View Full Version : August journal
07-31-2017, 06:08 AM
Starting the august journal a little early.....whats going on in the sugarworld? I worked this weekend on getting wood in...took a while to get everything set up and in place but i got around 6 cords in and stacked...i think i have enough cut to length and split once (needs to be split smaller still) to fill the woodshed....was blessed with perfect weather for the job...
Excited about the events i have lined up to make maple donuts at comming up this year which include 2 large 3 day music festivals.....have been working on making lots of maple sugar for these events...
Hope everyone is having a great summer
07-31-2017, 06:29 AM
Bottled 22 gallons Friday night to get our stock of quarts and pints back up. Made a bunch of lollipops and sold every one we had to our 2 local convenience store customers. 48 degrees Saturday morning at 5 AM, felt like early fall and like I should be tugging on sap lines. Looking forward to September......miss the woods for sure.
07-31-2017, 11:14 AM
In the midst of setting up a new bush on 3/16ths. Have about 300 taps running into a 3/4 mainline. Longest run of 3/16 will be about 800 feet and all lines average around 20 taps each. Have a 50 feet drop then plateau and then another 20 ft drop to the main. Time will tell
07-31-2017, 06:14 PM
Other than bottling and selling maple I've been enjoying this summer. Biggest fish so far was a 38" 16lb northern pike.
08-01-2017, 06:33 AM
Firewood is pretty much Done, got the Roof Boards and most of the siding on the new Sugarhouse last weekend. Built most of the interior walls, still need to build CouPala and side Gabel ends.I've been selling syrup pretty steady going to run out in October id I will need to buy some again this year.
08-01-2017, 07:34 AM
The weather here has been much cooler with lots of rain. So on those days when I can't make hay (about every day for a week) we have been in the woods. I had a couple of teenagers former students of mine ask me for a little work (a first for me) and they have been doing excellent work. We are working on replacing main lines, which includes adding more lines to shorten the distance to the trees and replacing all the 5/16 and drops and of course adding on taps. So far we have replaced 4 main lines completely and picked up about 150 new taps in the process. I am looking forward to the increased vacuum and tap count.
08-01-2017, 11:55 AM
Not much going on in the maple world here, but we are getting ready for the grand European vacation.
Iceland to Germany to France to Ireland and a few more days back in Iceland before returning home.
It’s not likely we’ll take a trip of this magnitude again, so my wife would like a holiday full of class and charm and elegance.
I’ve other plans.
Rampaging through the streets of Iceland sporting nothing but a loin cloth and horned helmet while screaming "YOLO!" sounds like a good start.
I’ll make the rest up as I go. :lol:
08-01-2017, 11:59 AM
Working on firewood, here then some trips with the family. After that, I'll start working on a couple of lean-tos; one for the garage and one for the sugar house.
08-07-2017, 01:39 PM
I was station in Iceland when I was in the service Tweegs. Before I got there they told me there was a woman behind every tree!!! If you haven't been there before you will understand when you get there. Absolutely beautiful country. Lots of geothermal and waterfalls.
Maple Man 85
08-07-2017, 04:08 PM
moving 3 pump stations to the woods, doing some trenching for power and mainlines this week and putting forms up for so our sap tanks have a concrete pad to sit on. Also have to insulate and put the ceiling in the new sugarhouse but we'll see how much ambition I have left :lol:
08-28-2017, 12:48 PM
As soon as the kids start getting ready to head back to school (next Tuesday for our kids) I start worrying that Winter is Coming! We went hard at the pile of logs on the weekend and turned them into 17 pallets of evaporator wood. The knotty pieces from the F-You pile were cut to 15" and split for stovewood.
One less thing to worry about! Now we move on to a bunch of mainline work in the oldest part of the woods plus other winter prep work.
08-28-2017, 11:45 PM
In the midst of setting up a new bush on 3/16ths. Have about 300 taps running into a 3/4 mainline. Longest run of 3/16 will be about 800 feet and all lines average around 20 taps each. Have a 50 feet drop then plateau and then another 20 ft drop to the main. Time will tellyou are going to be impressed.
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