fingers out there :lol:
The way i see it is were having one of the coldest winters on record and its just past mid-January... thats a recipe for frozen trees!
Hey, here's to hoping everyone has a good season this year!

01-19-2018, 05:23 PM
The forecast for the rest of the month sure looks tempting to me. Worst case I'm about 3 weeks early, but not if I look at what's happened the past 3 years. I'm tapping at least 1/2 this weekend.

01-19-2018, 05:31 PM
Hey if you're ready to rock and roll, the more power to you. You bring up a good point about the past 3 years, however, those winters were nothing compared to this one. Precisely why I sold my sleds!

I would suggest tapping tubing over buckets if you have both...that way the tap holes don't prematurely dry out since it is so early

01-19-2018, 06:17 PM
Your right about the sleds...I put about 14 minutes on the Skidoo Tundra last year, but got 3 hours on it last Sunday with two grandsons onboard.
I will be tapping about 100 that are on 3/16" tube in the back woods and letting the first day's run go to ground to clean the lines. The plan is to add another 50-80 in that area if I can figure a way to get them to run up and over a slight rise - maybe a Sure Flo pump.
I still put out 100+ bags because I like the exercise and running the gator through the woods. It's the falling down in the mud that's not so much fun.

01-22-2018, 10:38 AM
Put more wood up on Saturday but held off tapping the 3/16 lines yesterday...just couldn't ignore the fact that six weeks would only be the 3rd of March. No guts I guess...
Next weekend is for sure though, if not before.

Ohio Maple Blaster
01-22-2018, 01:52 PM
Just checked the extended forecast, for what it's worth. Looks like after the 1st of February, the daytime highs are not supposed to get above freezing. Anyone debating waiting for the next thaw-out?

01-22-2018, 04:33 PM
Hey guys
Im going to wait it out as well, unless they change the weather forecast again they are calling for a cold snow filled February. We will see what happens but id rather get consistant runs instead of time and freezing between them
Good luck this year

01-22-2018, 07:25 PM
Hey Kevin,
Gotta say that if the latest forecast (today's) is correct, I'm going to sit tight til the end of the week. I'd like to see if this newly identified arctic blast is going to fill in - if so - it's gonna be batten down the hatches time!
Guess I'll just go get more wood in. Got a new Timber Wolf Splitter that's a beast and fun to run anyway.

01-23-2018, 05:53 PM
I decided to tap the trees on Sunday. Started boiling tonight. Looks like decent weather for a while.

01-23-2018, 06:44 PM
Hey Eric, I think you're right. Feb is looking pretty normal from what I could see today. This weekend is a for sure.
What do you have for sugar content, is it any better than last year?
How's the Siro Press working for you?

01-25-2018, 08:55 AM
John, I didn’t check sugar concentration. Siro filter is still working good. I plan to add some 3/16 lines this weekend. I will have an early season since we are expecting baby number 2 in the middle of March. Poor time planning😃...

01-25-2018, 05:33 PM
John, I didn’t check sugar concentration. Siro filter is still working good. I plan to add some 3/16 lines this weekend. I will have an early season since we are expecting baby number 2 in the middle of March. Poor time planning��...
Wow, Congrats on the new addition to the family. That's great planning...Just think of all the cool birthday parties in the sugar house every year.
If it's your first bout with 3/16 lines, you're going to really like them. We have about 100 in the back woods all running into a 165 gal tank. It's been full on more than one occasion.

01-25-2018, 06:49 PM
I think I have come to the decision to hold off tapping in Ashtabula County. If the forecast holds true, we will get a couple of favorable days, then 3 or more weeks of freeze up. Of course, who can depend on a long term forecast anyways, so who knows. My plan was to begin tapping this weekend. 1000 taps on medium vac and cv spouts.

01-25-2018, 07:48 PM
Tonight's forecast shows some warmup this weekend and the weekend after that.
Looks like the coldest week is the third week of Feb.
As a trend, it appears that we are in for some decent temp swings and holding off could mean losing two possible runs at least.
I'm going to be all in as of this weekend.


01-25-2018, 08:24 PM
Don't shut the pumps off! Looks like the season will go till May this year! Make lots of money man!

01-26-2018, 03:55 PM
I got my trees tapped today beautiful weather and sap running good and I also cut out holes in barrel for 2 steam pans just need to do the door and vent

01-27-2018, 04:35 PM
Just finished tapping the 3/16 line. Sap over here is running nicely. I've got 5 lines with about 100 taps total running to the ground to flush out. Rainy, wet and slippery out there, but sap is running and that's all that matters.
Hope to finish setting up the sugar house tomorrow, after our 6 year old grandson's wrestling tournament. I decided to stop looking at the weather forecast yesterday,...just too confusing.

For the record, we are about 1/2 reds over here, I'll tap them later next week if it's not in single digit temps.

01-27-2018, 05:16 PM
I agree John the weather looks like it is just up and down

01-30-2018, 06:09 AM
the deep freeze is back to the northeast. anyone have any syrup made already?

01-30-2018, 06:37 AM
Not here. I have about 300 out of 1000 tapped so far (cv spouts). Honestly I dont expect to be making any syrup until the end of Feb if the extended forecast holds.

01-30-2018, 11:23 AM
Hues and Mat, No syrup here yet, but the 3/16 ran through the night Saturday and I think they may start up again Wednesday-Thursday.
Maybe enough to sweeten the pan before we hit the cold temps. Even then it looks like its flirting with above freezing on Saturday. Who knows?
I don't trust the forecast past 6 days anymore and don't want to hold back based on a 10 day outlook... If they're wrong I miss out for the third year in a row.

01-30-2018, 09:05 PM
That's why I decided to tap 1-20-18
I'm not a big scale production at all but my first year(2016) I collected 100 gallons of sap from 27 taps on buckets
From my 3 collection times so far from tapped date I've already got 100 gallons, but I upped my taps to 54 and decided to tap my yard trees( glad I did) they are some of my best producers this year( gallons and % of sugar in sap)2.5 % and they are all soft maple in yard...
I have a giant soft maple tree in our backyard that I'm reluctant to tap because it is literally right next to our septic tanks does anyone have any experience with this?
I know it would produce a lot of sap just not sure about whether it would be influenced by our septic tanks?

karl evans
01-31-2018, 03:33 AM
The trees always look bigger just above the septic system😉.Tap it, but don't advertise that you did. All you'll get will be sap out of it. It's down around 10° now so gonna take awhile to get going this evening. We may get a little the next 36 hours or so, than back to Winter weather for quite sometime. A time to get done those "ideas" you have to improve something in your operation that there's "never time to do."

01-31-2018, 06:32 AM
[QUOTE=I have a giant soft maple tree in our backyard that I'm reluctant to tap because it is literally right next to our septic tanks does anyone have any experience with this?
I know it would produce a lot of sap just not sure about whether it would be influenced by our septic tanks?[/QUOTE]

The tank's not leaking... is it???

01-31-2018, 08:55 AM
The tank's not leaking... is it???

I'd bet its leaking into the leach field..........

01-31-2018, 09:32 AM
I remeber a thread about septic proximity to trees a few years back and the jist of the comments were not so much black water uptake, but that of medications and soaps etc possibly concentrated into the syrup. Tough call but keep clear of venison chili if your selling in bulk please....lol

01-31-2018, 10:29 AM
I now have the pan sweetened and a boils finished. Last 2 runs were at 1.9% sugar. This is a little lower than normal, but I don't have several of the yard trees this year. I bottled up about 8 gallons last night. I hope we get a decent run this evening/tonight before the freeze comes again. I added 33 taps on 3/16 and am very impressed by it. It is running much better than the 5/16 gravity lines that I have.

01-31-2018, 11:58 AM
Just sitting here waiting to go when temps look like sugaring time. We cut down to 320 taps this year, just have one tap per tree on vacuum. I am loosing about 4 nice maples per year. All is ready but I don't see much to cheer about on the forecaste . Not even putting out a test bucket for at least another week. Might drop a couple trees for next years wood while I Wait.

01-31-2018, 02:20 PM
With ice in my buckets do you keep it or throw it out and if you only had 20 taps what would you do. I threw it out just not sure if that is the right decision

01-31-2018, 02:32 PM
Just sitting here waiting to go when temps look like sugaring time. We cut down to 320 taps this year, just have one tap per tree on vacuum. I am loosing about 4 nice maples per year. All is ready but I don't see much to cheer about on the forecaste . Not even putting out a test bucket for at least another week. Might drop a couple trees for next years wood while I Wait.

Woodburner I know what its like to lose nice trees every year. Ever since my aunt clear cut her woods on our west border, I have lost probably 50-75 taps from blow overs. Now she is cutting on our north side, and Im sure I will lose more there, too.

01-31-2018, 02:42 PM
Checked this morning and had about 80 gal n the 165 gal 3/16 tank. This is from the 100 taps on the 3/16 lines. I'll guess it's running today and should tomorrow.
Hope to get it in the rig and boiled down enough to keep from freezing next week. Then on to tapping the rest this weekend. Still looks like we're in for up and down temps - at least the next week or so.

01-31-2018, 06:53 PM
With highs only touching 30° 2 of the next 15+ days, I'm glad I didn't tap yet. I would have had only collected just enough to sweeten my pans and then the lines would of froze with what's coming up. Good luck out there everyone!

01-31-2018, 09:50 PM
What will happen to my 5/16 Taps and buckets with the colder temperatures forecast over the next 10 days?
Is there anything I should do or is it just a waiting game for them to run again?

01-31-2018, 10:19 PM
Hey there. Nothing you can do, just kick back and relax and wait for it to flow again. Bacteria is your number one enemy for premature tap hole closure. The tubing should be fine since it is essentially a sealed system, but the buckets will be impacted. No worries, you'll still have some tasty syrup since we have plenty of season left.

karl evans
02-01-2018, 05:58 PM
Not much sap here. Temp stayed right on 32° all nite here. Never ran good till late afternoon then shut down soon. I wonder how others did cause just a couple degrees would have been a big difference.

02-01-2018, 09:07 PM
So you say I'll have a problem with bacteria?
Where, will I just need to remove buckets/ taps and clean and replace both when temps are better?
(40s and 20-30 )
2 years ago my best flow rates were 50's for highs/ 30 for lows...

buckeye gold
02-01-2018, 10:41 PM
It ran like crazy down here in the sunny south Karl. It was still running big this afternoon, but this cold coming in means I will have the outer parts of my tanks iced up. I made sure all the valves were dry when i shut down tonight. I'll have to get on it early in the morning and get it all run or I'll have big ice cubes.

02-01-2018, 10:50 PM
It's pretty early to sustain any bacterial infections, so youll be fine. Besides the actual tap hole is where the bacteria is so you can't do anything about it. Infections are less rapid in closed systems like tubing. Less air exposure= less susceptible to bacteria.
Think of the tap hole as an open wound....The tree will eventually heal itself and that is when the season is over...
Let's hope thats not till March/ early April!

02-02-2018, 06:54 AM
Not much sap here. Temp stayed right on 32° all nite here. Never ran good till late afternoon then shut down soon. I wonder how others did cause just a couple degrees would have been a big difference.

Nothing more up here - for me anyway. It looks like it's hitting mid 30's this weekend though. That's a far cry from the teens they called for earlier in the week!

02-02-2018, 10:54 AM
Wood butcher

That's what I was thinking was that it would have to get really warm for me to have any bacteria problems in my taps which it's going to be just the opposite around northeast Ohio for the next couple weeks so I should be okay until it gets later in the season when it gets warmer right?

02-02-2018, 10:55 AM
Secondly isn't any bacteria that could be in my sap be boiled off as long as I'm finishing the syrup correctly? I'm pretty new at this so I'm trying to learn what the issue could be with bacteria?

02-02-2018, 11:28 AM
What will happen to my 5/16 Taps and buckets with the colder temperatures forecast over the next 10 days?
Is there anything I should do or is it just a waiting game for them to run again?

You should be fine. The clock starts ticking the day you drill into the tree, that's when the healing process begins. Lots of info on here regarding that - and it's a pretty good read too. Normal tap hole life - sap weeping- is 6 weeks before the tree has closed off the drilled area. That varies but two weeks of cold will be better than two weeks of 60° and sun!
You may bring your buckets or bags in (to keep them from blowing around in the woods) but your taps should remain where they are.

Bacteria in the tap hole is unavoidable, and you are correct that any in your sap will be taken care of when you boil. Keep your buckets and collection equipment as clean as you can and you should make some really nice light and tasty syrup. Let everything get cruddy and you'll still make syrup, it'll just be darker and maybe a bit stronger in taste.

02-02-2018, 12:33 PM
Talk to those trees! Hope your season goes well!
Just across the line!

02-02-2018, 05:36 PM
Got Cha, thanks all
Is there a way to search past forums for only " tap hole bacteria"?

karl evans
02-02-2018, 06:46 PM
Talk to those trees! Hope your season goes well!
Just across the line!
ChrisI should try that. I do plenty of talking to myself this time of year:confused: most frustrating & most rewarding time, this syrup making is. But even on my worst days, I would hate the thought of not making syrup though. I'll talk more to my trees tomorrow, Chris. Best wishes for your season!

02-03-2018, 10:30 AM
I have tapped about 800-850 so far. Hope to finish up tomorrow.

02-03-2018, 04:23 PM
I ran another 300' run of of 3/16 today in an area I could never really get to. Some nice trees too! Looks like a nice warm-up heading our way late next week.

02-08-2018, 11:03 AM
We must of been thinking the same John I also was out looking for more trees I just went for a walk around the neighborhood looking for more trees to tap I told myself not doing anymore than previous year but just can't stop thinking of more I am looking at upgrading my steam pans from 4" to 6" deep full size I am trying out s barrel this year was always using block arch I installed a 5" vent but after reading post thinking I should change to 6" mounted on back of barrel also looking at auctions for bathroom fan

02-09-2018, 05:55 PM
After that afternoon walk talked to owners that evening and picked up more trees my son helped me today put in 15 taps the trees around 24-27 diameter I know it don't sound like much but I was really excited our whole street is tapped now heading down crossroad looks like Chardon

02-09-2018, 08:20 PM
After that afternoon walk talked to owners that evening and picked up more trees my son helped me today put in 15 taps the trees around 24-27 diameter I know it don't sound like much but I was really excited our whole street is tapped now heading down crossroad looks like Chardon

Sound exciting to me! Those roadside trees should make you happy! That's all we have tapped for 50 years.

02-10-2018, 01:06 PM
I am all tapped. Got the electric releaser and pump hooked up today. Ran the vac but everything is still froze up, even though its around 40. I still dont think I'll be making much syrup for a couple of weeks. Hopefully the month of March is 4 weeks straight of freeze/thaw.

02-10-2018, 04:07 PM
Tapped over 100 today after dropping the trees for next year. We have about a foot of snow in the woods with some ice underneath. Looking better for mid week with temps heading up. We should have the 320 tapped and ready to go by Monday. Hope everyone is about ready to go. Feels good to get in the woods again.

02-10-2018, 06:55 PM
Hung 42 bags today and hope to get another 60 in tomorrow. With 114 on the 3/16 lines, that will put us just north of 200 so far this year. Still lots more in a newly accessible area of our back woods (thanks to a new road bed we had put in leading down to our creek bridge..

02-10-2018, 08:27 PM
About half tapped here (350) or so and another 300-350 to go tomorrow. Will double check the new vac pump we installed and hope all goes well for this week. Should be some good runs a of the few days. Pumped for a good season, hope its long and good luck to everyone

02-10-2018, 10:35 PM
Go get ‘em Kevin and good luck to you too.
Say hi to your Dad and Uncle Mark for me.
We may hit 250-300 taps here. Just wish more were on tubing-
falling down in the mud’s not so much fun anymore!

02-11-2018, 08:01 AM
We put up 225 on one property yesterday. Hope to throw the remaining 450 buckets this week. Looks like we have some good days coming this week.

02-12-2018, 06:09 AM
I started tapping our tubing in yesterday, will work on the rest this week after work and maybe onto buckets this Saturday.

02-12-2018, 07:30 AM
ill be tapped up by tomorrow.

02-12-2018, 10:02 PM
I’m all in and ready to go.

02-13-2018, 08:57 PM
Tapped 450 today and flowing already, may be boiling tomorrow.

02-14-2018, 01:22 PM
I only had 4 taps running while I tapped yesterday. They are definitely frozen still for me...

02-14-2018, 01:26 PM
First year tapping and first time posting...
Doing a small trial this season to see if this is something that we want to continue to do.
28 trees tapped on Sunday.

02-14-2018, 02:16 PM
I only had 4 taps running while I tapped yesterday. They are definitely frozen still for me...

Nothing much over here yesterday, it should break lose today.

02-14-2018, 08:35 PM
I thought for sure with temperatures in the 50s today i would of had full buckets a few trees run good but most were still froze, was planning on boiling tomorrow but all my sap in storage buckets is froze solid going to be a while before they thaw out

02-14-2018, 08:40 PM
Spring Creek Farm
welcome to the forum and once this season is over you will be thinking of next year and expanding

02-15-2018, 03:24 PM
I too am starting for the first year. A guy from work gave me 8 buckets and spiles and I am going to see how things work out. I made an evaporator out of a 55 gallon drum and some pots from goodwill. Curious where I could maybe buy some plastic spiles and other supplies. I live in Willoughby Hills. Thanks in advance.


02-15-2018, 03:28 PM
Your best bet is Richard's Maple. It's closest to you. About 25 minutes in Chardon. If you're going to stick with buckets I would recommend picking up aluminum 5/16 spiles. They hold up really well. Should be about $1.50 ea

02-15-2018, 03:29 PM
Sap's running up here on Little Mountain. Emptied this tank last night and came out this morning to see 110 gallons off 114 taps on the 3/16" lines. Also brought in about 50 gallons from bags. Sugar is only 1.5% but it's better than sitting around and waiting.


02-15-2018, 04:19 PM
I wish I could be making syrup but am stuck at work, and have had a bunch of mechanical problems. My well pump decided to give out just in time for the season, so I'm pumping water 700 feet from my house. Secondly, I cant get my electric releaser pump to overcome the vacuum so I have to find the air leak. I'm hoping its because I did not use teflon tape this year when I hooked the pump back up. Will disassemble then put back together the plumbing between the releaser and the pump and hopefully that does the trick.

02-15-2018, 04:33 PM
Today on 8 taps, I ended up with 2 gallons. This seems a little low. The only thing that I am not completely confident in is my drill depth. I drilled in 1 inch which I am reading now seems shallow. What do you think about the drill depth and total production.

02-15-2018, 05:08 PM
I would give it till sunday before you drill the holes deeper. Getting about a .25g per tap is pretty normal at the beginning when the trees are still frozen. 1" hole is a bit shallow but can be fine if you have smaller trees or if you don't have a thick bark layer. 1.5-2" is normal though. Next time just wrap some duct tape or electrical tape (or a spare piece of 5/16 sap tubing) around your drill bit to act as a depth stop.

02-16-2018, 03:12 PM
Thanks for all of the help guys. Ended up going to Richard's, and couldn't leave without buying some plastic spiles and tubing. Should have 8 more taps for this weekends warm up. Sunday is looking "good" with my limited knowledge. Definitely addicting....

02-16-2018, 07:50 PM
Made some nice syrup tonight, sap was 1.0 on my stand of reds, 1.7 on the sugars.

02-16-2018, 10:55 PM
Boiled off 100 gal today after work in about 2 1/2 hours..I played hooky this afternoon, and still have another 150 out there.

02-17-2018, 08:16 AM
John, what was your sugar content?

02-17-2018, 08:20 AM
Finished off 8gal from first run, first time in over 40 years of sugaring the first day of boiling was over 50deg. Sap is at 2% all hard maple. Syrup medium Amber. With the temps headed into the 60s looks like a short season and no light syrup. Guess we need a new Holiday we will call it Tapping Eve Dec.25th hang the stockings and go tap the trees. Only way I know to get any cold weather anymore.

02-17-2018, 02:42 PM
Made 7 gallons of nice syrup last night. Dark Amber but that's the norm for me. Sap came in at 1.6% mix of reds and sugar maples. Hung 200 buckets today hoping this season can hold on and make it thru the forecasted warmer temps.

02-17-2018, 09:58 PM
John, what was your sugar content?

Chris, I was on the high side of 1.5% with a mix of reds and sugars.

02-19-2018, 06:00 PM
I'm getting 1.5% to just under 3%, depending on the tree. I've just got about 10 buckets setup in the back property, so very small scale. Collected a lot of sap yesterday and even more today.

02-19-2018, 06:28 PM
Well, got my best sap amount ever ( nice and clear and no off taste)my Woods is another story, haven't checked rain gauge from today but what a muddy mess, no way can I take Kabota to collect anymore ( all on foot and buckets today)48 gallons- 60 taps( less than 24 hours run)
Now to the evaporator early in am

02-20-2018, 06:27 AM
Collected and boiled off 160 gal last night and it was still running. Sugar still 1.5% Made 3 gallons med amber, waiting on a new bottler to show up so I can get it put away.
Looks like another 200+ gallons out there this morning... The 3/16 tube is amazing but I'm concerned that what's out there will spoil in today's temps. Plan is to boil it off tonight if it's still good. I sure hope this isn't 2012 all over gain!

02-20-2018, 02:44 PM
Hey all!

I am a newbie to this whole maple party! I started a 2 years ago with ten taps (all on milk jugs) I then went to 15 last year on buckets. This year I doubled it and went to 30 buckets. All in my backyard outside of Ravenna Ohio! The majority are on silver maples. I do my evaporating on a homemade unit built out of a 55 gallon drum I made this past fall. I appreciate all the post as I have been reading since I began but this is my first post!

My question is that with 70 degrees today and 60 tomorrow how can you tell when the sap is done at the tree? I have been watching for the buds and there are some but they haven't opened yet. I don't want to accidentally boil off bad sap! Any advice on how I can tell? Can you actually taste the sap and taste that it is bad? I do look for the cloudy or yellow sap but so far it has been very clear.

Again thanks for all your post I appreciate your knowledge and your willingness to share!

1st year 10 taps - 1/2 gallon of Syrup (I was hooked)
2nd year 15 taps - 1 gallon of syrup
3rd year 30 taps - 2 gallons and counting!

02-20-2018, 03:03 PM
I was at Home Depot 6am i got a propane tank exchange for preheating on my grill I have 2 full size steam pans 6" depth on a barrel . I am sitting in my shed now waiting for the rain to stop I have no enclosure to cook under and every time it rains cover up my wood pile and cover the pans with 2 extra pans and that I got I cooked 35 gallon yesterday and with what I have hoping to finish by midnight I put zip lock bags with ice in my buckets rain stopped back to work something new I am doing is using a hair dryer to speed things up it works wonders

02-21-2018, 01:13 AM
Midnight has come and gone and still boiling i should be able to finish what i have in storage by 5am that will be 100 gallon

02-21-2018, 07:25 AM
Are the rest of you seeing the flood of sap that I'm getting over here? Checking last nite we are 3x what was collected YTD last year. High 60's here and got another 1 1/2 gal per tap on the 3/16, 1 per tap on bags..

02-21-2018, 11:35 AM
I have also been flooded out the last two days. I had many buckets overflowing on Monday. I am averaging 2.7 gal/tap for the last two days combined. My sugar is still staying at 1.9%. We will see tonight if it kept going.

02-21-2018, 07:57 PM
Unbelievable amount of sap this run. Just finished things up tonight. My reds were 1.2 and the sugars were 1.9.

02-21-2018, 09:06 PM
Yep, ran so heavy I could barely keep up with it past few days, with how wet our back woods is it's been all on foot carrying 4-4 gallon buckets at one time through two really bad spots( managed not falling face first a couple times were close )they finally slowed up tonight less than half per tap than previous 2 days.
Been some long days, but I enjoy it or I wouldn't do it!
My second year on my 55 barrel evaporator with 1- 20" x 4' flat pan and man dose it need some TLC after this year's work I've put it through...
Damper broken
Flue connection to barrel broke today while on full boil( that made for some tense hot work)
Many other small problems
Might build a oil tank evaporator to replace it completely, not sure yet tho...
Made 7 gallons so far after tapping on 1/20/18
Which is 5 more than 1st year, might pull taps this weekend as this will be 5 weeks of 430 am start time and 830 getting in house quit time...
Evaporated 58 gallon collection from yesterday today( all wood hand split)
Wish my work days would go by so fast, LoL!

02-22-2018, 09:22 AM
Really big run, made 30gal of medium to dark syrup. Run started at 2.2 and ended at 1.75. Finished up late yesterday. Filters look like the end of the season, really dark and slow to filter already. Hope now for cold and lighter syrup. Hope we can stay on the cold side of these fronts coming or it wil be over quick with all the rain coming.

02-22-2018, 10:38 AM
Is it me or is there more sugar sand than normal? Stuff is piling up in the corners of the pan!

02-23-2018, 06:52 AM
I agree john, I cleaned my front pan last night and I also had tons of sugar sand in the corners. Made close to 50 gal already on 550 taps hope we get some colder temps soon or it may be very close to the end...

02-24-2018, 07:46 AM
I have only made about 8-10% of my normal production. Have about 1200 gallons going through the ro right now. If we dont get some freezing nights soon (Sun and Mon could get close) I'm afraid, like Matt said, that we could be in for a real short season. My sugar sand has not been any worse than normal. My last run produced end of season-like extra dark syrup (which is my favorite, but I cant believe I am making it in Feb.). Sugar content has been real low, also (1-1.2%)

02-25-2018, 10:33 AM
MA and DA so far. The finished product is much cloudier than years past though, which my be from the niter...

02-25-2018, 10:42 AM
Boiled off another 160 gal yesterday with the kids...1 1/2 gal of med. No lighter syrup at all so far and still lots of sand in the pans. Put in some more bags yesterday trees were running a bit. Looks like they're starting a slow drip this morning.
Sure was a lot of boiling last week Friday- Sunday - Monday - Tuesday. Each one was a full 160 gallons in the head tank. Sure am boiling hard for not much syrup! Wood's about 1/2 gone and it's only Feb 25.

02-25-2018, 08:14 PM
Made some really nice syrup today, here's two different grades
Don't have a grading kit yet( maybe next year)
Along with a bigger evaporator, bigger sugar house, concrete floor, and probably try out using tubing in my back woods that is barely walkable never mind any machine to collect sap...
I'm pretty sure I'm done for year...
Tapped 1/20/18 and sap is slowing down and just today am noticing buds open on yard trees
What a learning experience this year's been( tripled my syrup from last year and with filter press am finally proud of glass( no niter!!!)

02-26-2018, 07:03 PM
Not much running here today. Made enough to finish a batch , dark syrup but still good. Sap at 2% . Up to 50gal . We will be lucky to make it to March.

02-26-2018, 09:53 PM
Sure looks like a nice stretch coming: Friday..36/26, Saturday..35/22, Sunday..38/30. A warm-up Monday and then Tuesday with 47/26, Wednesday at 34/21.

After 5 boils in 8 days I'll take it. Everything got rinsed and cleaned out Sunday and am standing by for round two. This is going to be fun............

02-26-2018, 10:06 PM
Finished cleaning pans today and ready for next round. The 3/16 lines I put up have been quite impressive, nearly doubling what I’d normally gather. So far have made LA and the rest DA. Hope this mild spell doesnt hurt us too much. At least its not 70 or 80 degrees like last year that pretty much ended my season.

02-26-2018, 10:29 PM
At least its not 70 or 80 degrees like last year that pretty much ended my season.

Amen to that. This is textbook, Ill take 3-4 days in the forties, it's a good temp to work in!

02-27-2018, 08:33 AM
I don't know if my bucket's piles will be okay or not they appeared to have some mold spores that I just wiped out with a clean rag when I last checked them a couple days ago what is everyone's experience with this I tapped my tree 1/20/18...

03-02-2018, 02:40 PM
I am only at about 61 gallons so far (usually make 300 +/-) Nice little run going on this afternoon with the sun shining even though its only around 32 here in Ashtabula County. I lost at least one two tap red maple in the wind last night, and several branches down but no major damage just a blue lateral that detached from a saddle. Looks like a nice week for sap ahead.

03-02-2018, 04:06 PM
You were right. Sap is running across the line too. A fooler from a temp standpoint. Now should I gather that 100 gallons or let it set? Found one container with brown sap. and dumped that one. We have 2 feet of snow balls piled up along the road. Would be good for me to just make sure all systems are working and ready for a good run in next few days too. Ok Im going to gather it up. Later!

03-02-2018, 04:26 PM
Yeah Chris it feels like its in the low 20s with the wind but that sun and last night's temps really woke them up.

karl evans
03-02-2018, 06:00 PM
Mine ran great from 2 till 6:30. I figure the deep snow on a warm ground was perfect for the trees. Hard freeze coming Tonite.

03-02-2018, 06:34 PM
I lied! When I got out there it was a really cold wind and I decided not to gather. Sap will be either still good or solid tomorrow!:)
I was a little surprised that it ran today. But after years of doing this I have seen that happen before too.
27 deg F right now.

03-02-2018, 09:54 PM
It looks like ours started up for a bit today. Will check in the morning, but like Chris said, it'll probably be frozen solid. Looks like lots of sun for the weekend, that should help.

03-03-2018, 09:08 PM
Not much today at all. Too cold and the 3/16 tube was still frozen in spots until about 5, then it began to run a bit. Bags were dripping slowly all day but not enough to go after. With 26° expected tonight; I doubt I'll see any sap tomorrow either. Darn I was all set to go at it today - and we had all the kids (with 7 grand kids in tow) set to come out for a good boil.
Rather than waste the day, I went out and dropped a standing-dead locust...that stuff is rocket fuel. Saving it for my contest syrup :)

03-04-2018, 03:01 PM
How is everyone else sap flow mine has been very slow past couple days although I am within couple blocks of lake erie so colder here. Some trees giving nothing but all trees were doing great before warm up when I heard it was turning cold again I ran the drill back in each tap thinking maybe they may have dried up with the warm spell now wondering if that was wrong

03-04-2018, 03:13 PM
Having somewhat of a run today. Still too cold for the floodgates to open, but managed to pull in about 800 gallons the last 3 days. Plan to boil tonight. I am thankful for this cold reset.

karl evans
03-04-2018, 06:33 PM
Having somewhat of a run today. Still too cold for the floodgates to open, but managed to pull in about 800 gallons the last 3 days. Plan to boil tonight. I am thankful for this cold reset.I'll second that. It looks to be a little on the cold side of things this week for big runs, but considering how much heat we've endured,I want to be on the cold side. I have been pleasantly surprised how well it has run in the late afternoon the last 3 days. I am just nearing a half of a crop(goal) so hope there's alot to go.

03-05-2018, 06:01 AM
Maybe today it will break loose.

03-06-2018, 08:08 AM
A little warmer yesterday and collected more than previous days out of 30 taps I collected 23 gallon all my trees are big, mature and get plenty sun each tree has a 5 gallon bucket on tubing another week and looks like really warm temps

03-06-2018, 04:26 PM
Just talked with a buddy over in Perry OH. He collected 240 gallons today off of 220 buckets. All clear and 2-2.5%. Heading home now to hop in the gator and start gathering.
By the looks of it, this could be a good run.....

03-07-2018, 04:35 AM
We got 80 gal off 70-75 taps (75 taps out but a handful are barely producing anymore) ours also was 2+% so yes a good run! Monday's run was 55gal so was a bit surprised to see how full the buckets were

03-07-2018, 05:38 AM
I got less than a gallon per tap in the last 24 hours on 24" of vac. I think my trees were still a little too cold for a great run.

03-07-2018, 06:46 AM
Big run yesterday. ~1400 gallons on 450 taps. It will be a nice long boil today.

03-07-2018, 08:33 PM
Same here heus I thought with nighttime temps close to 40 and rain my buckets would be full but only got 8 gal just wait till next week is over looks like temps hitting 50s

03-07-2018, 09:35 PM
Yes I think next week will be great.

03-08-2018, 05:13 PM
Brought in 165 gal and boiled it off Tuesday, another 135 yesterday. Not much but it was crystal clear and 1.6% which is pretty good for over here.
FWIW... as of Sunday, we are now at over 200 taps. Could set more, but don't have room for storage or time to boil it all off. 65 this May and should start thinking about retirement.......

03-09-2018, 06:49 AM
gathered 760 gal. wed from 360 taps sugar is at 2.25 making dark amber to almost "B" sugar sand unreal. looks like 10 more days of season

03-11-2018, 11:02 AM
Boiled off 135 gallons yesterday, from Wednesday's run, for 2 1/4 gallons of dark. Bottled that up with 1 1/4 gallons made from Tuesday's boil. Talk about low sugar though...Tuesday was 165 gallons for 1 1/2 gal syrup which is 110-1!!
Yesterday was better at 135 gal for 2 1/4 gal syrup, which is 60-1. Still not stellar by any stretch. Passed last years gallons made so it's all gravy from here on in.

03-11-2018, 01:52 PM
John you must have a warm woods. I haven't been able to get enough sap to boil since last Wednesday. I am only at 81 gallons made which is still less than 1/3 of my normal crop.

03-11-2018, 03:22 PM
Extractor has been froze up for last two days, finally got it thawed today to catch a bit of a run, should be enough to boil tomorrow ~400 gal. The downtime allowed me to filter and bottle some syrup I made last week. We just hit 100 gal of syrup made/bottled. I guess I'm benefiting from virgin woods and being a little more to the south of most. Sap has never topped 1.5%, with most runs being 1%.

03-11-2018, 07:27 PM
Much to my surprise alot of my 5 gallon buckets were full this afternoon and was dripping out of tubing as I emptied buckets will check in the morning see how much extra I have it was just a little over 30 degrees which surprised me was running so well

03-11-2018, 08:00 PM
John you must have a warm woods. I haven't been able to get enough sap to boil since last Wednesday. I am only at 81 gallons made which is still less than 1/3 of my normal crop.
Hues, Don't feel bad...what I boiled off yesterday was collected Wednesday, so I think we're on the same page. Nothing of note since then. Sure wish it wasn't so dark that's for sure. Clean things as I may; I can't make light to save my soul.

03-12-2018, 04:01 PM
Same here, just a little sap each day. Syrup is real dark. I am going to boil this weekend and then shut it down, made enough dark for 3 years of orders. Save the wood for better quality next year. Up to 60gal.Worst in 40 years. In 2000 only made 65 with more taps but some then we're on buckets.

03-12-2018, 08:52 PM
John you must have a warm woods. I haven't been able to get enough sap to boil since last Wednesday. I am only at 81 gallons made which is still less than 1/3 of my normal crop.

Across the line we are at the same gallon count (81). Got above freezing but not for long and I didnt even go check the containers. By 5:00 it was snowing again. Might get a run this weekend? But mainly we will do the Taste and Tour and entertain guests both days. If it does run we may collect in the evenings?

03-15-2018, 03:18 PM
Obviously, after reading this thread I am waaaay late to the party. But, I just acquired my property and this is my first go at this! Ordered the taps last week, and tapped 10 sugar maples on my property (3 acres) on March 13th. Hoping to ride the next 2 weeks out! Built my first sugar shack (concrete block arch) and I'm hoping this weekend (Sat. - Tues., 3/17 - 3/20) will give me enough for a few boils!

March 13th gave me about 2" of sap in my 5 gallon buckets.
March 15th has given me about 5" of sap in my 5 gallon buckets.

None of my sugar maples are showing any signs of budding. Looks like the 14 day forecast shows 10 days with below freezing nights and above 40 degree days.

I'm in Northwest Summit County.

03-15-2018, 05:30 PM
Welcome Bucks! Enjoy the addiction.
ya next week from Sunday on will be good... according to the current forecast. youll produce some nice dark amber for sure.
Sugars wont bud for another couple week at least. This subtle freeze has extended the season, since usually im pulling taps the 3rd week or last week in march...

03-15-2018, 05:36 PM
Welcome Bucks! Enjoy the addiction.
ya next week from Sunday on will be good... according to the current forecast. youll produce some nice dark amber for sure.
Sugars wont bud for another couple week at least. This subtle freeze has extended the season, since usually im pulling taps the 3rd week or last week in march...

Thanks! I have 3 6" steam pans to boil. Given that I have 10 5 gal buckets, when do I start boiling? When they are all half full?

03-15-2018, 05:48 PM
With 3 steam pans that are ~1.5-2sq ft each im guessing.. you might boil around 3-5gph with a solid fire going. Usually you boil at 1gph per sq ft... but its usually 10-15% less than that due to wood, draft, etc.

when i started forever ago with a 30gal drum cut in half and then put that over an open fire (sigh... the good ol days...), i had 10-15 taps and would usually wait until the weekend since by then i had 8-16 hours of boiling ahead of me. good luck, and drink beer to stay warm!

03-15-2018, 05:52 PM
With 3 steam pans that are ~1.5-2sq ft each im guessing.. you might boil around 3-5gph with a solid fire going. Usually you boil at 1gph per sq ft... but its usually 10-15% less than that due to wood, draft, etc.

when i started forever ago with a 30gal drum cut in half and then put that over an open fire (sigh... the good ol days...), i had 10-15 taps and would usually wait until the weekend since by then i had 8-16 hours of boiling ahead of me. good luck, and drink beer to stay warm!

I only have about 1/3 of each 5 gallon bucket full as of now. Should I boil now or wait until Saturday when the rest of the 5 gallon is filled up?

03-15-2018, 05:56 PM
lets say you got 1.5g per bucket, thats 15 gallons right now. if it were me, i would boil that now to reduce it to practice before you get swamped. if its truly 15 gallons on sugar maples, you have about a quart of finished syrup in there. finish it up! :)

boil it down so that you are about 1" in each pan, no shallower than that... once you get there, finish it on a turkey fryer for finesse/control so you dont scorch your pans boiling too shallow, or bring it inside on the stove.

03-15-2018, 06:04 PM
lets say you got 1.5g per bucket, thats 15 gallons right now. if it were me, i would boil that now to reduce it to practice before you get swamped. if its truly 15 gallons on sugar maples, you have about a quart of finished syrup in there. finish it up! :)

boil it down so that you are about 1" in each pan, no shallower than that... once you get there, finish it on a turkey fryer for finesse/control so you dont scorch your pans boiling too shallow, or bring it inside on the stove.

It isn't going to get above 32 until Saturday morning. I think I will do it then :)

Also, I've seen videos where people were scooping from pan 1 into pan 2, pan 2 into pan 3. Should I just forget about that?

03-15-2018, 06:09 PM
You definitely should do that. Use one pan for fresh sap and then the next two for sweet. Youll figure it out...But I would recommend finishing the final product on something where you can control the heat a little bit better.

03-15-2018, 06:14 PM
You definitely should do that. Use one pan for fresh sap and then the next two for sweet. Youll figure it out...But I would recommend finishing the final product on something where you can control the heat a little bit better.

Ok. I will do the warming pan on one. Once that pan is done, do you just pull the pan? The pans keep the smoke out (and direct it to the chimney) I thought.

03-15-2018, 06:18 PM
Essentially you will have liquid in all the pans all the time. May as well not waste the heat.

I highly recommend you look at the homemade maple equipment section. There will be a ton of help with videos and pictures. loads of information from people doing the exact same thing you're doing.

03-17-2018, 09:02 PM
Just finished 15 gallons of sap today from 5 taps over the last week. Made 6 cups!

First time doing this...my boiling point was 210.1, so I finished at 217.6. Digital thermometer jumps around a bit (+- 1.5) so I stopped the boil when it settled around 217.6.

I didn't see the froth that comes up in many of the YouTube videos, did I stop the boil too soon?

Also, it is very cloudy. Can't even see through the glass maple syrup bottles it's that opaque. Is this OK?

03-18-2018, 08:09 AM
Not much sap over here this past week, but this morning looks like it started up. For a season that started with a bang, it's been cold and no sap for the past 6 days.

03-18-2018, 03:00 PM
Awesome run happening here today, sugar is up a little and all this week looks really good

03-18-2018, 09:05 PM
Just finished boiling off 90 gallons collected early this afternoon from yesterday's lite run Trees were just starting back up, some were running like there's no tomorrow. Even the 3/16 woke up and started pouring in. I definitely need to bring more wood in!

03-19-2018, 11:04 AM
Welcome Bucks... Did you filter? If you let it sit a few days you will see the "sand" drift to the bottom. You have to filter it out to keep it clear! I use a gravity fed cone filter. Cheap and easy to use but it takes forever! You can also use coffee filters but make sure it is hot when you filter. I have also in the past just let it sit and then carefully pour it out until you reach the sand. Good luck and welcome to the addiction.

03-21-2018, 03:26 PM
Welcome Bucks... Did you filter? If you let it sit a few days you will see the "sand" drift to the bottom. You have to filter it out to keep it clear! I use a gravity fed cone filter. Cheap and easy to use but it takes forever! You can also use coffee filters but make sure it is hot when you filter. I have also in the past just let it sit and then carefully pour it out until you reach the sand. Good luck and welcome to the addiction.

I did filter. Maybe I didn't use enough filters? I ordered some more. Also, I will try the technique you just mentioned!

03-21-2018, 03:28 PM
Update as of 3/21/2018:

3/16: Collected 15 gallons, boiled and got 6 cups syrup
3/17: Collected 18 gallons, boiled and got 9 cups syrup
3/21: Collected 66 gallons, will boil tomorrow

Looking like I'll end up with at least 3-4 gallons of syrup off of 9 trees (10 taps), and here I thought I was starting late!

03-21-2018, 04:34 PM
Feast or famine...Boiled 90 gallons off Sunday; made Dark Amber. Boiled 135 off on Monday; made a lighter, but still, Dark Amber. Boiled 160 off on Tuesday and made some of the lightest syrup I've made in years. Sugar was down a bit, but man it is light and great tasting. Darn near out of wood now and need to get back into November mode and start cutting and splitting wood again. This is turning out to be a great year after all.

03-21-2018, 05:15 PM
Yeah all of my syrup has been light. Not sure what that means, but the family (and extended family) loves it on their waffles!

I am barely keeping up with the wood chopping. My cousin has a log splitter...I think next year I will be more prepared :)

03-23-2018, 11:33 PM
boiled the sap from Thursday and Friday and made my first golden delicate of the year...about 11 gallons. I'm hoping Saturday and Sundays sap will be the same.

03-27-2018, 07:25 AM
It's just been too cold in the woods up here in Ashtabula County the past three days. Temps hit 50 yesterday I think and still not much sap flow. Lots of snow still in my woods. I expect to see the dam break anytime now, especially with the rain. I'm still not even to half of normal production.

03-27-2018, 09:39 AM
I'm north of Ashland and it seems the sap flow has stopped. Nothing yesterday or today to speak of, although the weather would seem to support a decent run. I concur on the lightest syrup I've ever made (only 3rd year tapping, however).

Anyone else seeing sap running now? We're considering calling it for the season. Is it possible it will pick back up?

03-27-2018, 11:09 AM
The sap will indeed pick back up. It was just too darn cold for several days in a row.

03-27-2018, 05:06 PM
Great three days over here. Boiled Thurs- Friday's sap on Saturday; Saturday's sap on Sunday and Sunday's sap on Monday. Having a hard time staying on top of it. Over 440 gallons collected and boiled off and, as of tonight, it looks like another 200 gallons out there from yesterday and today. Took Friday afternoon off and cut and split wood to replenish the pile, but it's all gone again. This may be one for the record books.

03-27-2018, 05:32 PM
Wow John I must just have a cold woods this year. My cousin across the road has had the same problem. 50 yesterday but walk into the woods and it feels like its in the 20s.

03-27-2018, 07:57 PM
Not flowing here in Grand River I am on gravity 30 taps and past couple days collect maybe 5-10 gallon most of the trees doing nothing I was ready to call it quits but seen heus message about dam breaking loose any day so wait and see what happens

karl evans
03-27-2018, 08:04 PM
Ran decent here last few days. Slowed way down this morning. I just came out of the woods, and my releaser is only dumping every 15 minutes. May be shutting down but we'll wait & see. Syrup flavor still excellent today.

03-27-2018, 08:49 PM
Starting to pick up here in the past hour. Karl it seems like you guys have been 4-5 degrees warmer than us all season.

03-27-2018, 09:28 PM
Wow John I must just have a cold woods this year. My cousin across the road has had the same problem. 50 yesterday but walk into the woods and it feels like its in the 20s.

Hues, Maybe it's the elevation? I'm located pretty close to the top of Little Mountain, southern most part of Lake County, the elevation here is 900' +/-. We're pretty open over here, and get a fair amount of sun - when it shines. Have a good friend in Perry with a colder woods than I, so that's a distinct possibility. My 3/16" tube tank had 100 gallons in it tonight; all since Sunday late afternoon and was running pretty strong at 7:30 pm. 114 taps on that tank, so not too bad. Many of the bags were full when I collected last night, and were at 1/2 to full when I checked this evening, that's another 100-130 gallons. Problem is I only have a 165 gal CDL head tank in the sugar house, so not enough storage until I boil off what's in there now.
I'm a very small operation in comparison to most of you, 400+ gallons sap in three days is tons for me, guessing some of you burn through that in a few hours. This is my 10th year and it keeps getting better.
Pics of bags taken Monday night and under full boil on Sunday. Note...there used to be 4 piles of wood 8' high under roof in front of the sugar house...not anymore. Ugh


03-27-2018, 09:33 PM
John I always admired your sugar house.

03-28-2018, 06:13 AM
haven't had much sap here on the lake in Madison. only about 100 gallons in the last couple days. thought the rain might bring me some sap but I'm still waiting to see it.

03-28-2018, 06:54 AM
Matt, how has this year been for you, so far? I'm approaching my 2013 numbers -record year for me.

03-28-2018, 07:31 AM
More cold woods here in Munson. At about .18g finished per tap... but heck it's a hobby I don't care. And it tastes great this year!

03-28-2018, 11:10 AM
Another down year for me. Currently at .15 gallon of finished syrup per tap, have some sap to boil tonight .

03-28-2018, 12:02 PM
For whatever reason, my trees are definitely running harder, and more often this year. Maybe the snow pack, the woods are sloppy as can be. I also added another 40 or so taps this year, most on the 3/16 tube...which would explain the increase for me. Where 130 gal per day used to be a big haul; this year its been more like 150-200 per day, some even more than that. Could double what I have, but just don't have the time to collect and boil it all - maybe when I quit being stubborn and retirement becomes a reality.

Like they say in the projects...one man's ceiling is another man's floor....compared to most of you; when it comes to tap count, my ceiling is your floor. (smile).
Just wish I'd added another wood pile to go with the new taps.

03-28-2018, 09:10 PM
John whats your finished gallon per tap rate right now? most people not on vacuum seem to be around .15-.25 per tap.

karl evans
03-29-2018, 01:57 AM
Starting to pick up here in the past hour. Karl it seems like you guys have been 4-5 degrees warmer than us all season.could be this year. I know historically,my township ( colebrook) is usually a cold spot in Northeast Ohio. I have been amazed how well & how many times sap had ran good at 33-35 degrees. A real plus here is still not a sign of any off flavor yet in syrup. I should come close to a normal season production wise. Maybe even better IF it keeps running. With holes tapped early January, they could shut down any day now.

03-29-2018, 06:29 AM
I think here on the lake we didn't get the march snow or rain, which led to a dry woods. Been a nice change when we gathered but didn't get the trees what they needed. I don't like that my production totals have trended down the last 3 years with no change in tap count.

03-29-2018, 07:21 AM
John whats your finished gallon per tap rate right now? most people not on vacuum seem to be around .15-.25 per tap.
I'm lower than that, closer to .12. Chalk it up to my low sugar at 1.6 average.

03-31-2018, 07:44 AM
27 degrees all night, high of 52 today and sunny. If it doesn't run today in my woods I would say that its all over for me.

03-31-2018, 07:48 AM
totally agree!

03-31-2018, 08:22 AM
I'm lower than that, closer to .12. Chalk it up to my low sugar at 1.6 average.
John on most days I would be happy with 1.6 sugar. Mine is usually 1-1.4

03-31-2018, 08:28 AM
I've only seen 2% once over here and that was collecting from 1/2 frozen bags. Makes for long boils and lots of wood/gallon. Going out to cut more this morning to boil off what I brought in from this week. 165 gallons in the tank now...
You're right, it should run today.

03-31-2018, 03:19 PM
Boil #14 underway as I type. Full tank at 165 and still have 100+ in the woods. Had to cut wood this morning with our son. This is a fun year.

03-31-2018, 06:19 PM
Worst year ever for me. Shutting it down tomorrow I think. 200 gallons of sap today which is pathetic. I am seriously thinking about moving away from cv spouts. I am almost certain that the majority of them plug up with slime and cease to function well before the runs should end. Thinking about going to the green zap bac spouts next year. If they dont do as promised at least they wont plug up the taphole entirely.

03-31-2018, 07:22 PM
Got about a 1000 gal here today and still coming in this evening, this has been an awesome year for us, great flavor syrup and lots of volume, just wish the sugar content was higher, its making all dark now and probably be over real soon, for how weird the weather was this year turned out to be great!

03-31-2018, 08:10 PM
Just finished up for today. Ended up with 2 1/4 gallons off 155 gal boiled off. Not bad for over here. Looks like Kevin is hitting it out of the park today. I’m having a good year over here and this next week still shows some decent temp swings.
Heus, that’s crummy that you’re not getting sap. Just as soon as I run out of wood; it starts up again over here. Now that’s getting old, but an easy fix.

karl evans
03-31-2018, 08:48 PM
Ran pretty well here today. Didn't get going till afternoon. 22° this morning. Wind got terrible towards dark. Lost alot of vacuum by 9:00. No doubt limbs or trees down over lines. With a decent run tomorrow,that will make a record for total production by Monday. I must be very close to the end now. Sap very cloudy Tonite but flavor still good.

04-01-2018, 06:50 AM
I saw you put your evaporator up on the classifieds. Are you looking at upgrading?

04-01-2018, 07:10 AM
Jeremy actually the opposite. Look at my "2019" thread

04-01-2018, 07:31 AM

Wow, just read your thread. Good for you! Precisely one of the many reasons beer homebrewers like myself dont go commercial...

I have gotten several people started in sugaring over the years, and have always reminded them try and keep things simple for as long as you can.
We all know how fast the maple bug can take over: gigantic raised flues, tiny tubing, check valves on everything, WiFi sap monitoring systems, air over fire, air under fire, 18% RO sap, steamaways, oil flame throwers, water jacketed everything...etc. Hey I'm guilty of several of these!
Before you know it your sugarhouse sounds like an airplane hanger :). To each their own, but I respect what your'e doing.

buckeye gold
04-01-2018, 07:32 AM
I'm glad to see you Northern producers doing well, I hoped that what I saw early down here in the south would be true for you. It was one of the most sporadic season's I have seen, but when I had sap I had a lot and it was a record year for me as well. It was just crazy, I would have huge runs and feel like I was about to drop over and boom it would almost quit for several days then warm up and the dam would burst. If only I had more sugar content It would of been fantastic then. My sugar final average was 1.46

04-02-2018, 07:16 PM
Well my trees have said "no mas." Last week I thought they were not running because of the extra cold weather but instead they simply dried up. This is with cv spouts, too. Finished the season at an embarrassing half of normal production. Time to clean up and get my evaporator, ro, and filter press sold.

karl evans
04-02-2018, 08:17 PM
I am thinking about shutting down tomorrow. Still running decent. Got just about 1 gallon per tap of sap today. Syrup today still good but getting dark & strong. I don't want to make processing grade at current prices. Gonna be at about .40 gallons per tap which is surprising with 75%-80% soft maples & less than favorable weather. Only the 4th time in my 34 years of syrup making I boiled in April. Only 2nd time it tasted good in April.

04-02-2018, 09:49 PM
I'm letting it run this week and then doing my last boil over the weekend. Then time to move onto other seasonal hobbies :)

04-03-2018, 06:18 AM
Officially all done at my place, my taps just quit on me this year and I don't know why, Funny that the tubing, which is on cv spouts, and my buckets did the at the same time. Finish with a record low .16 gallons of syrup per tap, 2/3rds a normal crop for me. Clean up will commence soon and start planning for next season.

04-03-2018, 07:44 AM
Finished boil 15 last night, dark but still good taste. Bags had maybe a 1/2 gal each since Sunday , tube tank was about the same.

04-03-2018, 07:59 AM
Notes from across the state line!
We finished last night. 113.5 gallons of finished syrup. I see the comments on CV spouts. This year I dont think mother nature gave a hoot about CV or not to CV! Some holes/ trees ran when holes and or trees right beside them did not. Some good trees dried up some poor trees ran better than ever! I did not have a good run of sap since the two warm days in Feb. Time to clean and plan for 2019.
Good luck to my neighbors to the West!

04-03-2018, 05:36 PM
I am definitely not ready to stop. Can't explain it but just really enjoy making syrup. If the forecast for this area holds true, I'll be cutting more wood in the next few days.
As of tonight, Wed, Fri, Sunday and Monday look pretty good.


04-03-2018, 05:46 PM
Boil it if ya got it John!
But i believe most of us just have tapholes that are dried up or barely running is all... Ill boil the remaining this weekend and thats it.
I havent had a large run for a couple weeks. still average numbers, just not the runs we normally see.

04-03-2018, 07:00 PM
Decided to pull the plug tonight, it breaks my heart to have it come to an end lol. All in all it was an awesome year, despite the really low sugar content 1.2-1.4 tops we still made just over 200 gallons of great flavor from about 675ish taps. Time to clean it up and start thinking about next year and trying to make life a little easier

04-03-2018, 07:33 PM
Jeremy and Chris thanks for the posts. I was starting to feel like I did something wrong. I swear there were some sugar maples in my woods (that normally run great) that I never witnessed running all season (yes I were drilled into good wood). My sugars, like many others around me did not change colors this fall they just dried up and turned brown. After the initial warm spell in February, many others never ran at all I dont think. I am still going to switch to zap bac taps next year from the check valve spouts.

04-03-2018, 07:40 PM
Decided to pull the plug tonight, it breaks my heart to have it come to an end lol. All in all it was an awesome year, despite the really low sugar content 1.2-1.4 tops we still made just over 200 gallons of great flavor from about 675ish taps. Time to clean it up and start thinking about next year and trying to make life a little easier

Kevin, 200 gal from 675 taps is a healthy amount, that Is an awesome year. As of last night (boil 15) I'm a tad over 26 gallons from 205 taps...I'll take your gal/tap avg any day. Our sugar was right around 1.5-1.7 all season.

04-03-2018, 07:52 PM
Boil it if ya got it John!
But i believe most of us just have tapholes that are dried up or barely running is all... Ill boil the remaining this weekend and thats it.
I havent had a large run for a couple weeks. still average numbers, just not the runs we normally see.

Jeremy...I said I wasn't ready to quit, I just hope the trees feel the same way. I made more syrup this year than any of the past 12, and Yes, I will boil it if I have it.
I feel bad for anyone that didn't have some of the runs we (and lots of others) saw this past month.

karl evans
04-04-2018, 05:56 AM
We are getting terrible winds now. I just thought fitting... we began our season fighting to get the woods cleaned up from the damage when tornado's went through last fall, now if there was any doubts about when to stop producing, this wind damage will make up my mind for me. I sure hope the last 2 years of wind storms is not becoming the norm.

04-07-2018, 09:17 PM
After Monday's boil, not much of anything over here this week. I went around today and checked, and re-hung bags. Some have 1/2-1 gal many are empty. The 3/16 tube tank has 50 gallons in it. My trees are still pretty tight and I'm hoping for some kind of run Sunday.
If not, I will collect what little is out there and do a small boil tomorrow.

04-08-2018, 07:04 AM
Pulling taps and boiling what I have left today. Weirdest season in a long time... My sample bottles go from dark to light, but boy does every grade taste fantastic this season!

04-08-2018, 05:37 PM
Ended up working on syrup contest entry today and cutting wood. There’s a little more sap out there as the 3/16 was running, although slowly this afternoon. Now that I’ve got more wood, thinking tomorrow night will be last fire.

Had a good visit with Kevin H yesterday. He wanted to check out our sugar house and rig. Take note; that young man is going places.

Jeremy, how did your boil go today?

04-08-2018, 06:57 PM
Hey John it went well. Chased what we could with water and finished about two and a half gallons on the turkey fryer. Great year. Lots of unwanted breaks, but all in all a fun year.
One thing's for sure, weather while boiling was great compare to snowy and rainy seasons of the past

04-09-2018, 04:15 PM
Still hanging in there....as of this morning, about 80 gallons in the 3/16 tube tank and maybe another 30 or so in the bags. That's about 2-3 hours worth so I'll boil that off tonight and as long as it keeps coming will boil until it turns the corner on me. Can't spell qwit...

04-11-2018, 04:01 PM
Made 1 1/2 gallons of dark Monday night with great taste, but sure had to work for it. Took over 3½ hours to boil off 95 gallons- the stuff was just sitting there, it made no sense. Maybe because it was a clear night, barometer was fairly high at 29.4. Had great wood, standing-dead locust I had just cut up and split, fired hard but could not get the boil I should have. Only had that once or twice before...we should have been breaking 40-45 gph but that didn't happen. In the end, I think it was the high pressure.
That was boil #16 and put us at 28+ gallons so far this year.. Note I said "so far"