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View Full Version : auto draw solonoid trouble

01-02-2018, 12:00 PM
Bought a used evaporator with a crescendo auto draw. I just realized the solonoid has a standard outlet plug. There is no way that i can hook it up to the autodraw that i can see. Fella said that it worked when he used it. Is there a way he had it jimmy rigged or did i get buffaloed? Was hoping to quit buying stuff for the year but looks like i need to spend another 200.

01-03-2018, 06:43 AM
I wonder if he had a little patch cord made up to go from one style plug to the other??
If the voltage is right, there should be no reason that you cant change the plug on the valve to match your unit..
(or make the patch cord up... which might be handy... If your draw off unit fries.. you could operate you valve with an extension cord, in a pinch)
I suspect Smokey Lake would sell replacement plugs/parts.

01-03-2018, 10:52 AM
Smokey lake was great. Helped me thru it. Thanks. Its an older crescendo and where you plug it in does not at all appear to be where you plug it in.
Certainly didnt dawn on me a standard 120 plug would go in that.