View Full Version : We survived the move

06-18-2017, 07:31 AM
This time we hired movers. Of course the hotest day. 2 trucks and 4 guys. Got the job done. We could barely walk after everything was in. Lots of projects ,so only the basic furniture is in. Huge basement so all the stuff is there. Ron struggling to find room in a small garage for his things. Dont need alot anymore. Will get a garden shed later. There are 3 huge sugar maples here. Fruit trees. We'll put in some apples too. Nice flower beds. All the houses are clean abd neat and its quiet. No sidewalks. Everyone out walking. We really like the house. Big living room,lots of closet space,big bedrooms. Bathroom and kitchen redo. Nice hardwood floors. A friend putting in new furnace,hot water tank and central air. We knew the issues,but got the place at a great price. Our oldest daughter and family a few minutes away. Felt at home right away. A deck to have our coffee,have one of those Sunsetter awnings. Going to need help to open that the first time. Watching the buzzards circling over the Mohawk River below. A family of finches in the lilac bush,bluebirds. Will get a couple of houses. The cats are having a great time. Big patio door in dining room to bird watch. So not our few acres in the country,but we think this was the right thing to do. So will keep you posted. Take care everyone

06-18-2017, 08:12 AM
Congratulations on the new house. It sounds like you were blessed with a little piece of Heaven.


06-18-2017, 08:39 AM
Glad to here your settling back in. Good luck with the house.

maple flats
06-18-2017, 02:45 PM
Congratulations. That sounds like a good fit for you and Ron. If you need help on the sun Setter Awnings, check online. If that fails let me know. We've had 4 (6) over the years, 1 at our old house , then our new house (a duplex) had one on one deck but nothing on the other, so we bought one for there too. Then 2 yrs ago we extended the deck and put up a longer one. Then last year Joan decided we wanted power extend and retract, so we bought 2, one on each side. The power ones are nice, but the crank out/in models work fine too.
As I say, if you need help, let me know by PM, Joan and I will come visit (Hannah graduates HS next week and is going to Geneseo in the Fall)
Over the years we have had 3 types, first a spring loaded roll out/roll in, then crank out/in and now the power out/in.
I think it sounds like where you are now you won't have the horses nor the Highland Cattle!

06-18-2017, 06:03 PM
Congratulations on your new piece of Heaven. Sounds like a very nice place to be.

06-19-2017, 06:10 AM
Thanks everyone. Watched a deer walk across the neighbors yard while we were having coffee. Blue birds here,so ill get some houses up for them. A family of purpke finches in the lilac bush. Turkey buzzrds circling from the Mohawk River. So quiet,just the birds. Our son in law has a landscaping business and he been over 3 times since last week to mow and weedwack. Had a fathers day get together yesterday. Our grandson and his father got the awning up in no time. Now i need more chairs for everyone. My grandaughter coming over this week to help me out now that schools out. Grandson pressure washing house and garage and cleaning gutters.So in just a few days,things look pretty good. Went to Cherry Valley outdoor sportsman show yesterday. Big crowd and lots to do,just too hot. The cats have lots of windows and a big patio door to bird watch. They settled right in,so a good sign. Now we have a friend coming over to put in a new furnace,central air,hot water tank and a gas lune for a kitchen stove. I cant get used to that solid surface thing. Ron is people watching and giving the neighbors nicknames. We gave the moving crew maple syrup and they were thrilled. Glad we bottled so much that last year. Theres a bunny outside. Cows and horses right down the road. Theres a big Amish community here,so buggies all over. A real busy little village. I found a nice church about 3 minutes away. An old revolutionary fort is just down the hill. I went to a reanactment there a few years ago and met George Washington(the actor who plays him is world reknowned)Martga was kind enough to show me her campaign tent and her hats and gowns. So,ill have lots to do. Sugar shacks all over the place. So Dave,if ya want a road trip,give a call and come on by. Think youll want to wait for some cooler weather or until our ac is in. Waiting for the big storm to hit. Stay cool everyone!

maple flats
06-19-2017, 06:37 AM
We'd love to visit, but certainly unless an emergency, cooler is better. Neither Joan nor I do well in the heat. We keep our house at 67 all summer and 62 all winter, except when we fire up the wood burning fireplace, then it gets into the 70's and we need to open a window or 2.
Glad you got the awning figured out. Which type is it, the roll out or the crank out? Our first one was a roll out version, I don't think they offered any other at that time. The hard part was our deck design. 6' out we had a rail and beyond the rail was a wheel chair ramp (at the time we has 2 guys in chairs we took care of) and the awning extended over the ramp too. Then one brace was off the deck and to work that I had to go into a flower bed to start releasing that brace and extend it, then lift it over the ramp railing to put it on the ramp against the opposite railing. Big pain. Our newest one is electric, power out and in, no posts. If the wind gets too strong it automatically retracts fully. All we do to extend or retract it now is push a button on the remote. Easy, but not cheap, took lots of syrup to buy that!