View Full Version : Rigid vs Semi-Rigid
05-01-2007, 09:06 AM
All of the tubing we've put up in our bush that stays up year round is semi-rigid and warranteed for 15 years. I tried a roll of rigid on the weekend and I liked how it handled. It is about $15 a roll cheaper but only warranteed for 10 years.
Any thoughts on what's the best bang for our money? What do most of you use and why?
05-01-2007, 10:09 AM
It's only a $1.00 a year more. I know it adds up but the semi is really the way to go. I only use it for my drop lines, wish I could afford to use it for everything.
05-01-2007, 11:48 AM
I have used the ridged (30-P) for the entire woods on the Rte.11 set up,,including drop lines,,for some reason the t's leak (only slightly) at the bottom of the drop line on the 3 way fitting,,,funny they dont leak on the other 2 connections??? Anyways,,where I used semi-ridgid,,I have seen no leaks,,,,This is under vacuum........
05-01-2007, 02:31 PM
I noticed with my rigid tubing I had vacuum leaks around my t, and spouts. I think it doesn't have the memory that semi rigid does.So if it was me I'd go all semi-rigid. Then I won't have to worry about leaks.
05-01-2007, 08:50 PM
I use rigid (30P) for all my lateral lines and semi rigid for my drops. I don't have any problems with leaking. I'm just wondering if the leaks are from not using a tubing tool or if the drops have been turned around alot on the tee
If you can aford to use all 4 seasons or other semi rigid do that. I have had some 30p up for around 8 years and it looks as good as it did when I put it up.
If you ever have to take it down I would only recommend semi because rigid is more prone to kinking.
09-12-2007, 09:47 AM
semi is the only way to go for drops. 15 years for the tightness on fittings. 30p for the lats. it washes quick and clean. and will last as long as the four seasons. and stay cleaner longer. i use short pieces of four seasons on the lat lines to give alittle for if a tree falls or moose is in woods. and make repairs much easer. jeff
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