View Full Version : May Journal
05-02-2007, 06:43 AM
Only 10 more months to get ready!
05-02-2007, 11:58 AM
Bringing in pallets whenever possible.
Took the 10 gallons of off flavored syrup to Wiggers today and traded them for another bunch of plastic. Enough to do another 150 taps. Looks like we will be out of the bucket business next year and have 90% tubing to totes.
(reduced labor during gathering seemed to be the biggest factor). Will hang on to the wheeling buckets for a while.
While I was there a Ford F350 came in with at least 15 -20 barrels of bulk syrup!
Canned 35 lb of nice golden rod/ Aster honey last night. Picked up some honey jars from Asbury Woods today.
Now in to the marketing of product!
And mowing lawn. Last week purchased two new 22 inch cut (push) mowers to pull offset to the Bolens for total cut of about 80 inches per pass. Really cuts down on the mowing time. Leaving more time for the wood cutting and the family activities.
Enjoy the Spring!
05-02-2007, 10:34 PM
Glad to hear the honey is coming in for you.There was a big article up in the paper on the bee problems. People are losing 85-90% of there hives.Still no reason why yet. Said it could take a big hit for the honey industry in Vermont.If you are interested the article was in the BURLINGTON FREE PRESS they have a webb site I belive its they must have the article on file.
Good luck
05-03-2007, 05:59 AM
Wasnt there a big die off with the bees a few years ago? Or is this a continuation of what I was hearing a while back?
220 maple
05-08-2007, 02:41 PM
Sold 73 gallons of DA and B for 1.85lb, Still have some more taps to pull and tubing to bring in for cleaning, Making repairs and line adjustments for next season. Just a reminder to all there is only two seasons. Maple Season and getting ready for Maple Season.
Mark 220 Maple
05-09-2007, 05:31 AM
Finished up the bucket washer yesterday. If the weather cooperates, Saturday will be the big bucket washing day. Today would be perfect, but the help's all in school!
Finished scrubbing the evaporator yesterday. I had simmered 35 gallons of vinegar in it a while ago, and let 'er soak. The crud just wiped off, except in a few places. Elbow grease took care of those spots. Looking good again.
Fred Henderson
05-09-2007, 06:09 AM
They (evap) sure look nice all bright an shiney. Now all you got to do is get the wood pile up and have some sap. I will stop by sometime and look at your washer. I would bet that it is a jim dandy. I can not drive for a while do to foot surgery. Doc said no work for 7 days and that I could drive but I just don't fell comfortable doing it.
05-09-2007, 08:08 PM
Speaking of shiny, I just picked up a Small Bros. 2x6 raised flue set of pans for a really good deal. I have a 2x8 arch and am thinking about adding another 2x2 syrup pan up front. Any body ever seen two reverse flow syrup pans connected? I'm wondering if it will reduce the efficiency of the flue pan much by pushing it back.
05-10-2007, 05:46 AM
Fred - Sorry to hear about your surgery, but glad to hear it'll be straightened out soon.
The bucket washer is almost like yours, but I made it out of a black barrell and stainless angle. Instead of hoops supporting the barrel, I bolted it to the frame every 4" with stainless bolts, nuts and washers.
The first 1/3 hp motor I put on shot sparks and flames after 20 minutes of test running. THe second one seems to be fine!
Doug - you could do it that way, but I don't think it would be much better than a plain 2x6. Last year I used a borrowed 2x9, which was a 2x6 with an extra 3' pan (shallow flue) added in the middle. It did boil faster than a 2x6, but I had to have a forced draft and REALLY push it hard to get the normal flue pan to boil good. I really thought I could have done just as well with a normal 2x6 with hood & preheater, and much less wood & work.
05-10-2007, 06:15 AM
Ibby, thanks for the feedeback, I thought that might be the case, saves me a few buck too! Bucket washing " It's not just a job, it's an adventure!"
Freb, hope everything goes OK with the foot. If the Doc gives you rehab, DO IT. It helped me greatly when I broke my femur.
Fred Henderson
05-10-2007, 07:20 AM
He said no therphy but things can change . I had a horn left from a prior toe nail removeal that was becoming very painful. It is now gone and I just got to heal up now. I was outside walking yesterday and in the garden helping the woman plant.
maple flats
05-10-2007, 11:05 AM
Fred, "THE WOMAN", you are really a romanticist aren't you. I hope you heal as soon as expected.
05-11-2007, 05:28 AM
I think you could cut down that 2x8 arch pretty easily, and that would be your best option. If you decide to trade it in later for a new (bigger?) rig, I think it'll be worth more as a "standard" size.
Other options might include just blocking off the extra space behind the flue pan with a sheet of insulated steel. I've seen an arch done like that. It worked fine.
You could also fabricate some sort of "pre-boiler" in that space to get the sap partially boiled before it hits the flue pan.
My woman was planting yesterday, too. I helped by offering useful suggestions and constructive critisism. I left before I got planted, too!
Washing buckets ain't ever fun, when you got this many. Still, the new machine seems to make it a bit easier. The Amish family is coming over to help, so it'll be more fun with many hands.
Fred Henderson
05-11-2007, 09:37 AM
Ibby, The was an article in Adrondack Life magazine about a guy that was hanging 50,000 buckets up in the mountains. He used 4- 4x12 evaporators and brought everything in by railroad. I bet if you had been around then he could have hired you to wash buckets.
05-11-2007, 12:16 PM
Hey Fred. Didn't that gentleman lose it all and die a shortly after? I think his problem was he didn't wash his own buckets!
Another option I thought of was adding a Leader 2x4 with the 2x2 drop flue section and 2x2 syrup pan. I'll worry about that later, this is the time of year to try and outsmart a few trout! Note the words try and few.
Fred Henderson
05-11-2007, 03:27 PM
Hey Fred. Didn't that gentleman lose it all and die a shortly after? I think his problem was he didn't wash his own buckets!
Another option I thought of was adding a Leader 2x4 with the 2x2 drop flue section and 2x2 syrup pan. I'll worry about that later, this is the time of year to try and outsmart a few trout! Note the words try and few.
Fortantly when the guy was doing it there was still a lot of privately owned land in the Adr. Mts. He probably sold out to the state because thats who owns most of the land there now.
05-12-2007, 06:40 AM
I got a lead on an unused sugarbush not far from the Amish Farm I tapped this year. The owner said he wants to tap it himself "one of these years", but he'd likely lease it to me until he does. He was too busy to show it to me yesterday, so I gotta go back and check it out shortly.
05-13-2007, 04:46 AM
Worked in the Hill woods some yesterday morning thinning,,Black flies were the thickest I have ever seen,,got a few with every breath,,drained the evaporator and scrubbed last night,,vinigar seems to work very well!! do people put baking soda in after to nutealize it like with pan cleaner??
05-13-2007, 06:45 AM
I've never used anything after the vinegar, just hosed it out good.
A nice breeze kept the black flies away from us yesterday. A couple of the boys were cutting fence posts while my wife & I started thinning out a side hill of maples that'll make a fine sugar bush in about 20 years. I'll likely not get to tap it, but the thinnings will fuel the evaporator right nicely.
05-13-2007, 07:39 PM
Did you get that million dollar check I sent you? Just let me know if you did. I want to make sure that does not get lost in the mail.
I'll send you a pm about something else too.
05-13-2007, 08:34 PM
Better make sure you get a written lease on that bush if you decide to tap it. Owner might be just looking for someone to set it all up for him. I would hate to put all that time and money in it without getting at least a 7 or 8 year lease.
05-14-2007, 04:32 AM
Brandon is right,,looks a lot easier than it is once the tubing is all in place!!!
05-14-2007, 06:01 AM
Actually, I was going to try for 10 years, but I'd settle for 5, with a 1 year notice if they decide not to renew.
super sappy
05-14-2007, 06:30 AM
I donated syrup to the local mothers day breakfast at the vol. fire dept. I had a case of 250 ml. glass maple leaves that had been kicking around so I filled them and dropped off an extra gallon of syrup. So I take the whole family to the breakfast and the place is packed,standing room only, A huge line out the door. When I enter the dining room there is one of my fancy glass bottles being passed around. Every bottle with my name on it bright and shiny. Can you guys picture this............. Perfect right>>>>>>>>> Right at the end of the prep table where peoplr are being served is a guy refilling my bottles with family value pancake syrup. And putting them out on the tables.UUUUUGGGGGH!_SUPER SAPPY
Fred Henderson
05-14-2007, 06:32 AM
Ibby , A 10 year lease is the norm around here. Go for it. Then after 10 years if they don't want to renew you can always leave the tubeing there because it more than paid for by then.
05-14-2007, 07:26 AM
SS, that's terrible, I think I would explode on them.
Jim Brown
05-14-2007, 07:53 AM
ibby; We have a 7 year lease with a 7 year option and pay the land owner with syrup ( his choice) We have 100 acres leased.
my two cents!
3% Solution
05-14-2007, 09:33 AM
Hi everyone,
Haven't been here in a while, but things have calmed down a bit so I thought I'd jump in a say "HI".
Got the old barrel arch out of the sugarhouse two weeks ago, wow did we need a new arch.
The new arch is being done by a sheetmetal shop in Claremont and it's almost done, looks good.
Got to check out a Steam-Away the other day, now, that shouldn't be hard to make! Anybody ever try to make one??
Greening up real good around here.
That's all for now!!
Everyone stay safe and healthy!
05-14-2007, 07:19 PM
Supper Sappy
I would write a letter or go and talk to the fire dept. and voice your displeasure. Explain that you work hard to make it and you were being kind to donate it. If they apologize and it won't ever happen again then I'd say thank you and donate again.
BUT if you don't get the satisfaction then tell them you will never donate again and you will never support them again at their functions.
Just think of how many customers you may have lost when they tasted the syrup thinking you are tyring to pull the wool over their eyes. It would have been one thing if they had it in pitchers or something that did not have your name on it.
That is what I'd do.
05-14-2007, 08:01 PM
I think others have tried to make it and made it for about 1/2 the cost, but all the labor and tedious work felt it wasn't worth it.
05-16-2007, 06:25 AM
Not a lot of excitement here lately. Been cutting wood for next year, working on the my house, and went fishing once. Still not done with my tubing, my wife has my truck for a bit so no rinsing. Trees look wonderful this year after a couple years of caterpillars. I'm already looking forward to that 3% sugar sap! I've also been messing with my videos, I may post them on you tube, if I do I'll like royal maple and put a link on here. Then you'll all get to see how handsome I really am.
05-17-2007, 07:31 AM
We're really holding our breath!!!!!!!
220 maple
05-17-2007, 02:34 PM
I've noticed lots of caterpillars in the last couple of weeks. I don't believe they are gyspy moths. However if they are they love oaks over Maples. I have seen them strip Maples too! Did you see alot of egg masses this past winter? I seen very few in are neck of the woods. Several years back we sprayed for them. I'm sure it helped. If your neighbors are going to spray I believe it cheaper if several go together.
Also curious if you have seen any tapholes that have closed yet? I seen several holes that are closed completely and several that are very close to closing. Two seasons ago I had one tree that closed it holes by May the 4th.
I tried to get a picture recently to post for proof but it was out of focus. Maybe next week?
Mark 220 Maple
Dave Y
05-18-2007, 05:19 AM
gyspy moths have red and blue dot on them and the do love the oaks.
05-18-2007, 06:46 AM
Haven't seen any here, but I am about 4 hours south of you.
05-22-2007, 03:05 AM
802maple Have A Great Day!!! Happy Birthday
05-23-2007, 01:58 PM
Well I'm almost done cleaning up for this year, one more bush to cruise and put the spiles on the t's. Blackflies a getting nasty and picked up a couple ticks, man I hate those things!! Got my woodshed almost filled for next year and a nice pile of wood for my insurance in case of a bumper crop. Some of the maples that I tap are growing new leaves/twigs like crazy. Some of them you can't see most of the trunk. Maples I don't tap don't seem to be doing it. Not sure what's up with that, but I figure more leaves more sugar next spring. Bottled 20 gals this week too, I guess I've been busy.
05-24-2007, 08:48 PM
Any one been up close to the new leader MAX pan? Comments?
Still cutting syrup wood for 2008. About 60 gallons worth cut to date. Have been extracting honey from the 14 hives that I have torn down. Fellow bee keeper called Tuesday and had a nice swarm of bees for me. He even delivered them in a bee Vac box and it was a simple install. They seem to be doing fine. So I am back up to three hives thanks to Don! It is early swarming season.
Honey sales have been good the last few week.
Lawn mowing is consuming several nights a week too. But that fresh mowed grass smells good. Several farmers are filling silo with grass and it smells like good hay.
I have made a good honey/maple barbecue sauce and will scale up the recipe to make a gallon or so at a time. Nic, our oldest grandson gave it rave reviews.
05-25-2007, 03:16 AM
Chris, I went to leaders open house and checked out there new flue pan. Not much to tell all it is, is a raised flue and drop flue combined. The evaporatoin gains seemed to be impressive on paper. I didn't dare ask for the price. If i remember right the total flue depth was around 11-12 inches, I might be wrond, the idea makes sense. You would have alot more surface area for the sap to contact. Giving you better evaporation.
New Hope Mapleman
05-25-2007, 05:53 AM
I can tell you the pans are good. I bought a raised flue version this past summer and have used it one year. On a 4x14 with an OLD OLD Piggyback I'm getting 425 gallons evaporation. I am using an Inferno Arch and can say nothing but good about the pans. If you buy one, be prepared to see a very aggressive boil!
Some people have said that you would make darker syrup with these pans, but the two of us in our area that bought these pans, both made Light syrup in the beggining when it seems none of the rest did.
The only bad thing about the Raised flue was it boils so hard it splashes over the sides a bit more. That is one advantage of the Max Flow it gives you a higher side above the flue.
Hope that helps.
Jim Brown
05-25-2007, 06:02 AM
Chris; Brian Ianson has one of the deep flue pans that Leader put in as a test . The flues are 11-12 inches high. Donna said that the boil increase has been terrific. With the steamaway she was getting 150-175 gallons per hour off her 3x10.
05-25-2007, 09:42 PM
One guy I talked to in NE that was field testing one for Leader and I think it was raised only 11" was getting 300 gph from a 3x12 with a steamaway. He figured he was getting 200 from just the evaporator and 100 from the steamaway.
The new design is total flues of 11.5".
05-27-2007, 08:57 AM
Thanks guys on the comments on the MAX pan.
I did contact the Amish guy in Ulysses PA and he did not seam to be very interested in building a Steam Away, no plans and no price.
Just finished a batch of Maple/ Honey Barbecue Sauce, Will try it out on some chicken on the grill tomorrow.
I am about half way through Honey extracting , only 12 boxes to go through, I just do a couple every day or so.
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day.
PA mapler
05-27-2007, 01:35 PM
I just about have the wood shed full, it holds about 9 cords. It ended up being about a third basswood, and the rest a mix of maple and birch. Next season will be the first that I'll be burning "real" maple syrup wood, instead of leftovers from the house and odd stuff I've been given. I cut it 2 feet, which is as long as the splitter can take, and split it alot smaller than the stuff I'd used before. I can't wait to see how it does!
I still have a few cords of basswood left in the woods, but it's big stuff and I have to take the maul up and cut them in half so I can pick them up. It can wait.
I have a electrical question!!!!!! Looking to put a heating element in my wash tank for my RO... Can you wire a 220 element to 110?? Will it heat the water up??? Thanks for any info....
05-28-2007, 10:35 AM
You should be able to... but only get half the heat out of it, so not sure if it's worth the effort, could take hours and hours to heat your water.
Im only talking about 10 gals or less......
05-28-2007, 01:36 PM
A better option might be to get a 110V element... here's one for $10:
Pete, Thanks for the info....Will check it out.....Mike
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