View Full Version : The weather is starting to look good.

01-06-2018, 08:45 AM
Time to get things ready. I may have waited to long, but I値l get it going. Today I知 cleaning up the sugar shack, and start checking on the lines.

01-06-2018, 10:29 AM
Time to get things ready. I may have waited to long, but I値l get it going. Today I知 cleaning up the sugar shack, and start checking on the lines.

I feel you! Been itching for a month now.

You're about 1 1/2 hours west of me, which I would guess the temperatures next week will match mine fairly close. Does next Wednesday/Thursday make you nervous with it possibly being in the 60's?

01-06-2018, 06:38 PM
No, it won稚 be a big deal since it is just for a day or so. Friday it is supposed to be back down to 25. Now if it was to all of a sudden stay that warm for a week I would be upset.

Bruce L
01-07-2018, 05:53 AM
Your warming trend could be sent up here,-20 here this morning,doesn稚 even feel cold now after a couple of days of-32

01-07-2018, 05:56 PM
Are you guys seeing any flow? Im likely going to tap a few tomorrow. I figure it might need a day to thaw. Got up to 37 here today but back down in the 20's tonight. Looks like good weather towards the end of the week as well.

01-08-2018, 06:54 PM
I don’t want to talk about the sap flowing, I’m not ready yet. But, I believe if I was ready, it would be flowing this week.

01-09-2018, 08:18 PM
We put out some taps over the weekend just to test out things. Went and checked this evening. 17 Maples taps on 3/16th line produced around 3 gallons. And 13 Black Walnut taps on 3/16th line produced around 4.5 gallons. Both the walnut and maple lines were still flowing strong when we went out. We plan to get everything else tapped over the weekend.

01-16-2018, 06:23 PM
I have 225 taps out as of this evening. Saturday and Sunday I had about 175 tapped and they were flowing a little Monday. Starting this Thursday it looks like the weather will turn and they should do good. Hopefully we will be cooking Friday. I’ve got the sap hauler (1963 Dodge M37) ready and the pans cleaned.1708617087

01-16-2018, 07:37 PM
Tapped some this evening in the snow. Was fun!!. Hopefully get the rest out tomorrow and Thursday. Hoping to have 20-30 taps this year. 1 was flowing pretty decent this evening but the rest were frozen. Im excited to get the season going!!

01-21-2018, 08:50 PM
We had our first boil this evening. We had a little over 100 gallons and either had to boil it or probably dump it since it is so warm.


01-22-2018, 01:44 PM
Sounds great. The sap flow is picking up here in E. KY as well.

01-22-2018, 06:56 PM
Wow , Id love to have the problem of what to do with 100 gallons!!

01-26-2018, 06:38 PM
We are cooking again tomorrow, we have another 150 gallons. The sap isn’t coming very fast but we get some every few days. Maybe the weather will settle down in a few days and consistently flow for a little while.