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View Full Version : Oil Tank Arch Pan Upgrade

01-10-2018, 06:31 PM

Hi Everyone! In the previous years I have been boiling on a homemade arch that I made is high school shop class and a pan that has boiled about 7 GPH. I am looking to expand my production this year and I really don't want to sit in the sugar shack until 3AM like I have in the past. The pan is a tray that buffet pans would sit in to warm up so it is not all that thin and does not transfer heat very well. It is directional with three channels but that's about it. I also used a actual buffet pan as a pre-warmer with a toilet ball float to regulate sap depth. I am trying to find a pan to replace the old one that is more efficient and will increase my GPH. A 2' x 4' pan should fit perfectly. I was considering Smokey Lake's hybrid pan because I have heard many good things about them. Does anyone have any suggestions or other recommendations?
I attached a few pictures of my current setup to give you an idea of the arch.

NH Maplemaker
01-11-2018, 02:30 PM
Matt. looks like you have done a really nice job on what you have made so far! But it may be a little late to get a new custom pan made for this season ! in less someone has one already made and ready to ship ! Good luck

01-11-2018, 06:00 PM
Here is mine with a 2x4 Smoky Lake flat pan. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180112/4e6e4c6c37d108fcad5d2c716d0eec26.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180112/934db45ce9a156db12d5ea86b5a4c025.jpg

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01-11-2018, 06:10 PM
NH Maplemaker, Thank you! I know even if I were to find one that was ready to go I would be cutting it close!

Blacksheep7, I like the looks of that setup! Have you calculated your GPH? Also how much of the back evaporator did you leave for the stack? (Distance from the back of the evaporator to the pre-heater)

01-14-2018, 10:00 PM
mhovey, I left about 1’ from the back to the pan. I used the 55 gallon drum kit from Menards to get the door and the stack mount. I placed the mount on it and then left a little extra.

As for the GPH, never fully calculated it. I ran a small cage fan blowing through the area below the door. This year I am adding a fan from a hot water heater. I am guessing I was between 8-10. I built it in about 5-6 hours with my welder and plasma cutter.

Good luck with your build

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01-15-2018, 11:24 AM
I have looked at the pics a few times and think you may get a better boil if you reduce the space in your ramp to force the heat up to the bottom of the pan. Mine is 2 inches decreasing to 1inch. Also a larger exhaust pipe to increase the draft. Here’s a pic of mine in operation