View Full Version : Maple FLoss

08-04-2017, 04:16 PM
Anyone making pure maple syrup candy floss? I know it can be done looking for recommendations for equipment, equipment modifications and techniques

08-04-2017, 05:16 PM
Anyone making pure maple syrup candy floss? I know it can be done looking for recommendations for equipment, equipment modifications and techniques

I was going to paste a link to a good thread, but found there are quite a few that you will find useful. Search for "maple cotton candy" rather than floss. As you'll see, I use the Vortex. It's an entry-level size of the commercial grades. It's fine for the farmers markets I do. If you are doing bigger fairs, you'll probably want a bigger machine. Most folks use a 5:1 ratio (white sugar to maple), but others go with 4:1. I found the 4:1 to be too dense and gummy especially when it's humid - which it is ALL the time in New England.

As you shop around, the bubble is a must have. Even with it, the floss gets on your arms and face.

I started out bagging it for people, but now I much prefer to make it right on the stick for them as they watch. The customers like that too - especially the kids. I'll bag it by request if people are taking it home for someone.

Have fun!

08-04-2017, 08:43 PM
Thanks for info, I will look up the vortex.
I spoke with a quebec guy today. maplefloss.com he claims he doesn't use any white sugar, pure maple.
Wondering how to do that?

08-06-2017, 07:54 AM
I have tried pure maple. Makes a gummy mess.