View Full Version : Cleaning evaporator with fermented sap

07-06-2017, 09:01 PM
I'm trying this for the first time this year, and just wondering, how long should I leave the old sap in?

07-06-2017, 09:49 PM
I'm trying this for the first time this year, and just wondering, how long should I leave the old sap in?

I just sprayed mine out 2 days ago, so that was about 3 months of soak time. From the syrup line down to the bottom, it ended up sparkling clean. Still had some scale on the sides above the syrup line where the foam was that just didn't come off. Flue pan cleaned up very well, no scale at all.

Super Sapper
07-07-2017, 05:43 AM
It should be good now but will not hurt to leave it longer. I did my flue pan this last weekend and it worked pretty good. Pick a nice day when you have time there is no hurry.