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View Full Version : Refractometer to test more than one hobby?

07-27-2017, 01:45 AM
In addition to making syrup, I also keep bees. I occasionaly brew up some beer, wine, or mead; just to keep things interesting. To that end, trying to find a refractometer that will work for all three endeavors? I called and talked to the Atago Company and this was their suggestion.


It measures 0 to 85 brix, so could only measure honey moisture down to a hair over 13%. Also a little concerned with testing hot sap? Anyone have any experience with this refractometer, or other ideas that would keep me from buying two, or three, different refractometers?

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maple flats
07-27-2017, 06:05 AM
While I don't make those other products, I prefer a traditional hydrometer for maple. I do have a refractometer too, but rarely use it. I also use and really like Smokey Lake's Murphy Cup. For hydrometers, I have 3 sap hydrometers and 4 syrup hydrometers. If one gets dropped I don't want to need to make an emergency trip to get another.

Zucker Lager
07-27-2017, 11:21 AM
My Son makes wine and beer he researched buying a digital refractometer and bought this one. He's a chemist so I trust his purchase was well though out. This is the one I will purchase also just checking for the best prices $115 so far with free shipping from amazon. Jay


07-27-2017, 11:24 AM
Also a little concerned with testing hot sap?

My experience has been that to get an accurate reading of either syrup or sap using a refractometer the liquid should be at room temperature. For syrup I have been using a Reichert refractometer


which is temperature compensated but I think this means that the refractometer itself can be at different temperatures when measuring but the liquid should be at room temperature.

07-27-2017, 05:02 PM
I've sort of been down this road, tried to have one mechanical refractometer for syrup and honey; didn't work out.

The issue about accuracy with hot syrup is what got me away from using a refractometer for syrup. And frankly, I found it easier to check hot syrup with a hydrometer.

I now never use a refractometer for finishing syrup, only a hydrometer. (At one time, I was curious and wanted to check cooled, finished syrup with a hydrometer so I checked the syrup after cooling with my honey refractometer).

So now I have a honey refractometer, hydrometers for syrup.

Then, when I got a RO, I then went from a sap hydrometer to a sap refractometer because it is so much quicker and easier.
The honey refractometer didn't have the range to do sap, so I ended up with a second refractometer for sap.


07-28-2017, 02:02 AM
That makes sense, thank you for your insight. I have sap and syrup hydrometers, never even thought about a sap refractometer.

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07-28-2017, 05:27 AM
Hydrometer is a fine, time tested instrument that has tremendous history with syrup makers. There are also several refractometers that are fine instruments that do measure syrup, even very warm syrup, accurately. You can spend 100 or 450 for one depending on your preferences. The one Zucker Lager references above works pretty good. I have two of them. For temperature compensated refractometers, the only thing I can suggest is to read, understand, and use the thing according to the written parameters and instructions that come with each one, or are available within a few clicks online. good luck, hope it goes well for you.

07-29-2017, 12:51 AM
Thank you for the great replies, and I now have much more to think about!

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