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View Full Version : Surge RV-2 pump rehab?

09-08-2017, 10:36 PM
Complete new guy here.
I've got an old 40's Surge RV-2 vacuum milk pump. It's been in the cedar pole milk shed since it was first installed. A couple of weeks ago a buddy and I set the shed back into plumb and then we decided to rescue the pump from it's shelf. When I brought it down I gave the flywheel a turn by hand and it turned so easily! Hopefully the images come through for you to see.

What I'm looking for is some simple answers to a few questions. Exactly where does the oil go in? I can see the dip stick and also the drain plug, but not sure where to fill it from. (pulled the dipstick and the oil looks great). I have a lead on the correct oil. And yet does the oil get filled in the small hole of the dipstick?

I plan on trying to work over the electric motor and see if I can get it running. I'll renew the wires into the box attempting to not alter things too much. The old motor has oilers cups at both ends of the shaft, what oil and how much?
I'm wondering what else I should do and in what order I should do to either or both get it running, and or restore it. I'm not planning on using it for a milking pump, although I do a bit of vacuum wood veneer work.
Anyone have a line on stickers from the time period or possibly remanufactured ones? In the event of a rebuild I'd like to get the correct stickers back in place. It was green originally so that's not too difficult to manage. Although I have considered keeping it with the age old rust as well!

I saw somewhere that my serial number puts it just after 1940 in age. Maybe someone could get me closer to the year. Serial number is N 63962.

Generally, just some tips or advice would be super. I've read all the postings that I could on the same pump here on the forum. Especially the what to do's and what NOT to do's as well.

Thanks for the help in advance!


09-09-2017, 09:33 AM
In pic. 2 in the middle to the rt of the pulley is the oil fill port. the nipple to the bottom right with a cap on the pipe is the drain. Farmers use to put them in there shop and run them backwards for an air compressor.

09-10-2017, 09:19 AM
Brian- thanks for the reply. Now are you referring to the dipstick being the same as the filler hole?

09-10-2017, 10:11 AM
Yes, that should be your fill port, good luck

09-10-2017, 08:23 PM
Thanks. It seemed obvious really. One question answered. On my way to more I hope!

09-12-2017, 06:38 PM
I'm always amazed at the amount of people that can look at a posting and not say anything. Certainly not to be negative by any means, I just figured at least somebody who's got tons more experience rebuilding anything would have chimed in here on this post of what to do when, and what NOT to do as well. I know theres some super smart folks out here in the Mapletrader.com land so maybe some of you who know someone that has a pump like this could lend a hand. Thanks.

09-12-2017, 07:05 PM
When Breezy Hill chimes in you will know everything about that pump. You can pm him so that next time he's on MT he will get your message if this thread is not at the top of the list

09-12-2017, 09:18 PM
Thanks for the comment. I did originally send him a message about the pump prior to my posting. I just figured I'd hit it at both ends with a post as well. I did find some of his posts on the pump like mine, so that's why I messaged him directly. Glad to know he's the guy! I'll wait patiently.

09-12-2017, 09:49 PM
You can't hurt anything by taking it apart slowly and paying attention to where everything goes. It's a Rotary Vane pump. They are pretty simple machines. Looks like a piston pump. But I'm sure the RV stands for rotary vane. You'll obviously need a new motor. Even if the old one worked the new ones are way more efficient.
When I took apart and cleaned my Alamo pump I took Breezy hills advice and filled the pump with diesel and let it soak for days. Giving it a turn every now and then. It loosened all the grime and cleaned up real nice.

09-13-2017, 05:25 AM
This time of the year, you will find that members aren't on here as often as during the winter and spring. Be patient and people who have knowledge of that pump will be on and share what they know. A lot of times, people read the posts, but don't reply because they don't know the answers to the question. As others have said, Breezy Hill knows a lot about these pumps and will eventually be on. He is a busy man and has had a rough year or two since he and his family were in a very bad auto accident. Be patient and you will get your answer.

09-13-2017, 06:32 AM
There are a couple old threads on here that discuss those old units. A few minutes of searching might also lead to some answers. For example-


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09-13-2017, 08:25 AM
Very kind of you BAP, looking forward to seeing responses. I certainly have had my share of not knowing what to say and have read sooooooo many forum posts over the years from various forums and not replied with anything. These forums are an incredible way to learn, to make connections, and share!

I'll take a look at the link "mudr", appreciate the comment. Edit.... Just looked at the thread, good info. I have read that one and looking at it noticed how much BreezyHill responded. I hope he's doing okay with recovery.

09-13-2017, 12:56 PM
I believe it is a piston pump, not a rotary vein so be careful with it.

09-13-2017, 12:57 PM
I thought i had read that too. With RV standing for Reversible Vacuum, meaning that switch can be flipped and you can use it as an air compressor. Though all those early surge/Babson bros units were piston.

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09-13-2017, 09:17 PM
Thanks mudr and Brian, got it.

09-13-2017, 11:18 PM
Breezy and I usually pm each other throughout the year quite often. Im just noticing i have not heard from him in 4 months. I will send him a message on his business email to see how hes doing. He will def. be able to help you with this. Hes like MR Wizard with the old farm units. Jeff

09-14-2017, 11:11 AM
Now that's fun, Mr Wizard with old farm units! I'm still impressed with all the people involved in tapping their trees for maple syrup! And to think that I have a pump that works for that?!?!?! Living in the west does not provide quite the same opportunities for tapping a tree. Although I do have a neighbor originally from the east coast and he did manage to tap our local Big Leaf Maple and get something to boil down. I tasted it and it was good.
Again, I hope that Breezy is doing okay. Glad you have a closer connection to him and can see how things are going.

10-04-2017, 08:16 AM
Just thought I'd ask if anyone has Breezy's email and can email him directly again. I did get a message from him and he did answer a few questions. I emailed him and maybe his spam filter stopped it from coming through. Hopefully he checks back to this forum and sees his private message and then goes to his email. Any help would be appreciated!

10-04-2017, 08:43 PM
sorry guys. bhffeed@msn.com

Been busy with our new store.

How can I help?