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View Full Version : leader 2x6 Patriot oil-fired boiling rate

11-09-2017, 06:40 PM
What is the boiling rate for a Leader 2x6 Patriot with preheater hood oil-fired based upon your experience? What is the # of taps it is able to handle?

11-09-2017, 07:13 PM
With a good r.o. Boilng 8-12 % You could easily do 1000+ just depends how long you want to boil

11-09-2017, 08:58 PM
I can't speak for oil-fired; but I do have a Patriot 2x6 with pre-heater and steam hood.
With good dry wood - lots of locust over here- we can hit 35 gal per hour.
I added the Leader pre-heater a few years back and figure it gave us a good 10% boost.

maple flats
11-10-2017, 06:59 AM
While I can't give you an answer from experience, I've read reports of a few producers who converted from wood to oil. Most report an increase of about 20% in boil rate over the wood they were boiling, thus if John Allin's results with wood on the same pan set as your oil, a good estimate would be 35x1.2=42 (+/- a little), if your pans are set up the same as John's are. Some even gain 25%, some a little under 20%.

11-10-2017, 11:05 AM
Some photos of my rig. First is side where preheater pipes enter and then exit, second is drawoff side with better view of steam hood.
16815 16817

12-12-2017, 08:46 AM
What is the boiling rate for a Leader 2x6 Patriot with preheater hood oil-fired based upon your experience? What is the # of taps it is able to handle?
Were you refering to the the Craigslist ad in Syracuse? What did you end up figuring out?