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View Full Version : Max drops on a Shurflo 4048?

12-12-2017, 07:33 AM
Currently have 7 runs of 3/16 tubing with 25 drops on each run, i was hoping to put 4 of those longer runs on a new Shurflo pump with a manifold. I was told once that 100 is about the max on a Shurflo, but does anyone have experience with more that 100 taps on a Shurflo?


12-12-2017, 08:12 AM
We are running @ 200 taps on a Shurflo 4048 and it works fine. We do have around a 5% grade on our lines also which helps.

12-12-2017, 08:46 AM
My Mistake, i purchased a 4008 shurflo, which is a 3GPM not a 4048 which is 4 GPM, not sure how big of differance that would make, however all 7 of my lines would be in a 7-8 % grade with a 25 - 30 foot elevation drop.

12-12-2017, 05:35 PM
I'm gonna try 250 on a 4008 this year, I'm sure it'll be fine but i have another one just in case.

12-12-2017, 05:54 PM
I have 120 taps on a 4008. It handles it fine.

12-24-2017, 09:43 PM
BAP - what size tubing on the 120 taps, any mainline? How much vacuum are you getting? How much slope? How long is the line or are there numerous lines? Curious as I have a 4008 and am debating how to set it up alot like Decker's initial question.


12-29-2017, 11:46 AM
I think it depends on your individual sugar bush. I will have 140 taps on 3/16 coming all the way into a small manifold before my 4048 pump. But I have tremendous drop on each line (150ft drop over 1500 ft) so it makes sense to just bring each line right to the pump.

12-29-2017, 07:42 PM
Not going to help you now but I will have comment in a couple weeks. I am hooking up a shurflo4048 on 350 taps and about 800 foot of 3/4 mainline. Most is very good slope for 3/16ths but about 30% of taps are on a plateau with little drop to mainline. Those taps I hope the shurflo will help

12-30-2017, 06:45 AM
BAP - what size tubing on the 120 taps, any mainline? How much vacuum are you getting? How much slope? How long is the line or are there numerous lines? Curious as I have a 4008 and am debating how to set it up alot like Decker's initial question.

Sorry didn’t get back to you quicker, been busy with the holidays. I have 120 taps that come into the pump in 1/2” mainline coming from 2 directions merging right before the pump. I set this up right before 3/16” came to market so it is 5/16” with 5-10 taps per line. I have a recirculation line to the tank with a throttling valve so I can keep a small flow through the pump at all times. I am usually getting between 17-21” of vacuum as long as I keep sap going through the pump. It takes a while to build up that much vacuum with the small pump. Before adding the recirculation line, vacuum was running 10-12” and I was having troubles with the vacuum locking up the flow through the pump. It would reach a decent vacuum level, but if sap wasn’t running much, it would kind of vapor lock and the pump would stop pulling the sap in. It would still make vacuum, but could not pick up the liquid to pump it. The recirculation line stopped that problem. When I empty my tank, I leave a couple gallons in it so there is enough to keep the line covered.

12-30-2017, 07:38 AM
Thanks for the info BAP, very helpful!

12-30-2017, 07:46 AM
Thanks for the info BAP, very helpful!
You’re welcome

12-30-2017, 08:12 AM
I have decided to put 175 on the 4008, i am going to keep my figures crossed.

02-17-2018, 06:20 PM
For all you guys running recirculation lines, do you guys run the line from the bottom of the collection tank? The reason I ask is cause I'm using a 55 gallon barrel that doesn't have a drain on the bottom. Would I be ok running a piece of 5/16 from the bottom of my tank, up and out to the pump with an inline needle valve?

02-17-2018, 06:34 PM
I use a piece of 5/16” with a rock taped to it for weight dropped into the tank. By the way, the rock is Organic.

02-17-2018, 10:31 PM
I think I'm getting vapor lock in one of my systems. I went out today and all my lines were full to 3/4 full of sap but not much more than a trickle was coming out of my pump. So I basically created a small leak and the last tap of each of the 4 runs that I have going to the manifold. Seemed to help quite a bit but I'm wondering if having a small leak at the last tap will hurt me. Tomorrow should be a really good run and I don't want to get less on my pump than I would on buckets.

02-18-2018, 06:30 AM
Putting a leak into a vacuun system is kind of counter productive. When I find slow flow on one of my lines it usually means a leak somewhere at the bottom of the run. I also had a leak in my manifold where all the 3/16 came together this season. When sap is moving super fast in the lines I know I have a leak above that flow pushing the sap. It takes a lot of work to sort out leaks but it is worth the result

02-18-2018, 08:57 AM
See the thing is I have a system set up on my yard trees with 9 taps that I know have a leaky tap cause I can hear it and that system will pull in twice as much sap compared to my other system at my buddies house with 20 taps on it. Seems like I was getting more on buckets that I am with the shurflow. I just can't figure out the problem. When I did create a small leak at the last tap the sap moved fast, but when everything was tight and leak free it barely moved

02-18-2018, 04:40 PM
See the thing is I have a system set up on my yard trees with 9 taps that I know have a leaky tap cause I can hear it and that system will pull in twice as much sap compared to my other system at my buddies house with 20 taps on it. Seems like I was getting more on buckets that I am with the shurflow. I just can't figure out the problem. When I did create a small leak at the last tap the sap moved fast, but when everything was tight and leak free it barely moved

A couple things I would try. One is to put a vac gauge on somewhere in the system to know if you have a leak or the trees just arent running. Also check all your connections at the pump. I has to take off my strainer and rethread it with tephlon tape to get a tight connection.

02-18-2018, 07:43 PM
Thanks for the help, I think maybe the trees just weren't running as well as I thought they would today, even though it was 40 and sunny. I did put on a recirculation line on one of the systems a few hours ago so we'll see what tomorrow brings. Just waiting for my other 2 needle valves to come in the mail to do the others

02-18-2018, 08:05 PM
I am a first time shurflo guy this year and I will say a vacuum guage has been huge to see what is going on. They have even helped with the needle valves in place with recurc. Sometimes it's hard to know how open to have the needle valve to get the best flow vacuum level. 40 and sunny is pretty good temperature to have some nice runs but I would also consider location of the trees. If the one set is in the woods vs a open tree line that can make a huge difference. The colder woods takes much longer to break loose. I even have trees on the edge of woods produce way different than the trees deeper into the woods on those lowerish temperature days. Don't fully understand your setup but hopefully this can help. I have 90 taps on a 4008 with a four line all 5/16 manifold.

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02-18-2018, 08:34 PM
I have 3 different systems set up at 3 different locations but all are yard trees with 4008 pumps and PVC manifolds. One system has 9 taps split between 2 runs no more than 50 ft. Another system has 20 taps with 4 runs, and the last is 11 taps on 2 runs. All tubing is 5/16. The one with 9 taps has a leaky tap but still gatherd about 75 gallons on my first run, compared to 20 gallons from the second system with 20 taps. I put a recirculation line on that system today so we'll see what happens. The third system I just set up Friday and haven't had a chance to check it yet I'll probably get around to it Tuesday to check it out

02-20-2018, 07:54 AM
I have 3 different systems set up at 3 different locations but all are yard trees with 4008 pumps and PVC manifolds. One system has 9 taps split between 2 runs no more than 50 ft. Another system has 20 taps with 4 runs, and the last is 11 taps on 2 runs. All tubing is 5/16. The one with 9 taps has a leaky tap but still gatherd about 75 gallons on my first run, compared to 20 gallons from the second system with 20 taps. I put a recirculation line on that system today so we'll see what happens. The third system I just set up Friday and haven't had a chance to check it yet I'll probably get around to it Tuesday to check it out
Do you run some type of a recirc line or just connect to a manifold?

02-20-2018, 08:10 PM
Do you run some type of a recirc line or just connect to a manifold?

Usually the recirc lines comes from the sap tank and is plumbed into the manifold.

02-21-2018, 07:58 AM
I put a single Everflo 3 GPM 12V diaphragm pump on 1400' of 3/4" 1-2% slope with 7000' of 3/16' , 15 laterals, 240 5/16 drops and CV spouts.
I did not get the vacuum gauge on it, but it pulled 3245 gallons of sap from 24 Jan until 20 Feb- yesterday. (Trees budded- pulling taps today) I have a valve at the far end of the mainline that we used to pour in sap from some saks out there. When we'd open the valve, you could sure hear it pulling in air. You could also see the sap running back up the lines on days it wasn't flowing heavy naturally. For the money I think it's a great option for a small producer. I never did get a recirc line in it- I had one lateral coming in right at the pump and it always kept it wet.