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View Full Version : Is this syrup ok to consume?

06-30-2017, 10:53 AM
I made and bottled this in March. It has what appears to be both niter and mold growing at the bottom. See enclosed pictures . . I hope it comes out well. Is it salvageable? Thanks.

06-30-2017, 12:27 PM
I think that's just niter or maybe crystals beginning to form on the bottom. Mold usually grows on top where there is a little air.

If it's niter, pour off carefully into another container leaving the niter behind. Eating it won't harm you. If it's crystals, the syrup is heavy and can be corrected by adding a little water - or you can just use it as is.

I grew up in the Lowell Area and have eaten far worse looking stuff.:o

06-30-2017, 12:40 PM
Slowly pour the syrup off and catch what's on the bottom and rub between fingers. If the substance in the bottom is gritty (even a little gritty) it's niter...if it's mushy and slimy it's mold.

maple flats
06-30-2017, 12:54 PM
It looks whitish, did you filter it using diatomaceous earth? If yes, what did you try to trap the DE in/ You might not have gotten all of the DE. A syrup filter if not wrung (by twisting) will not let the DE pass. If it is a growth, boiling may help, and skim it before and after boiling.