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View Full Version : using barometers

John Burton
04-28-2007, 02:27 AM
I am thinking about getting a barometer for next season. i was wondering where in re;ation to the evaporator in the sugarhouse is the best place to mount it. as I dont want to have the heat throw its reading off

Dave Y
04-28-2007, 06:23 AM
Buy an electronic Barometer/thermometer and you can stick it in your pocket.
Push the button and it gives you instantly the barometeric pressure, Push the button a second time and it gives you the point of boiling water instantly.Real nice item to have. It is much better than one you would mount on the wall.

04-28-2007, 08:09 PM
Mine is mounted on the wall about 4 feet awy from my evaporator and it is not effected by the heat. the humidity reading will climb after I begin boiling but he barometer doesn't seem to be infected.

Jim Brown
04-29-2007, 06:48 AM
Dave Y. Were would a fella get an outfit like that?

04-29-2007, 11:00 AM
My uncle makes them... sells them through the dealers, but may sell direct too:



04-29-2007, 12:36 PM
If you want to go cheap you could do it this way. I bought a couple off ebay for $10 each. They read a little different than each other, but drop and rise at the same rate. Since they measure atmospheric pressure it doesn't matter where they are mounted, and heat or cold doesn't affect them. These are the same quality as the dealers sell, just not printed with the boiling temperature. You just have to boil water, then check the temperature and pressure on the barometer. When the pressure drops or rises, you would have to re-calibrate. You could make your own temperature/pressure chart for your barometer. I would look for those round walnut cased barometers made in Germany or England.