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View Full Version : Hydra releasers?

11-11-2017, 07:00 AM

Anyone making the jump and getting one of these for the upcoming season? I saw it demo'd last spring and I understand that Goodrich's will have 6 of them run in series to handle 50,000 taps. Whaddya think?

11-11-2017, 12:49 PM
We have one that will be used for a portion of our woods this coming season. It is connected to a flow-meter to measure sap flow. If it works well in that application, we will get several more to allow us to better monitor sap yields from different parts of our bush.

01-02-2018, 03:02 PM
Hi wdchuck,
Just saw this.
If you have any questions I am happy to answer them.
I see you are in Cabot, Glen is also a dealer now and may have a couple in stock if you want a closer look.
The basic tech has been in use by us for many years and is solid, Hydra was a new mechanical package for 2017.
Yes people are taking the leap.
Glen's unit is Hydra-XL and the 6 post assembly is rated 420GPM. It will see more than 60k taps.
I will be at Verona, hopefully with a live Hydra demo if anyone wants to come by and have a look.

Thanks for your interest.